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Thursday, December 10, 2020

Quest of the Ringbearer: What Do You Need To Buy?

Good morning gamers,

Photo Credit: Warhammer Community

I recently acquired the Quest of the Ringbearer supplement - and boy am I excited! As great as sourcebooks that showcase Minas Tirith, Rohan, and the Shire are, following the storyline that we all love is incredible. What I was overwhelmed by when I was thumbing through the book was the sheer amount of money that would be required to buy all of the models required for the book. But when I thumbed through it a second time, it occurred to me that there were quite a few repeat models. As I passed through it a third time, I thought, "Someone should put together a post that explains everything you need for the scenarios in this book." And that someone is me . . . and here's where we're doing it. :)

With Christmas around the bend, maybe this will be useful in helping you shape what's on your wishlist this year. I'm going to assume from the start that you already own the Pelennor Fields Box Set, the Armies of the Lord of the Rings sourcebook, and the Quest of the Ringbearer supplement. This means you'll have the following models which will be important for this campaign:

  • Actual models:
    • Ringwraith on Fell Beast
    • 36 Morannon Orcs
  • Proxy-able models:
    • Mordor Troll
    • 19 Warriors of the Dead
    • 9 Riders of Rohan

While this might not seem like much, since the cost of buying the Ringwraith, the Morannon Orcs, and the Rulebook on their own is the same as the cost of the entire box set, might as well buy it (and get rulers, dice, cool scenarios to play besides what we're doing, and start Rohan/Dunharrow/Mordor armies). Okay, so with all this in play, let's start by going through the book and see what you'll need!

DISCLAIMER: I get no kick-backs from Games Workshop for this post - but I'm going to do a lot of advertising anyway (because I, like Games Workshop and Forge World, have your finances in mind). :-)

Part I: The Shire to Rivendell

The first half of the Fellowship of the Ring movie covers the travels from the Shire to Rivendell. Included in this section is not only a LOT of missions where you've got to make those F3/1A Hobbits do the work, but there are also a LOT of enemy spell-casters (and they become noticeably absent later in the campaign). There are eight missions in this section, so let's dig into what you'll need!

Purchase #1: The Fellowship of the Ring ($50)

This should be a no-brainer, but a member of the Fellowship of the Ring shows up in every single scenario - so these are models you're going to use a lot! As was recently mentioned on the Drawn Combat blog, this is also an easy army to collect on the cheap (and with a new Legendary Legion, you're all set to play a 600-point game for about $50). These were some of the first models I painted (after my Moria Goblins and Cave Troll), so I've been slowly reacquiring them to redo them (already done Aragorn, Sam, and Gimli, got Legolas, Frodo, Merry, and Pippin in the pipeline).

Purchase #2: Farmer Maggot ($15)

Maggot and his dogs show up in the first mission, but as soon as you have them and the four Hobbit heroes from the Fellowship, you're good to play your first mission (Farmer Maggot's Crop). Maggot is great in a Shire list (brings three fast troops with some of the best combat profiles available to Shire warriors) and is also a great addition if you're playing Battle Companies (as you can buy up to three hunting dogs if you have a hero who is a Man). For $15, he's an easy add-in and a really neat model to have.

Purchase #3: Ringwraiths on foot and mounted ($225+)

Okay, so these are the iconic villains in five of the first ten missions of the campaign (most of the missions feature these guys on foot, even when they are mounted in the Fellowship movie). I'm going to propose three different approaches to buying these guys, given that mounted generic Ringwraiths are not available from GW:

