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Thursday, April 28, 2022

Quest of the Ringbearer: Model Collection Update, Part IV

Good morning gamers,

From the sections we covered last year, I still don't have the Warg Riders I need for Part II of Quest of the Ringbearer. Today, we'll be digging into the part of the book that I am missing the most from: Frodo and Sam's journey from Amon Hen to Cirith Ungol. Let's dig in!


Part IV: Emyn Muil to Cirith Ungol

This was the section that I flagged in my first post in this series as "the bad one" - but I have a surprising chunk of the models now.

Purchase #21: Smeagol

Smeagol - a "hero" who shows up in more scenarios than Gandalf does . . .

I picked up a second-hand Smeagol from eBay - this one is eating a fish, which I like better than the one on the large rock slab. I am working this year on the Rangers of Ithilien LL, so Smeagol eating a fish seemed the most appropriate sculpt for that army too.

Purchase #22: Ringwraith on Fell Beast

I don't have this guy, but because of some of the other models I will need, I'm planning on getting another Battle for Pelennor Fields box set either this year or next year. We'll see.

Purchase #23: 6 Dead Marsh Spectres

Two down, four to get . . .

I converted 2 Warriors of Numenor into spectres a while ago and need to convert 4 more models into spectres. Once I get another Pelennor Fields box, I plan to convert 4 Warriors of the Dead into spectres as well. Until then, I can just use my Barrow-Wights.

Purchase #24: 2 Mumaks

Well, I don't have these guys - I do have plans to get them over the next few years, but I don't plan to get them both at the same time (need time to paint one before getting the other). We'll see when they arrive . . .

Purchase #25: 24 Haradrim Warriors

I have purchased 24 Haradrim Warriors, most of which are upstairs waiting to be redeemed (bought them before I had the discretionary funds to actually get them) and painted. I have a few to show off here - I got a ton of bowmen, so five are being converted to carry daggers only (sometimes you need the points for other things).

Examples of two painting schemes we'll be using . . .

The 12 melee models I own (5 daggers, 7 spears) are all going to be from one clan (Clan Fire, designated by purple cloaks and red turbans), while the 12 bowmen I own will be from a different clan (Clan Water, with blue cloaks and gold turbans). When we get our first Mumak, he'll match Clan Water's color scheme (since they'll be on him). The other Haradrim will eventually be part of Clan Earth (probably brown and green) and Clan Air (probably grey and white), but we'll see when they come. I haven't flocked the archer's bases yet - haven't decided if I want them to be grassy or to match the Mumak howdah they'll eventually be in . . .

Purchase #26: Faramir, Madril, and Damrod

Three cool heroes - can't wait to start using them!

The original Ranger heroes, these guys are still great and quite dangerous in the Rangers of Ithilien LL. I have had Faramir and Damrod for a while and recently acquired Madril. I also bought a new Faramir model second-hand and am most of the way through a mounted Faramir conversion - I think it turned out alright (pics in a later post).

Purchase #27: Anborn and Mablung

The original Anborn and Mablung sculpts - you know, back before they had cool profiles . . .

In the same bundle as the Faramir I just got, I got three of the metal Faramir's Ranger models. These guys have held up the test of time and I think they're brilliant. Picking up these new models also saved me at least $10 as well, which is nice.

Purchase #28: 24 Rangers of Gondor

Bows . . . so . . . many . . . bows . . .

I have 22 Rangers right now and just need 2 more with spears for the Quest of the Ringbearer scenarios, but let's face it - I'm just gonna get another box of Rangers (probably next year - the ones I have are enough to play at low points levels).

Purchase #29: 36 Orc Warriors + 3 Orc Captains + 1 Orc Warrior with banner

Pillage! Plunder! Deface statues of kings!

I have these guys and am really happy with how they've turned out. I use them for both Angmar and Mordor (and eventually Barad-Dur), but they'll be right at home storming Osgiliath, feuding in Cirith Ungol, or walking across the Plateau of Gorgoroth.

Three extra bad dudes . . .

I also converted up three Captains - the sculpts for the Orcs are really dynamic and were fun to hack apart. The guy on the left was a spearman who was given an extra sword I had on hand, the guy in the middle was also a spearman who got a stray sword and a head from a Troll kit, while the guy on the right got a Skaven hand with a pick in it.

Purchase #30: 24 Warriors of Minas Tirith with Command Blister

You are soldiers of Gondor - no matter what comes through those gates, you will hold your ground!

I own a bunch of Minas Tirith guys and have converted them into many things. Thanks to playing a lot with the Men of the West LL, I have kept a nice smattering of their core troops intact. Above are some of my favorites.

Purchase #31: 6 Osgiliath Veterans

They're courageous - that's about it . . .

A classic example of converting your Warriors of Minas Tirith into something else, these guys are all basic conversions. Many have raided Orcs they've killed for gear to help them stand out - and two got head swaps thanks to Theoden! The two Osgiliath Veterans with bows aren't actually OsVet conversions - I will be using Warriors of Minas Tirith with shields, spears, and bows to stand in for them because I think they're a ton better. Maybe I will work out a conversion or two later . . .

Purchase #32: Shelob

By the way, there's a spider in this post . . .

I love this girl so much and have enjoyed playing some practice games with her. She may not have Might points, but she's plenty dangerous (especially in the Cirith Ungol Legendary Legion - but also in a normal Mordor list). She was a pain to put together . . . and then repair . . . over and over again . . .


Here's how the standings look - on the whole, not bad at all (just need 12 Warg Riders, 2 Mumaks, a core set, and a few odds and ends, right?):

  • Current Model count: 
    • Part I: 42/42 (100%)
    • Part II: 43/55 (~78%)
    • Part III: 27/27 (100%)
    • Part IV: 129/162 (~80%)
    • TOTAL: 241/286 (~84%)
  • Estimated cost remaining: ~$450

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