- First-Impressions (2018-2019) / Revisiting Army Reviews (2019): Big-picture overviews of each faction--what changed from prior editions, who's received a power-boost (or nerf), and what might army lists look like?
- Armies of Middle-Earth SBG (2019-2024): A profile-by-profile breakdown for each faction, each faction's strengths and weaknesses, and links to other community resources.
- The Bare Necessities (2020-2022): A look at core factions in the game, with an eye towards building balanced 700-point lists that can compete in all 18 scenarios.
- The Stuff of Legends (2021-2024): A look at Legendary Legions and the trades that are made to run those Legions over traditional alliance-making.
- In Defense Of (2022-2024): Taking a fresh look at models that get critiqued in the international community for one reason or another - and finding out what's good about them (and how to build your army to use them well).
- Nemesis (2023-2024): Looking at strategies and models that can counter the nastiest, most dangerous profiles in the game.
- Centaur's Top 10s (2023-2024): Reviewing the best units in different categories and what makes them good in filling that role.
- Workbench Updates (2015-2024): A look at factions, but from a hobbyist's perspective (conversions, paint schemes, terrain, etc.).
Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game: First Impressions (2018-2024)
- The New Rules - Part I (October 2018)
- The New Rules - Part II: Mordor (October 2018)
- New Rules - Part III: Angmar and Moria (November 2018)
- New Rules - Part IV: The Fallen Realms, Part I (Serpent Horde, Far Harad, Corsairs of Umbar) (November 2018)
- New Rules - Part V: The Fallen Realms, Part II (Isengard, Easterlings, Khand, Sharkey's Rogues) (November 2018)
- New Rules - Part VI: The Kingdoms of Men, Part I (Rangers, Numenor, Arnor, Rohan) (December 2018)
- New Rules - Part VII: The Kingdoms of Men, Part II (Minas Tirith, Fiefdoms, Dead of Dunharrow, Wildmen of Druadan) (December 2018)
- New Rules - Part VIII: The Free Peoples, Part I (Rivendell, Lothlorien, Khazad-Dum, Shire) (December 2018)
- New Rules - Part IX: The Free Peoples, Part II (Fellowship, Misty Mountains, Fangorn, Wanderers in the Wild) (January 2019)
- The Armies of the Hobbit, Part I: Orcs! (Azog's Hunters, Azog's Legion, Dark Powers of Dol Guldur) (March 2019)
- The Armies of the Hobbit, Part II: The Other Evil Armies (Dark Denizens of Mirkwood, Goblin-town, Desolator of the North) (March 2019)
- I Saw Three Trolls (and I'm Tired of Fighting Them) (The Trolls, Armies of the Hobbit) (April 2019)
- The Armies of the Hobbit, Part III: Dwarves (Thorin's Company, Army of Thror, Erebor Reclaimed, Iron Hills) (March 2019)
- The Armies of the Hobbit, Part IV: Men (Garrison of Dale, Army of Lake-town, Survivors of Lake-town) (March 2019)
- The Armies of the Hobbit, Part V: The "Other" Armies of Good (Radagast's Alliance, White Council, Thranduil's Halls) (March 2019)
- Dunlendings: Any Good? (May 2019)
- War In The North: Reviewing the Previewed Models for Dale and Erebor (August 2021)
- Fangorn: This Army Will Break Your Local Meta (December 2021)
- Why List Building for the Last Alliance is Hard (August 2022)
- The Problem with Beornings (September 2022)
- Sharkey's Rogues: A Game Master Army (March 2023)
- Wish-listing for Minas Tirith (August 2024)
- Wish-listing for Thorin's Company (September 2024)
- Wish-listing for Mordor (October 2024)
- Wish-listing for the Fellowship (October 2024)
Revisiting Army Reviews (2019-)
- Revisiting the Rangers of the North: Army Review (August 2019)
- Updates: Grey Company - Army Summary (December 2012)