  1. Buy 9 Ringwraiths on foot and wait for the mounted Ringwraiths to be available on made-to-order (I expect the prices to be about the same as mounted Royal Guards, so probably $50 for three mounted Ringwraiths) - this is the most realistic approach but will be VERY expensive - probably about $200 for 9 Ringwraiths on foot and mounted - UPDATE, the box was as predicted - $50 for 3 mounted models and so has been reflected in the price above. With a new Witch-King kit in the works, you will probably want to pay $30 more to get a customizable Witch-King since the Ringwraith sculpts would require you to make one distinctive to be the Witch-King anyway;
  2. Buy all 9 named Ringwraiths (3 Eastern Kingdoms, 3 Angmar, and 3 Lost Kingdoms) and proxy them in as the generic Ringwraiths/Witch-King in these missions - this is the most economic way of doing things without conversion work AND will set you up to use these named Ringwraiths in normal points match games ($65 for three Ringwraiths on foot and mounted);
  3. Buy 18 Ringwraiths on foot and do body-swaps with 9 Riders of Rohan from the Pelennor Fields box set to convert some mounted Ringwraiths of your own. This will cost you $150 on top of your existing purchases, which will save you about $50 from doing either of the other approaches; and
  4. Buy 9 Ringwraiths on foot and trade for other people's spare mounted Ringwraiths that come in the Fell Beast set. This can be the cheapest way of doing things, but you need to have access to people's spare rider models. I will say that Rohan horses look different from Ringwraith horses, but frankly if they're painted black, I don't think anyone will notice too much.

You can also stalk eBay - I got lucky and found a lot of 8 mounted Ringwraiths (6 generic, 2 copies of Khamul) and got them for dirt cheap. From experience, though, this almost never happens (you should expect to pay $15-25 per mounted wraith).

Purchase #4: Gildor Inglorion ($35)

So, sadness time: Gildor is currently unavailable on the GW webstore - and has been for a long time. On eBay, you normally see him being sold for about $25+, which is too much for my taste (even though I like him a lot). Personally, I expect him to be released as a made-to-order, but if he doesn't, any Wood Elf Warrior will do just fine (or the Haldir model with the sword). Gildor only shows up in one scenario, so it's not a big deal if you have to proxy him. UPDATE: he's back in the store with Glorfindel (something I expected) and I picked him up. :)

BTW: if anyone has a Gildor Inglorion to sell for $15 + shipping, drop a note in the comments below - I'd be interested. :)

Purchase #5: Tom Bombadil and Goldberry ($22)

Tom and Goldberry are neat little models that show up in only one mission. It's entirely possible Goldberry won't show up in the scenario, so if you don't own the actual models, it's okay. Tom and Goldberry are both great models in points match games, though it's common for tournaments to outlaw Tom Bombadil to keep people from doing cheesy things.

Purchase #6: 4 Barrow-Wights ($30)

These models are also not available from the GW webstore - sensing a theme here (it won't continue for much longer)? Barrow-Wights are staples of Angmar armies and having four is a great idea anyway - get these when they're available (after I pick up two more)! In the meantime, just use Warriors of the Dead as proxies for the campaign - they're spooky-looking enough. :) UPDATE: they're back too, $15 for two of them.

Purchase #7: Barliman Butterbur, Harry Goatleaf, and Bill the Pony ($40)

A purchase from ForgeWorld is required for these guys and they each show up in a single scenario (Bill shows up in the Wargs in the Night scenario, while Barli/Harry show up in the Nazgul in Bree scenario). If you needed to proxy these guys to save yourself the $40 to get them, that would be fine. That said, Barliman and Bill are a cheap 50-point drop as historical allies into a Fellowship list (or 50-point Convenient allies into most of the armies from the Lord of the Rings book), using Barliman to heal people on a 5+ (4+ if they're Fellowship members) and Bill restoring Will back to Barliman to keep the healing train going (and to give Butterbur a banner bonus). Harry Goatleaf can also be allied with the Fellowship/most good armies from the Lord of the Rings book, but he's "better" as a villain hero in Sharkey's Rogues/the Chief's Ruffians.

Purchase #8: Arwen on foot and mounted ($25)

A lovely model, Arwen is a cheap Minor hero for Rivendell (or the Fellowship if/when you bring Aragorn) in points match games. She's not very expensive and easily included in all kinds of army builds. You need her for exactly one scenario, so if you needed to proxy her, you could.

