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Monday, February 6, 2023

FAQ Time: Breaking Down the February 2023 FAQ

Good morning gamers,

I happen to be on vacation, but that doesn't stop me from checking out what's new in the SBG community - and at the top of the list is the newest dump of FAQs. As the first set of FAQs since the release of the Battle of Osgiliath box set and the updated rulebook, I was excited to see what changes were in store (and whether the old rulebook would continue to be supported now that we have a new one). You can find the article here and the FAQ page here. Let's dig in and see what changed!

Photo Credit: Reddit 
No matter how many times I tell myself to play it cool , I just can't stop myself from looking for the questions I asked . . .

General Observations

First off, there were no updates for the Gondor at War, Scouring of the Shire, War in Rohan, Quest of the Ringbearer, or Fall of the Necromancer sourcebooks - apparently, these have been hashed out enough and we're just focused on the Defence of the North and the quadrumvirate of necessary sourcebooks (the main rulebook, the Armies of the Lord of the Rings, the Armies of the Hobbit, and the Matched Play Guide). Check out these pages if you want, but there's nothing new there (much to pity - I asked for some things in these).

There were only two erratas (and no FAQs) in the Armies of the Lord of the Rings book - one of which I asked for and totally expected to make it in without my input and one that I didn't ask for, wish I'd asked for, and am thrilled made it in (but more on this later).

There were four FAQs from the main rulebook that, apparently, didn't make it into the rules rewrite - these include what makes a model count as "trapped" (e.g. you can't just be fighting a cavalry model that charged you), what a model can do when they're transfixed (the infamous "degree of common sense" FAQ), the need to measure vertical distance when using Swift Movement, and the need for making a scatter roll when using Severed Heads.  

Finally (and alluded to in the previous point), the main rulebook FAQ was truncated to just what hasn't been covered since the new rulebook release. This . . . was kind of expected on my part, but I also wish hadn't happened. For version control (and to promote a new product), it makes sense that the Middle-Earth team has done away with the old rulebook FAQs - but if they'd kept the old main rulebook FAQs as a static document and provided the new one as well, then players wouldn't have to buy the new sourcebook . . . which, I guess would translate into less profit for them. Still, the new rulebook was advertised as an incorporation of the old FAQs - and now it's required because the old FAQs don't exist. 

Okay, with that, let's get into one of the shortest FAQ releases we've seen to date!

Monsters (specifically the Spider Queen and "the bears")

We're going to start off with what I think are the least interesting rules and then make our way to the most interesting rules. Our first stop is the monster section and specifically the Spider Queen and Beorn/Grimbeorn (who have all seen a lot of use since Defence of the North dropped). The Spider Queen was clarified to not be able to use her Progeny special rule while engaged in combat, which is consistent with models not being able to perform actions like casting magical powers once engaged.

Q: Can the Spider Queen use her Progeny special rule whilst she is engaged in combat? (p.115) 

A: No.

Beorn and Grimbeorn got three additional clarifications about their Skin-changer rule, which stacks onto the three previous rules about Skin-changer. Previously we knew that a) you could change as part of your Heroic Combat move, b) you can displace enemy models to make your new base fit (but you can't displace terrain), and c) the bear retains the heroic actions of the man. If you need the exact rules, check out the Armies of the Hobbit FAQ page.

Now, we have three new notes: first and foremost, you place the bear model so that it overlaps part of the man model, which means you can use your skin-change to gain up to 59mm of extra movement - and this can be really good if you use it at the start of a mission like Seize the Prize, starting 12" from your board edge, then shifting at the start of your move to gain ~2" of forward distance, THEN moving 8" . . . still won't put you in the center, but you'll be very, VERY close (and if your opponent Marched some cavalry/fliers forward, you're probably within charge range). This cannot be used to displace models, however (you can only displace models if you absolutely have to), which was a nice balancing move.

Q: When Beorn transforms into bear-form, does the Bear model have to be centred over the Man model or does it only need to be overlapping part of the Man model? (p.80) 

A: The Bear model only needs to be overlapping part of the Man model. When Beorn transforms into a Bear, the Bear model must be placed so that it is not displacing any models if possible. 

They also clarified that displacing models with Skin-changer cannot be used to force a model out of combat or push a model into combat. I could see how this could be abused if left unaddressed, so good job, Middle-Earth team.

Q: If Beorn has to displace models when he transforms, can this force models out of combat or into combat with another model if they would end up in base contact with an enemy model? (p.80) 

A: No to both instances. Models that were in combat when displaced will remain in combat with the models they are engaged with. In the odd situation that a model would be displaced into base contact with an enemy model, they will not count as being in combat with that model unless they subsequently charge that model.