- Army of the Dead Army Review (September 2019)
Armies of Middle Earth SBG (2019-)
- Angmar (Armies of the Lord of the Rings) (October 2020)
- Countering Angmar - Dealing with Terror (July 2023)
- Countering Angmar - Repelling the Shut-Down (July 2023)
- Countering Angmar - Weathering Overwhelming Magic (July 2023)
- Countering Angmar - Avoiding (Avoidable) Mistakes on the Table (March 2024)
- The Army of Thror (Armies of the Hobbit) (June 2023)
- Azog's Hunters (Armies of the Hobbit) (July 2020)
- Azog's Legion (Armies of the Hobbit) (July 2020)
- Barad-Dur (Armies of the Lord of the Rings) (August 2019)
- The Dark Powers of Dol Guldur (Armies of the Hobbit) (September 2022)
- The Easterlings (Armies of the Lord of the Rings) (rev. July 2022)
- Erebor Reclaimed / Iron Hills (Armies of the Hobbit) (June 2019)
- Far Harad (Armies of the Lord of the Rings) (October 2019)
- The Fellowship (Armies of the Lord of the Rings) (July 2019)
- The Fiefdoms (Armies of the Lord of the Rings) (September 2019)
- Goblin-Town (Armies of the Hobbit) (August 2019, Updated May 2023)
- Isengard (Armies of the Lord of the Rings) (January 2020)
- The Kingdom of Khazad-Dum (Armies of the Lord of the Rings) (August 2023)
- The Kingdom of Moria (Armies of the Lord of the Rings) (September 2023)
- Lothlorien (Armies of the Lord of the Rings) (March 2020)
- Moria (Armies of the Lord of the Rings) (October 2019)
- Mordor (Armies of the Lord of the Rings) (August 2019)
- Minas Tirith (Armies of the Lord of the Rings) (August 2019)
- The Rangers (Armies of the Lord of the Rings) (August 2022)
- Rivendell (Armies of the Lord of the Rings) (February 2020)
- Rohan (Armies of the Lord of the Rings) (August 2019)
- The Serpent Horde (Armies of the Lord of the Rings) (September 2019)
- Survivors of Lake-Town (Armies of the Hobbit) (July 2020)
- Thranduil's Halls (Armies of the Hobbit) (July 2020)
- The Variags of Khand (Armies of the Lord of the Rings) (September 2019)
The Bare Necessities (2020-2022)
- Part I: On Cavalry (or Fast-Moving Infantry) (January 2020)
- Part II: Banners (and pseudo-banners and anti-banners) (January 2020)
- Part III: Numbers (and not-being-broken) (January 2020)
- Part IV: Hero Hunting (or shutting down heroes in general) (January 2020)
- Part V: Making Your Heroes Better (and Keeping Them Alive) (February 2020)
- Part VI: Minas Tirith (February 2020)
- Part VII: Isengard (February 2020)
- Part VIII: Rivendell (Feburary 2020)
- Part IX: Mordor (March 2020)
- Part X: Lothlorien (March 2020)
- Part XI: Angmar (March 2020)
- Part XII: Numenor (March 2020)
- Part XIII: Moria (March 2020)
- Part XIV: The Kingdom of Moria (April 2020)
- Part XV: Rohan (April 2020)
- Part XVI: The Fellowship and Thorin's Company (April 2020)
- Part XVII: The Dead of Dunharrow (April 2020)
- Part XVIII: The Halls of Thranduil (May 2020)
- Part XIX: The Dark Powers of Dol Guldur (May 2020)
- Part XX: The Shire (May 2020)
- Part XXI: Azog's Legion (May 2020)
- Part XXII: The Army of Thror (June 2020)
- Part XXIII: The Corsairs of Umbar (June 2020)
- Part XXIV: Barad-Dur (June 2020)
- Part XXV: Arnor (June 2020)
- Part XXVI: The Easterlings (June 2020)
- Part XXVII: The Variags of Khand (July 2020)
- Part XXVIII: The Chief's Ruffians (July 2020)
- Part XXIX: Erebor Reclaimed (July 2020)
- Part XXX: Azog's Hunters (July 2020)
- Part XXXI: Far Harad (August 2020)
- Part XXXII: The Fiefdoms (July 2021)
- Part XXXIII: The Rangers (August 2021)
- Part XXXIV: The Serpent Horde (August 2021)
- Part XXXV: Fangorn (August 2021)
- Part XXXVI: The Iron Hills (August 2021)
- Part XXXVII: Goblin-town (August 2021)
- Part XXXVIII: The Misty Mountains (September 2021)