With these eight purchases, you're looking at spending quite a bit of money ($150 + Gildor, Barrow-Wights, and Ringwraiths), but thankfully the required purchases for me are as follows (not including shipping or tax):

  • Gildor Inglorion (hopefully less than $20);
  • 2 Barrow-Wights (hopefully less than $20);
  • Barliman Butterbur, Harry Goatleaf, and Bill the Pony: $40
  • TOTAL: hopefully <$80
  • ACTUAL TOTAL: $347

Part II: Rivendell to Lothlorien

Besides what was mentioned previously, here's what you need to add to your collection to play the next six missions in the book!

Purchase #9: A Wild Warg Chieftain ($15)

Wild Warg Chieftains are great heroes in an Angmar list - though many people don't agree with me. F5/S6 with 3 Attacks and 2 Might points is nothing to sniff at on offense. These guys are fast, powerful, and ALWAYS under-estimated. As the leader of a fast warband to augment your Orc Warriors in an Angmar list, these guys are great. You need this model for two missions (Wargs in the Night and Lothlorien) and he is NASTY if he can avoid getting Immobilized by Gandalf and gronked by Aragorn, Boromir, or (especially) Gimli. I got one from Rythbryt, but they cost $15 online right now - pretty cheap hero option if you ask me.

Purchase #10: 18 Wild Wargs ($54)

Okay, so let's get this out of the way from the get-go: no one in their right mind (unless they're running a Wolves of Isengard list) needs 18 Wild Warg models! I own 6 Wild Wargs right now, but my plan is to get a box of 6 Warg Riders and a box of 6 Fell Wargs to bring me up to 18 Warg models. The Fell Wargs are on the agenda for a Dark Powers of Dol Guldur list in the future, but their biggest selling point is that their sculpts are so dynamic and cool! Warg Riders and Fell Wargs will cost you $30-35 per box, while the Wild Wargs run you about $20.

Purchase #11: The Watcher in the Water ($71)

A WHOPPING big purchase and a WHOPPING big model! This guy is used in one scenario and he's a nasty surprise in it. Unfortunately, proxying this model is pretty hard, so buy it (or use a Mumak - more on that later). My good mate Rythbyrt got a great deal on two, so I was able to get one from him on discount.

Purchase #12: A Cave Troll with hammer and chain ($30)

There are great metal Cave Trolls available on the second-hand market, but the model that's currently available in the GW store is the BEST sculpt of all the Cave Trolls ever made, so that's pretty good. Get him, he's great.

Purchase #13: 24 Goblins ($42)

You need grunts for any Moria army, and this will certainly be a start. 24 Goblins is fine for the campaign, but you should get 48 instead if you plan to run either a generic Moria army or the Depths of Moria Legendary Legion.

Purchase #14: 2 Goblin Captains ($40)

So, purchasing two ACTUAL Goblin Captains requires two command blisters, but I don't think you'd ever buy two drums, so I assume you can just use the Shaman model as a proxy. If you want to buy two boxes, fine by me (though you can also get your hands on some of the old metal Moria Goblins on the second-hand market). If you want to save some money in the long run, pick up that second box of Moria Goblin Warriors, grab five of the Moria Goblin archers that come in it, and convert two of them into Captains, convert one of them into a Shaman, and convert the final two into Moria Goblin Drummers (and get one of the drums that came in your Troll set and put it on a 25mm base). Easy, right?

Purchase #15: The Balrog ($60)

I've talked long and hard about this guy and he's one of my favorite models in the game. While he only shows up in one scenario, he's fun to use in points match games and is crazy good in the new Depths of Moria Legendary Legion. Get him, he's REALLY great.

Purchase #16: Haldir and Celeborn ($25)

You can't buy an unarmored Haldir from the GW store anymore, but he's normally easy to find on the second-hand markets. The one in the GW store comes with Celeborn, which makes for a great team-up for any Lothlorien army. Honestly, you'd almost always want to run Haldir with heavy armor, so if you proxy in the armored version instead, it's not a big deal.