Finally, you can't skin-change before Beorn or Grimbeorn arrive in maelstrom/Reconnoitre scenarios - of course, if you're running the Legion, you can just auto-change the moment you arrive, so . . . yeah, it's fine you'll have to be in man form on the first turn, since you shift at the start of your move:

Q: Can Beorn transform into a Bear before he moves onto the board in scenarios where this applies? (p.80) 

A: No.

Siege Weapons & Scenarios

Next, we're on to addressing siege weapons and some odd scenario rules (since the two overlap a little). First off, if you take Girion without a windlance but also take a windlance in your force, Girion can pop over to join them and count as a trained crewman (makes sense - and completely removes the need to take a windlance on him):

Q: Does Girion, Lord of Dale’s Windlance Trained special rule allow him to count as a trained crew when firing a friendly Windlance? (p.57) 

A: Yes.

Next, the question was raised whether siege weapons and other objects (demolition charges and the Mirror of Galadriel were specifically called out, but it would also apply to Goblin Drums and probably the Signal Tower) counted towards an army's break point and worked for the purposes of controlling objectives. The answer was uniformly no - which is exactly as I would have expected it to work.

Q: Do the likes of inanimate objects, such as a Siege Engine, demolition charge, the Mirror of Galadriel, and so on, count as a model for the purpose of an army’s Break Point or for holding Objectives? (p.56 & 134) 

A: No.

In a similar vein, non-models DO count to trigger rules like Stalk Unseen, which I guess means I should run the Mirror of Galadriel with my "pajama Elves" list:

Q: Do inanimate objects such as a Siege Engine, demolition charge, the Mirror of Galadriel and so on count as terrain for the purpose of the Stalk Unseen special rule? (p.110) 

A: Yes.  

We also learned (though I think most players intuited) that all of the rules that apply to the Dark of Night special rule from Clash by Moonlight also apply to the Assault on Lothlorien Cover of Darkness special rule. These rules included that a) Blinding Light makes you only hit on a 6+ but doesn't remove the +1 To Wound, and b) that Cave Dweller models can see beyond the usual 12" limitation.

Q: When using the Assault on Lothlórien Legendary Legion, do the FAQs that affect the Dark of Night special rule from the Clash by Moonlight scenario also apply to the Cover of Darkness special rule? (p.97) 

A: Yes.

Finally, we have an errata to the Storm the Camp scenario (which only appears on page 23 of the Matched Play guide) - the paragraph talking about the camps clarifies that you capture an enemy camp if you have more models in it at the end of the game (as opposed to at any point in the game, as some players wondered). This makes complete sense, though the scenarios is still difficult to get better than a draw:

Page 23 – Storm the Camp – The Campsite Replace the first paragraph with the following: The campsites are the deployment areas of the two armies. A campsite is captured if at the end of the game you have more models entirely within your opponent’s campsite than they do.

Hero Special Rules and Magical Powers

We had four rules clarifications about how different special rules on heroes or magical powers work. In what should be expected, models with rules that grant saves against wounds that work like Fate saves can be mighted:

Q: Some special rules, such as the Goblin King’s Blubbery Mass or Malbeth the Seer’s Gift of Foresight, allow models to ignore Wounds on a dice roll as if a point of Fate had been spent. Can Might be used to alter such rolls? (p.69) 

A: Yes.

Additionally, like Elrond's Gift of Foresight rule, most models with special rules have to be on the board in order to use their rules (with the stated exception of the rules that specifically say otherwise, like Madril and Guritz). I don't know if the Madril/Guritz rules were known to be active even if they're not on the board, but it just means you don't have to deploy them first in maelstrom missions.

Q: Do models have to be on the board to be able to use special rules? (p.107) 

A: Yes, unless the special rule only works when the model is off the board such as Madril’s Master of Ambush or Guritz’s Master of Reserves.

With Barrow-Wights continuing to plague us, there was a clarification on the Paralyse magical power, and particularly if you can use Might to modify your recovery roll. As it turns out, you can use Might to modify the roll (which is how we've been doing things in Fantasy Fellowships).

Q: Can a Hero that is under the effects of the Paralyse Magical Power use Might to affect their own roll to see if they recover at the end of the turn? (p.102) 

A: Yes, as it states that Might may be used to modify the roll.

Finally, Brorgir has brought Tremor to the forefront and it was clarified that any model that one model that would be affected by Tremor can attempt to resist on behalf of the others. The reason for this (as opposed to who can resist for Sorcerous Blast) is that the "target" of the spell is the initial target and everyone under the line, so this makes sense.

