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First Impressions: The Kingdoms of Men, Part II

Good morning gamers, NOTE: there has been an update based on a comment made below - the change is in red . I have not yet seen the War of th...

TMAT'S Top 50ish Slayers

Forces of Good:

Forces of Evil:

Coming Soon!


  1. When are we getting that sweet Evil one?

    1. Well, we recorded the prelude to the Evil Top 50 and it's available on our podcasts (check out the TMAT Talks link in the side-bar). But then Defence of the North dropped and we decided there was enough added that some rankings needed to shift . . . so no idea. Soon maybe? ;-)

  2. Any update on the evil list? =)

    1. Um . . . not soon - due to work things, pods have taken a rest. We've still got to hash through where the Defense of the North guys ended up, but we'll see what we can do (and when).