Purchase #17: 6 Wood Elf Warriors with Elf bows ($42)

You can save yourself some money if you buy 6 Sentinels instead ($30), but if you're looking to get Wood Elf Warriors to run with either Gildor Inglorion or in a Lothlorien list, you should just get the Wood Elf Warriors box. Paired with Haldir and Celeborn (and of course, Galadriel), these guys are killers with bows or throwing daggers and your opponent will hate them if they're behind a log or wall.

While the total cost of what is listed above is ~$380, here's what I'm looking at for the price:

  • Previous set: $80
  • 6 Warg riders: $30
  • 6 Fell Wargs: $35
  • TOTAL: hopefully <$145
  • ACTUAL TOTAL: $726

Part III: Lothlorien to Emyn Muil

Well, we've got the Amon Hen sequence, so the purchases here orbit around Isengard. Let's get to it.

Purchase #18: Lurtz and Ugluk ($25)

You want and need the big guy (Lurtz), so get him. If you run the new Lurtz's Scouts Legendary Legion, you'll want Ugluk too (you could proxy him as the captain if you wanted to save cash). I think the pair of these guys are great - cheap enough to include basically anywhere, two sources of March and Strike, and S5.

Purchase #19: Uruk-Hai Captain with 2h ($40)

The command blister is great for the LL but not for the campaign. With no drummer, no bannerman, and no shaman in the scenarios, you're paying a lot for one model. Honestly, you could delay buying this if you want to. I'm planning on converting this guy up . . .

Purchase #20: 24 Uruk-Hai Scouts ($42)

Get these guys - they look great, they're useful in Isengard armies and two Legendary Legions, AND in a pinch they can stand in for Mordor Uruk-Hai later in the campaign.

With the required purchases for this iconic scene come in at just over $100, here's what we're looking at for the price for my collection:

  • Previous set: $145
  • Uruk-Hai Scouts (converting a two-handed weapon captain): $42
  • TOTAL: hopefully <$187
  • ACTUAL TOTAL: $833

Part IV: Emyn Muil to Cirith Ungol

As we close out the Fellowship of the Ring we follow Frodo and Sam through Emyn Muil into Ithilien, and finally to the stairs of Cirith Ungol (basically, all of the Two Towers from the book). Prepare your wallets - this one's a doozy!

Purchase #21: Smeagol ($25)

I recently ordered a Smeagol off eBay for $15 + $10 shipping from the UK. Having stalked Smeagols for a while on eBay, I can tell you he doesn't sell for cheap. This price tag is cheaper than the $35 you'll pay for the Gollum and Bilbo set from GW, but it's still not cheap. Why doesn't he come with Shelob? UPDATE: you can get Smeagol now with Mordor-wearied Sam and Frodo - something I might get as a collector someday.

Purchase #22: Ringwraith on Fell Beast

Good news - you already have this model if you own the Pelennor Fields box set! I split my Pelennor Fields box with my son, but while I could just spend $60 on another Fell Beast, I'm also looking at getting a few more Warriors of Rohan and Riders of Rohan - and once you buy those things, I might as well buy another Pelennor Fields box set!

Purchase #23: 6 Dead Marsh Spectres

So, like Barrow-Wights, these models aren't available for purchase right now (EDIT: they're back in the store, $15 for three). The good news is, you can probably just grab six Warriors of the Dead as proxies. I've converted 2 Warriors of Numenor for mine - the old plastic guys aren't hard to find.

Purchase #24: 2 Mumakil ($216)

Ouch - this bit isn't cheap (and like the Watcher, you can't easily proxy them out). You only need these guys for one scenario, but they are REALLY cool models!

By the way, if you like the Mumak War Leader, it is actually cheaper to get the Mumak War Herd from Forgeworld ($100/Mumak), but costs you a whopping $300 to buy.