- Part XXXIX: The Garrison of Dale (September 2021)
- Part XL: The Army of Lake-town (September 2021)
- Part XLI: The Dark Denizens of Mirkwood (September 2021)
- Part XLII: The Survivors of Lake-town (October 2021)
- Part XLIII: Radagast's Alliance (October 2021)
- Part XLIV: The Trolls (October 2021)
- Part XLV: The Wildmen of Druadan (October 2021)
- Part XLVI: The White Council (November 2021)
- Part XLVII: The Beornings (October 2022)
- Is There Such A Thing As A "Bad" Legendary Legion? (January 2021)
- The Men of the West (January 2021)
- The Grey Company (January 2021)
- Army of Gothmog (February 2021)
- Riders of Theoden (February 2021)
- The Return of the King (April 2021)
- The Black Gate Opens (May 2021)
- The Grand Army of the South (June 2021)
- The Defenders of the Shire (January 2021)
- The Chief's Ruffians (February 2021)
- The Riders of Eomer (February 2021)
- Theodred's Guard (March 2021)
- Ugluk's Scouts (March 2021)
- Helm's Guard (March 2021)
- The Paths of the Druadan (April 2021)
- The Defenders of Helm's Deep (May 2021)
- Assault Upon Helm's Deep (May 2021)
- The Wolves of Isengard (May 2021)
- The Army of Dunland (May 2021)
- Lurtz's Scouts (March 2021)
- Cirith Ungol (March 2021)
- The Breaking of the Fellowship (April 2021)
- The Black Riders (April 2021)
- The Depths of Moria (June 2021)
- Rangers of Ithilien (June 2021)
- The Rise of the Necromancer (August 2022)
- The Vanquishers of the Necromancer (August 2022)
- The Pits of Dol Guldur (September 2022)
- The Rangers of Mirkwood (January 2025)
- The Army of Dale (August 2022)
- The Defenders of Erebor (August 2022)
- Assault on Lothlorien (September 2022)
- The Fell Beings of Mirkwood (September 2022)
- The Beornings (October 2022)
- The Host of the Dragon Emperor (October 2022)
- The Battle of Fornost (December 2024)
- The Army of Arnor (December 2024)
- The Army of Carn Dum (December 2024)
- The Wolf Pack of Angmar (December 2024)
- Buhrdur's Horde (December 2024)
- The Host of the Witch-King (January 2025)
In Defense Of: Unloved Character Reviews (2022-2024)
- General Topics:
- Hobbits:
- In Defense Of: Smeagol (January 2022)
- In Defense Of: Merry and Pippin (January 2022)
- Men (Good):
- In Defense Of: Denethor (January 2022)
- In Defense Of: Captains of Rohan (April 2022)
- In Defense Of: Erkenbrand, Captain of Rohan (May 2022)
- In Defense Of: Isildur (May 2022)
- In Defense Of: Sons of Eorl (June 2022)
- In Defense Of: Osgiliath Veterans (July 2022)
- In Defense Of: Gondor Battlecry Trebuchets (July 2023)
- In Defense Of: Citadel Guard (January 2024)
- Elves:
- In Defense Of: Galadriel (January 2022)
- In Defense Of: Gildor Inglorion (February 2022)
- In Defense Of: Noldorin Exiles & Wood Elf Warriors (February 2022)
- In Defense Of: Galadhrim Knights (May 2022)
- In Defense Of: Orophin (June 2022)
- Dwarves:
- In Defense Of: Balin the Dwarf, King of Moria (February 2022)
- In Defense Of: Grim Hammer Captains (July 2022)
- In Defense Of: Bofur the Dwarf (June 2023)
- In Defense Of: Mattocks (January 2024)
- The Wanderers in the Wild:
- In Defense Of: Barliman Butterbur and Bill the Pony (January 2022)
- Barad-Dur & Mordor:
- In Defense Of: Mordor Uruk-Hai (April 2022)
- In Defense Of: Shelob (April 2022)
- In Defense Of: Morannon Orc Captains (July 2023)
- In Defense Of: Mordor Trolls (January 2024)
- Moria:
- In Defense Of: Dragons (June 2022)
- In Defense Of: Moria Blackshield Captains (January 2024)
- Isengard:
- In Defense Of: Dunlending Chieftains (June 2022)
- In Defense Of: Uruk-Hai Scouts (January 2024)
- The Easterlings:
- In Defense Of: Easterling Captains (February 2022)
- In Defense Of: Easterling War Priests (May 2022)
