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Thursday, June 8, 2023

Quest of the Ringbearer: Model Collection Update, Part VIII

Good morning gamers,

In this semi-annual update on my Quest of the Ringbearer collection, we have a LOT to cover since last November (and because some of the models aren't touched up/painted yet, I still have some on the workbench that will have to wait until the next update). With the arrival of the Battle of Osgiliath box set and some sweet Christmas gifts/purchases, we've got quite a few models to add (some of which have already been seen on the blog). First and foremost, we have a really cool Gothmog (who we showed off some WIP pictures in our brief review of the new box set):

As discussed in the article linked above, I have the infantry model's right arm magnetized so I can use either a mace or a sword! Mounted Gothmog has a spot in one of his legs for a magnet as well, so he has one so I can have the warg be "loose" too.

Gothmog is great, but he needs some helpers - so we have three generic Morannon Orc Captains with shields and four converted Morannon Orcs to stand in as Zagdush, Goroth, Guritz, and Gothmog's Enforcer (shown off in a sort-of-recent post on what to do with Morannon Orc overstock). The two-handed mace Captain has been included so he didn't feel left out:

We also got the rest of the Morannon Orcs we needed (50 in total, including the two banners), which brings our full host to this:

Some of these guys are missing swords - they're going to get axes from the Warriors of Erebor conversions I'm working on!

Pretty pleased with getting all those done (well, mostly done) - as we move on from Mordor, here's something I got from Centaur for Christmas:

Well, that was unexpected. He came slightly damaged and with a raw base coat of colors on him from a previous owner, but just needed some touch-up painting, a good washing, and a slight color scheme change to match Clan Air (which you can find in the last QOTR update). And lots of work on the base. Centaur had some Haradrim for sale too, so I bought 12 of those to get both the Earth clan and Water clan started:

Two of the bowmen have spears on their backs while one of the spearmen has a dagger . . . because of a list I wrote that I want to try . . .

He also had 6 Warg Riders and some Numenoreans for sale, so I bought those too and painted up some of the Numenoreans into Dead Marsh Spectres (one of the best uses for these old sculpts):

The two Spectres I had with the new guys - they blend in pretty well . . .

Some other Numenoreans became Citadel Guard - models I pretty much only need for Fantasy Fellowships:

Here are the warg riders - I painted the Riders to match their dismounts, giving the throwing spear Warg Riders shields from the Morannon Orc pack to match the spear-carrying Orcs that they'll be paired with:

Finally, I ran Theodred's Guard back in February for Centaur's Winter Whirlwind tournament and needed 5 Rohan Royal Guards on foot with throwing spears - so I picked up the Hengstland Huscarls on foot and mounted from Medbury Miniatures and painted up some of them (here are four infantry models - still need to paint the cavalry models):

That's it for this update - but I'm happy to say that this took massive chunks out of a bunch of the needed models. Here's how the tallies look (along with an update of what we're missing):
  • Current Model count: 
    • Part I: 42/42 (100%)
    • Part II: 49/55 (~89%) - just 6 Warg Riders left
    • Part III: 27/27 (100%)
    • Part IV: 147/162 (~91%) - "just" need 1 Mumak with 12 Haradrim and 2 Rangers of Gondor
    • Part V: 109/115 (~96%) - just the Mouth of Sauron F&M, Merry, Pippin, and Eowyn F&M
    • Part VI: 107/126 (~85%) - just need 4 mounted Riders of Rohan with throwing spears, 3 Rohan Outriders mounted, Grishnakh and Snaga, Legolas and Gimli on horse, Hama, Sharku F&M, 6 Warg Riders
    • Part VII: 28/44 (~64%) - just need 10 Warriors of the Dead, and 6 Riders of the Dead
    • TOTAL: 509/571 (~89%)
  • Estimated cost remaining: ~$475
We'll have another update in December - until next time, happy hobbying!

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