Purchase #25: 24 Haradrim Warriors ($42)

Fortunately for us who care about cost, the only other Harad Warriors you need come in a plastic blister. Pick up a command blister or Suladan and you're good to go with a basic Serpent Horde or Grand Army of the South LL force!

Purchase #26: Faramir, Madril, and Damrod ($35)

I own Faramir and Damrod and am working on getting Madril. These heroes are all super useful and you should own them (not just for the two missions they appear in).

Purchase #27: Anborn and Mablung ($33)

Two more great additions, especially if you like the Rangers of Ithilien LL. The models are great and are worth the Forge World prices.

Purchase #28: 24 Rangers of Gondor ($42)

For the campaign, you need one box of Rangers. If you plan on running a Minas Tirith army, you want at least one box of these guys. If you plan on running the Rangers of Ithilien LL, buy two boxes.

Purchase #29: 37 Orc Warriors + 3 Orc Captains + 1 Orc Warrior with banner ($84 + $40)

Orc Warriors are needed for quite a few missions late in the campaign (Cirith Ungol, Plateau of Gorgoroth, and Osgiliath). For two of these, you need 24 Or Warriors (one box), but for the Osgiliath mission, you need 36 Orcs and a banner. While you could certainly make bannermen out of Orc spearmen or two-handed weapon guys, I've just put two boxes of Orcs on here and the Command blister. You will need a Taskmaster in one mission, so determine if you're willing to do conversions for the heroes you need (you already need to convert up two Captains).

Purchase #30: 24 Warriors of Minas Tirith and 1 Warrior of Minas Tirith with Banner ($42 + $40)

To supplement the Rangers you have, you need a box of Minas Tirith Warriors and a bannerman. You will need these guys later in the campaign, so it helps to just get the command blister, unless you want to save yourself some money and convert some . . .

Purchase #31: 6 Osgiliath Veterans ($30)

You can get the six Osgiliath Veterans needed for the campaign by purchasing two packs of Osgiliath Veterans. If you've bought two boxes of Warriors of Minas Tirith, you should have plenty of spare models to convert two spearmen, two shield guys, and two bowmen into the Osgiliath Veterans you need. To make two of my converted Osgiliath Veterans look different, I've used the bared heads for Theoden from the Pelennor Fields box set (his helmeted version looks great).

Purchase #32: Shelob ($40)

Okay, so you only need Shelob for one mission. Her base size happens to be the same as a Mordor Troll, so you could easily proxy her with a Troll in a pinch. However, buying the In the Clutches of Shelob set also gives you a Frodo-wound-in-a-web marker (which is good for the scenario) and a Sam carrying Sting (which is good for not only this scenario, but all of the following scenarios where we'll be using Sam). I got a copy of this for about $35 on eBay, which is basically the same as from the GW store (and most of the Shelobs I've seen from second-hand vendors are basically the same price, so I'd recommend paying the extra money for more than just the spider). A bit sad that Smeagol doesn't come in this set too . . .

Well, I don't have a lot of these, so here's where we're at for the next batch of things:

  • Previous set: $197
  • Pelennor Fields Box Set: $150 (can get this for a few bucks cheaper from second-hand vendors)
  • 2 Mumakil: $216
  • Haradrim Warriors: $42
  • Faramir, Damrod, and Madril: $35
  • Anborn and Mablung: $33
  • Orc Warriors: $42 (I really only need half the box, so I might see if there are some unloved orcs on the second-hand market for this - or see if someone wants to split the box - but worst case scenario, I have lots of Orcs for my Angmar army or my son's Barad-Dur army)
  • TOTAL: $715
  • ACTUAL TOTAL: $1,477

Part V: Cirith Ungol to Mount Doom

Our purchases here are mostly needed for two missions: Cirith Ungol and the End of All Things (the finale). The mission in between these two is the Plateau of Gorgoroth, which will use the Orc Warriors/Captains we already have.