- Sharkey's Rogues:
- In Defense Of: Harry Goatleaf (March 2022)
- In Defense Of: Ruffians (March 2022)
- In Defense Of: Sid Briarthorn (March 2022)
- In Defense Of: Ted Sandyman and Hobbit Militia (March 2022)
- Azog's Legion:
- In Defense Of: Catapult Trolls (April 2022)
- In Defense Of: Azog (July 2022)
- The Dark Powers of Dol Guldur:
- In Defense Of: Castellans of Dol Guldur (May 2022)
- The Three Trolls:
- In Defense Of: Bert the Troll (July 2022)
Nemesis (2023-2024)
- Evil Models:
- How to Fight Against the Balrog (September 2023)
- How to Fight Against Gulavhar (October 2023)
- How to Fight Against Ringwraiths (November 2023)
- How to Fight Against the Witch-King of Angmar (July 2024)
- How to Fight Against War Beasts (especially Mumaks) (November 2023)
- How to Fight Against the Goblin King (November 2023)
- How to Fight Against Bill Ferny (April 1, 2024)
- How to Fight Against The Dark Lord Sauron (April 2024)
- How to Fight Against Castellans of Dol Guldur (April 2024)
- How to Fight Against Mordor Troll Chieftains (July 2024)
- Good Models:
- How to Fight Against Gwaihir (October 2023)
- How to Fight Against Beorn and Grimbeorn (October 2023)
- How to Fight Against Legolas (November 2023)
- How to Fight Against Gil-Galad (March 2024)
- How to Fight Against Elendil (March 2024)
- How to Fight Against Elrond (March 2024)
- How to Fight Against Isildur (March 2024)
- Evil Legendary Legions:
- How to Fight Against the Assault Upon Helm's Deep Legion (October 2023)
- How to Fight Against the Assault on Lothlorien Legion (October 2023)
Thematic, Competitive List Building (2024)
- The Deeping Wall, Film-Accurate (November 2024)
- The Deeping Wall, Book-Accurate (November 2024)
- The Walls of Minas Tirith, Book-Accurate (November 2024)
- The Walls of Minas Tirith, Film-Accurate (December 2024)
- The Road to Rivendell (December 2024)
Centaur's Top 10s
- Top 10 Models to Challenge (November 2021)
- Top 10 Archers (February 2023)
- Top 10 Skirmishers (February 2023)
- Top 10 Ringwraiths (June 2024)
- Top 10 Shock Cavalry (September 2024)
- Top 10 Supplements (January 2025)
Workbench Updates (2015-)
- Angmar (August 2019)
- Erebor Reclaimed (April 2023, May 2023)
- Lothlorien (October 2017)
- Minas Tirith (March 2019, June 2019)
- Mordor (August 2015, October 2015, August 2019, September 2019, March 2023)
- Moria (January 2021)
- Numenor (July 2019)
- Rivendell (October 2015, July 2019)
- Rohan (June 2021)
- Thorin's Company (June 2023)
Hey guys, I noticed there isn't an army review for Khazad Dum, and two links for the Serpent Horde...is this simply an error, or a signal for a deep rooted hatred of the dwarves? :-)
ReplyDeleteDefinitely not a hatred for dwarves, as Tiberius and I play them quite a bit. ;-)
DeleteAs of right now, there isn't a dedicated write-up to Khazad-Dum in our Armies of Middle-Earth series, but Tiberius did a break-down when the new book came out (https://tellmeatalegreatorsmall.blogspot.com/2018/12/new-rules-part-viii-free-peoples-part-i.html), as well as a list-building post on their LOTR-era equivalent, the Kingdom of Moria (https://tellmeatalegreatorsmall.blogspot.com/search/label/Khazad-Dum).
For some reason in your "Armies of Middle Earth SBG (2019-)" section one of the armies is labeled "We"
ReplyDeleteI think its supposed to be Isengard.
Thanks for providing all the quality content!
Wow, no idea how that happened - thanks for catching it!
DeleteI notice there is no Shire army in the ‘Armies of Middle Earth’ Section. Could we expect one soon, maybe?
ReplyDeleteRythbyrt writes those articles as inspiration strikes - we'll see when it makes its way into the queue. :-)