Q: Who exactly can attempt to resist the Tremor Magical Power? Only the initial target, or any model under the line? (p.105) 

A: The Tremor Magical Power states that it will target the initial target and any model under the line; therefore either the initial target or any model under the line may attempt to resist the Magical Power.

War Gear

Our last changes are tied to war gear. As was mentioned above, there were two erratas made to the Armies of the Lord of the Rings - first and totally expected, Gothmog got the option to take either a mace or sword instead of just getting a sword (p. 141). Excellent job, rules team, excellent job. What I wish I'd asked for (but didn't expect anyone to do) was replace the Elven-made swords on Galadhrim Knights to Elven-made hand-and-a-half swords (p. 87). The swords are clearly hand-and-a-halfs, but since other Lothlorien units get single-handed swords, I didn't expect these guys would get that change. Guess I need to start two-handing with these guys (and update my post on them). :-)

There were two questions about spears and their use - the first was whether you could spear support multiple times if the model you were spear supporting was a hero who Heroic Combatted from one fight into another. Consistent with the rules for spears laid out in the new rulebook, you can only support once (which is the way it's always been). Additionally, you can't support a model, make way for the model, and then find yourself in base contact with another model to support them . . . you can only support once, guys.

I did appreciate that they highlighted that you can spear support if you were ENGAGED in the same fight as a hero who calls a Heroic Combat - this was integrated into the new rulebook also.

Q: If a model with a spear was supporting a Hero model that declared a Heroic Combat, and the Hero subsequently charged another enemy model whilst remaining in base contact with their original spear support, can the model with the spear support them again? (p.71 & 86) 

A: No.

Q: If a model armed with a spear is engaged in a fight and after the fight is resolved they find themselves in base contact with another friendly model (such as if they Back Away), can they still spear support even though they have already been involved in a fight? (p.71 & 86) 

A: No. The only exception to this is if the spear-armed model was engaged in a fight (though not supporting) alongside a friendly Hero model who successfully declared a Heroic Combat, in which case after moving as part of the Heroic Combat, the spear-armed model could provide support in this second combat.

As advertised in the announcement, there was a question about what order you resolve special strikes in - and they covered it pretty well, I think: the player with priority chooses a special strike, then the other player, and they either call or pass the same way you would call or pass Heroic Actions. While not technically a special strike, shielding needs to be called at this time too. Because of the back-and-forth nature, there is the potential to game when you call a special strike (if you have a model with a sword and a model with an axe engaged against a model with a shield, you can call a Feint with your sword model and delay on calling Piercing Strike with the other model until you know whether or not your opponent is going to shield). Great clarification, makes complete sense.

Q: In what order are Special Strikes and Shielding declared? (p.88) 

A: During a Duel roll, the player with Priority gets the first opportunity to declare their model’s Special Strikes, though they can choose to pass if they wish. The player without Priority then gets the opportunity to declare their model’s Special Strikes. If they also pass, then the Duel roll takes place and no further Special Strikes can be declared. If they opt to declare any Special Strikes then their opponent may then choose to respond by declaring any Special Strikes if able. This continues until both players have finished declaring Special Strikes. It is important to note that once a model has declared a Special Strike of any kind, they cannot change their mind after an opposing model declares a Special Strike. Treat Shielding as a Special Strike for the purpose of deciding the order that they are declared.

There was one last question, however, about banners - and THIS FAQ has the biggest impact on the game in my opinion. While banners have been covered in previous FAQs (and saw a big update in the new rulebook), it was clarified that in order to benefit from a "counts as being in range of a banner", the affected model needs to be in range. Additionally (and this is the big change), only the affected models can benefit from the reroll - not just any friendly model in the fight.

Q: If a model has a special rule that allows specific friendly models (such as those with the required Keywords or profile names) to count as in range of a banner, do those specific models have to be in range of the model with the special rule, or do they just need to be involved in a fight that is in range of the model with the special rule? (p.91) 

A: In these instances, it is important to remember that the model with the special rule is not actually a banner themselves. As a result, the models that count as in range of a banner must themselves be within range of the model with the special rule in order to benefit from it. Additionally, only the models that benefit from such a special rule may re-roll a dice in the Duel roll, so it is important to make a note of which dice can benefit and which ones cannot (emphasis added).