Purchase #33: Shagrat and Gorbag ($35)

These guys are great to have - especially if you plan on running the Cirith Ungol Legendary Legion. Even if you're not going to run the Legion, Shagrat and Gorbag are great heroes for a Mordor army to run (cheap heroes with lots of Might and Strike). Shagrat is great at killing heroes, while Gorbag is better used killing grunts. For my part, I've purchased both of these guys off the second-hand market.

Purchase #34: 15 Mordor Uruk-Hai ($105)

I've put down the cost of three boxes of Mordor Uruk-Hai here (which will give you 18 Uruk-Hai). Technically, since the Mordor Uruk-Hai in the Cirith Ungol scenario don't have any additional wargear, you need FIVE boxes of Mordor Uruk-Hai to play this scenario "properly." Unless you're playing two full warbands of the new Cirith Ungol LL, you probably don't have/need that many Uruks (in which case, if you want to fill Shagrat's warband and a Mordor Uruk-Hai Captain's warband, you actually DO need five boxes of Mordor Uruk-Hai . . . or four boxes if you use the unarmored Shagrat model as a Mordor Uruk-Hai Captain). For those looking to save some money, just use the Uruk-Hai Scouts you bought earlier. For me, I've got 6 Mordor Uruk-Hai and I'll be using some of the Uruk-Hai Scouts I buy for Mordor Uruk-Hai.

Purchase #35: Mordor Orc Taskmaster

Good news, you already got this guy in your Mordor Orc Command pack. Alternatively, you could just take an Orc Warrior you have extra and make your own. Your choice - either way, this one is a free-bee.

Purchase #36: Orc armor versions of Frodo and Sam

This purchase is also technically unnecessary - you could just use the Frodo/Sam you've been using, but collectors of the game will probably say you should look for the Frodo/Sam in Orc armor when it gets released made-to-order.

Purchase #37: Mordor Troll Chieftain ($41)

While Shagrat and Gorbag are great heroes to include in a Mordor army because they're cheap, Mordor Troll Chieftains are great heroes because they're big and powerful and bring Brutal Power Attacks to the table. This guy is one of MANY models you will need for the final mission (The End of All Things). He's also important for a Black Gate Opens Legendary Legion army. Fair warning if you get the metal version: he's got lots of poky bits, so wear gloves while putting him together (I tore up my fingers pretty well).

Purchase #38: Mouth of Sauron F&M ($25)

Another great purchase if you plan to run the Black Gate Opens LL - and he's a pretty cheap Hero of Valor for a normal Mordor army. While you can always include Orc Captains or Black Numenorean Marshals for March, the Mouth of Sauron can March your troops to battle as well. He also has some limited spell-casting abilities and can wield his sword two-handed if you need him to do extra damage. No Strike on this guy, so keep him against grunts (or people he's transfixed).

Purchase #39: 24 Morannons + 3 Morannon Orc Captains ($42)

You already have lots of Morannon Orcs if you own the Pelennor Fields box set, but you'll need a TON of Morannons for the final mission. You'll need 3 Morannon Orc Captains, so paint up a few of the Morannon Orcs you have to be Captains and you're good to go (you can also add some heads from Warriors of Minas Tirith you've converted into Osgiliath Veterans, if you're okay with that sort of thing). I won't need to buy more of these guys - I have a new Pelennor Fields box set coming, after all.

Purchase #40: King Aragorn on foot ($36)

King Aragorn is a great hero for Minas Tirith (especially if you want to ally Minas Tirith with the Dead of Dunharrow for added killing power). King Aragorn should be run mounted where possible, but when you can't do that (like in this mission or the Men of the West LL), he's still quite powerful. While the mounted version of King Aragorn is pretty easy to find on the alternative markets, the infantry version is very, VERY hard to get. I already owned a mounted King Aragorn model (those are not hard to find second-hand), but lucked out with a F&M Finecast Aragorn set for roughly $28. Life is good. :-)

Purchase #41: Eomer on foot ($35)

Eomer, like Aragorn, is better mounted. In this mission, of course, he's ALSO on foot. With the AMAZING new Eomer sculpt giving you sword or throwing spear options, you probably want the throwing spears equipped for 99% of the lists he's in, but in the Men of the West LL, you can't take them (and in this mission, he doesn't have them). So, you might want to equip him with the sword instead. I have the old sculpt of Eomer, so I'll be using that one. For those converting up their own Osgiliath Veterans, you get two more bare-headed Eomer heads that you can use to make your Os-Vets a bit more distinctive.

