Models Used in Gondor at War:
Terrain Used in Gondor at War:
- Osgiliath/Minas Tirith Board Project:
- Osgiliath/Minas Tirith Terrain, Part I (June 2022)
- Osgiliath/Minas Tirith Terrain, Part II (July 2022)
- Osgiliath/Minas Tirith Terrain, Part III (October 2022)
- Osgiliath/Minas Tirith Terrain, Part IV (November 2022)
- Osgiliath/Minas Tirith Terrain, Part V (January 2023)
- The Men of the West (January 2021)
- The Grey Company (January 2021)
- Army of Gothmog (February 2021)
- Riders of Theoden (February 2021)
- The Return of the King (April 2021)
- The Black Gate Opens (May 2021)
- The Grand Army of the South (June 2021)
- Minas Tirith (October 2022)
- Mordor (October 2022)
- Rohan (November 2022)
- The Corsairs of Umbar (November 2022)
- The Dead of Dunharrow (November 2022)
- The Men of the West LL (November 2022)
- Dave Townsend's Battle Reports (Scenarios):
- Zorpazorp's Gondor at War Play-Through:
- Scenario 1: The Defence of Osgiliath
- Scenario 2: The Retaking of Osgiliath
- Scenario 3: Ambush in Ithilien
- Scenario 4: The Fall of Osgiliath
- Scenario 5: The White Rider
- Scenario 6: Faramir's Charge
- Scenario 9: Atop the Walls
- Pelennor Fields, Part 1
- Pelennor Fields, Part 2
- Green Dragon Podcast:
Models Used in War in Rohan:
Legendary Legion Reviews:
- The Riders of Eomer (February 2021)
- Theodred's Guard (March 2021)
- Ugluk's Scouts (March 2021)
- Helm's Guard (March 2021)
- The Paths of the Druadan (April 2021)
- The Defenders of Helm's Deep (May 2021)
- Assault Upon Helm's Deep (May 2021)
- The Wolves of Isengard (May 2021)
- The Army of Dunland (May 2021)
List Building Around Your War in Rohan Collection:
- Theodred's Guard LL (February 2023)
- The Assault Upon Helm's Deep LL (February 2023)
- The Army of Dunland LL (February 2023)
- The Defenders of Helm's Deep LL (March 2023)
- Fangorn (March 2023)
- The Variags of Khand (March 2023)
- The Riders of Eomer LL (March 2023)
Non-TMAT Resources:
- Dave Townsend Battle Reports (Scenarios):
- Burning of the Westfold
- First Battle of the Fords of Isen
- Second Battle of the Fords of Isen
- Ambush at Night
- Grishnakh's End
- The White Wizard
- Warg Attack
- Plant the Charges
- The Deeping Wall is Breached
- The Causeway
- Ride Out
- Eomer's Return
- The Uruk-hai Retreat
- Zorpazorp:
- Rohan Terrain showcase
- Ugluk's Scouts vs. Theodred's Guard Battle Report
- Wolves of Isengard vs. The Paths of the Druadan Battle Report
- Green Dragon Podcast:
- An Unexpected Podcast:
Models Used in Fall of the Necromancer:
Legendary Legion Reviews:
- The Rise of the Necromancer (August 2022)
- The Vanquishers of the Necromancer (August 2022)
- The Pits of Dol Guldur (September 2022)
List Building Around Your Fall of the Necromancer Collection:
- The Rangers of Mirkwood LL (April 2023)
- The Pits of Dol Guldur LL (April 2023)
- The Dark Denizens of Mirkwood (April 2023)
- The Rise of the Necromancer LL (April 2023)
Non-TMAT Resources:
- The D6 Fix Scenario Playlist
- Sharbie's Pre-FAQ tournament experience with the Vanquishers of the Necromancer LL
- Unexpected Podcast Review
Models Used in Defence of the North:
Legendary Legion Reviews:
- The Army of Dale (August 2022)
- The Defenders of Erebor (August 2022)
- Assault on Lothlorien (September 2022)
- The Fell Beings of Mirkwood (September 2022)
- The Beornings (October 2022)
- The Host of the Dragon Emperor (October 2022)
List Building Around Your Defence of the North Collection:
- The Defenders of Erebor LL (May 2023)
- The Host of the Dragon Emperor LL (May 2023)
- Assault on Lothlorien LL (May 2023)
- The Halls of the Thrandruil (May 2023)
- Azog's Legion (May 2023)
- The Dark Powers of Dol Guldur (June 2023)
Non-TMAT Resources:
- Green Dragon Shorts (with Jeremy Hunthor):
- Lothlorien Scenarios, Part 1 and Part 2
- An Uneasy Alliance Scenario Review
- Beornings Faction/Legendary Legion Review
- Assault on Lothlorien Legendary Legion Review
- An Unexpected Podcast:
Models Used in Rise of Angmar:
- What Models Do You Need? - COMING IN 2025
Legendary Legion Reviews:
- The Battle of Fornost (December 2024)
- The Army of Arnor (December 2024)
- The Army of Carn Dum (December 2024)
- The Wolf Pack of Angmar (December 2024)
- Buhrdur's Horde (December 2024)
- The Host of the Witch-King (January 2025)
List Building Around Your Rise of Angmar Collection:
- COMING IN 2025
Non-TMAT Resources:
- Battle Report: Arathorn's Stand vs. Mordor on Conquest Creations (September 2024)
- Tier List by Into The West (November 2024)
- Against All Odds MESBG (Sharbie's Blog):
- First Impressions
- Fact Checking (sort-of second impressions)
- Battle Report feat. Buhrdur's Horde
- Battle Report feat. Army of Carn Dum
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