While this won't make a big difference for most of its applications, there are a few cases where this will be big:

  • If you have Aragorn - Strider in the Return of the King Legendary Legion (where friendly spirit models within 6" treat him as a banner), if Aragorn wants a reroll, he previously only needed a 16-pt spear-supporting model. Now, he'll need an actual banner within 3" of him (which will be redundant with his 6" banner reroll).
  • If you have the Balrog in a Moria list (or a Depths of Moria Legendary Legion list) and a Moria Goblin in the same fight within range of a Moria Goblin Drum (or a Moria Blackshield Drum), only the Goblins will get a reroll.
  • If you have a Shire list that has Frodo of the Nine Fingers or Wil Whitfoot (Hobbits treat them as 6" banners) and you've allied in other models (such as Aragorn or Gandalf) OR if you bring Farmer Maggot (with his dogs - which you would always do), only the Hobbits can reroll their dice.
There are probably other applications, but these are the ones I expect to see affected here at TMAT. If we liked Khandish Kings more (and allied with other stuff), I'd expect the Easterling allies to be affected pretty heavily too.


Well, another round of FAQs are in the books. Before we leave, I just wanted to mention that according to Google, this little blog passed the 1.5 million views mark last week! Everyone talks about how lovely the SBG community is, but it really is encouraging to us here that you guys read our stuff - so thanks for all the comments and reads and bearing with our ads and eccentric list ideas. :-) Until next time, happy hobbying!


  1. Apparently if Beorn/Grimbeorn are hiding behind cover and transform into bear form, they can charge at enemies that they didn't see before transforming. According to someone on Reddit (so take this with a grain of salt) Jay Clare himself plays that way.

    1. It makes sense, so long as they transform before they move - you can only charge someone you can see at the start of your move. Sneaky, but you do have to have enough room to transform to do it.

    2. The exact wording for charging is that a model needs line of sight "before it starts its Move". Beorn/Grimbeorn's transformation happens "at the start of his Move".

      I hope GW will make a FAQ of this, because I thought that the timing wouldn't allow the bears to charge if they only got LoS by transforming. I'd prefer to have this explicitly stated in a FAQ so I wouldn't have to rely on Reddit rumours... 😅

  2. I don't think the banner effect ruling will have much impact on the Balrog since it doesn't have any Might. The goblins' dice are just as good as the Balrog's if they're in the same fight.

    1. True, it does matter less - unless the only Goblin who can make it in is a prowler and you need a 6 (which the prowler's two-handed axe can't get). All good generals will do their best to have at least one unmodified Goblin die in the fight though. :-)

  3. So pleased Gothmog got the Mace option, it has been widely rumoured it was coming and of course the model from Osgiliath has it, so it was even more likely, but you know, GW LOL.

    1. I was pretty sure this was a given, but Ugluk's model has a whip but has no whip rule, the Balrog has wings and a long stride that apparently translates into 6" moves, and Bat Swarms and Cave Trolls aren't Cave Dwellers . . . so, you know . . .

  4. So what's the order of events when coming on with maelstrom etc.?

    Start of move phase > Call any special abilities (if you can) > Deploy onto the board > call any special abilities (heroic move, drum, change into a bear) > Move

    Or is it:
    Start of Move phase > call any special abilities (if you can) > Move on to the board

    Because I thought it would have been the latter. Otherwise what's the point of that FAQ question and answer? Shouldn't it mean that Beorn/Grimbeorn must be in man-form for the first turn?

    1. Heroic Actions are called after Start of Phase rules that don't explicitly say they're used after Heroic Actions, then special abilities, then movement. So it's the latter. Yes, they need to start in man form for maelstrom. I'm on vacation, so I don't have the rules in front of me - if the rule says the start of the move phase, they can't transform on the first turn.

    2. "...at the start of Grimbeorn's move."

    3. So that would keep them from being able to shift on the first turn of a maelstrom mission, since another FAQ prevents models from using their rules until they're on the board unless explicitly allowed (see Madril and Guritz). If they could shift at any point in their move, then they could.

  5. You can get even further in a turn-one shapeshift. If you lock one Shifter(Grimbeorn) between the second shifter (Beorn) and two Beornings, then you can do the following:

    Grimbeorn can shift and HAS to displace models when doing so because the other models are in the way and "it cannot be helped" (see Theodred avoiding Reckless Charge). This shift not only nudges the models trapping it the distance of (BearRadius - GrimbeornRadius) but also the displaced models MUST also be 1" away from the bear in the end result.

    Couple that with Beorn's Shift, who was just recently been displaced more than 1" away from his original position, to do the following: Beorn shifts so that the bear is placed an (irritatingly vague) infinitely small overlap (basically base to base contact) giving that extra distance BEFORE moving as mentioned above.

    This gives Beorn, in all, a total 1st turn threat range of about a little over 12" (since the Gear Shift formation puts the front of Beorn's bear base about 4.25" away from Beorn's starting position. Given that the 25mm objective marker in the center of the board is equally spilling over each side, that means you only need to travel 12" - 12.5mm in total.

    Of course, whether you launch Grimbeorn or Beorn forward to use or avoid Beorn's bloodlust, is up to taste.