Purchase #42: Gandalf the White & Pippin ($40)

The Gandalf and Pippin set is amazing - really beautiful sculpts, very easy to paint. Here we need the infantry versions of Gandalf and Pippin for this mission. I have Gandalf already, but will need Pippin. You could get an infantry version of Gandalf the White pretty easily on the second-hand market, and you can usually find an old version of Pippin with the old version of Rohan Merry. Speaking of which, you'll also need . . .

Purchase #43: Eowyn and Merry ($40)

Eowyn isn't needed for this mission, but you need Merry. If you're going to get Merry, you might as well get Dernhelm (because she's awesome and is often included in Rohan Legendary Legions or vanilla Rohan armies). These new sculpts are beautiful and really, REALLY nice on the tabletop. I don't plan on running Dernhelm, so I'm looking at getting the old Merry model. If you're okay with female Osgiliath Veterans, you get the final pair of bare-headed heads that you need to make converted Osgiliath Veterans stand out from the rest.

Purchase #44: 24 Warriors of Rohan + 1 Warrior of Rohan with banner ($42 + $40)

You'll need Warriors of Rohan for this - and you already have 12 of them. So buy 24 more and convert one of the throwing spear guys into a banner-carrier. You can get the Rohan Command blister if you want to, but it isn't necessary if you're willing to do a few conversions.

With the required purchases for this iconic scene come in at just over $100, here's what we're looking at for the price:

  • Previous set: $715
  • Mouth of Sauron: $25
  • Merry and Pippin: hopefully <$15
  • TOTAL: $755
  • ACTUAL TOTAL: $1,958 . . . plus tax :-)


So . . . that is a lot of money. :) For my part, I've got plans to get these things over the next three or four years - getting things that are needed for more missions before those needed for a few (the Mumaks are coming last). :-) Hopefully this break-down was useful for you - I know it was informative for me! I may work with Centaur and Rythbryt for break-downs of some of the other books - we'll see. Until next time, happy hobbying!


  1. dang that is a lot of money. I guess GW is really getting people to buy more MESBG mode,s

    1. To be honest, you would save quite a bit of money if you invested in the Battle Games in Middle-Earth magazines back in the day.

  2. Tiberius: "no one in their right mind needs 18 Wild Warg models!"

    Me: *tucks away his shoe-box of wild wargs*

    1. Warg Rider dismounts don't count . . . :-P

    2. Aye, but what about warg-rider dismounts... only for the wargs who stick around when the riders dismount? 'Cuz I have about 30 of those (mostly for that "wargs attack" mission from battle companies). :-P

    3. Well, okay - my point was that someone running an Angmar army in a points match game isn't going to run 18+ Wild Wargs. Sure, you can have that many (or more) for scenario play, but finding alternative Warg models makes sense for matched-play-oriented players.

  3. If you love the idea, we are playing through all the missions......albeit currently on hiatus due to covid restrictions.


  4. Edit - I think we owned the models beforehand, new fw stuff excepted.

  5. This is the best what to buy list ever written, hands down! Would love to see the other books broken down in this fashion. Great write up!!

    1. Thanks - we'll get to the other ones eventually!

  6. Or… Get a 3-D printer. In the long run, even if you buy a really good one, its going to be SO much cheaper.

    1. It can be - subscriptions to groups like the Printing Goes Ever On can get you a lot of the sculpts, though the subscription itself is also quite pricey.
