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First Impressions: The Kingdoms of Men, Part II

Good morning gamers, NOTE: there has been an update based on a comment made below - the change is in red . I have not yet seen the War of th...

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Fleshing Out the Rangers

Hey Reader!

As we're talking about the Rangers this week, I thought I'd take a moment to do something a bit different: offer some ideas for new profiles for Ranger models to expand the range a bit more.

Not every faction needs to be as fleshed out as, say, Minas Tirith or Mordor, and the Rangers are one such faction: I don't think you need a lot of options to choose from to make this faction feel thematic and unique. The fact that it is an all-hero faction already makes it feel unique, and we don't want to detract from this.

But since this can also lead to a lack of options to deal with different threats and play styles, I present the following as homebrew profiles that might make your Ranger armies more flexible in dealing with threats.

I.  The Rangers of the North

In Tolkien's legendarium we have no indication that the rangers have vast numbers of troops - only a small platoon of men join Aragorn in his quest through the Paths of the Dead, and these are all that could be mustered by Halbarad. So while the obvious gap in the faction's options is troop options, I want you to know that 1) as a former Grey Company player from the old edition that had the option to take Rangers of Arnor, and 2) as someone who really misses having 30 shots in a round, I want to state upfront that we're not resurrecting that option in this update. You will still have an all-hero force, so your numbers will likely always be lower than your opponent.

And that's fine - that's the ranger way.

I will also say, thematically, all of the ranger profiles that currently exist should get hand-and-a-half swords instead of just swords, based off of Aragorn's ranger sword. I also don't think that requires a point increase, as they are not getting Burly or another rule that allows you to two-hand without a penalty, so personally I don't think there's a big deal with just making that change. But eh, we'll see what happens.

What we will provide below are a small number of new options to fill the other needs: slightly cheaper options so you can expand your numbers somewhat (at the expense of veterancy and survivability), as well as some support options to help you cover over some of the common issues the army faces. We will also provide some new named rangers, just to give the list more flavor, much like the new ranger heroes that were added with Quest of the Ringbearer.

II.  New Profiles for the Rangers

Before we launch into the three new profiles, it is worth noting that none of these profiles are the hardened, dour warriors that joined Aragorn on his journey, so I would not add any of them to the legendary legions that surround the Grey Company, personally. I'd be open to allowing them to join a Shire force per the normal rules for Dunedain, but not the legendary legions.

Arnorian Hunter (15 Points, Independent Hero)

While the Dunedain and Rangers of the North are trained extensively in combat, the hunters that bring in the food for the camps are excellent shots and swift runners. Armed with the bows and swords of their people (and sometimes spears for hunting wild boar), Arnorian Hunters are reliable ranged combatants but suffer from lack of armor and martial prowess in close combat, though well armed for hunting big game. They are devoted to their chieftain, however, and will do his bidding bravely.

Arnornian Hunters benefit from the Rangers army special rule, including an extra attack while on foot. 

Move F/S S D A W C M/W/F

   6”        3/3+ 4 4 1 1 4 0/1/ 1

Equipment: Dagger, Bow

Upgrades: May take the following upgrades:

  • Spear: 1pt

Heroic Actions: Accuracy

Evendim Herbalist (20 Points, Independent Hero)

Specialists who train in the cultivation and use of herbs, herbalists are not great warriors, but they perform a critical task for the Dunedain: keeping their fighters in good condition.

Evendim Herbalists benefit from the Woodland Creature special rule from the Rangers army special rule, but do not gain the extra attack while on foot. 

Move F/S S D A W C M/W/F

   6”        2/4+ 3 3 1 1 4 1/1/ 5

Equipment: Dagger

Upgrades: May take the following upgrades:

  • Horse: 10pts

Heroic Actions: Defense

Special Rules: Resistant to Magic 

Special Rule: Hands of a Healer: When an ally within 3" (including the Herbalist) suffers a wound, the Herbalist may spend 1 Fate on behalf of the target as if the target had expended a Fate Point to prevent the wound.

Fornost Scribe (20 Points, Independent Hero)

A learned man of the Edain, the scribes of Fornost keep alive the memory of the kings of old and chieftains of the Dunedain, including their exploits and accomplishments. These men, while wizened and lacking in the steady training of the Dunedain, have seen their fair share of war thanks to the small number of rangers that yet remain, and bring their knowledge the bear in battle.

Fornost Scribes benefit from the Woodland Creature special rule from the Rangers army special rule, but do not gain the extra attack while on foot. 

Move F/S S D A W C M/W/F

   6”        3/4+ 3 3 1 1 4 0/4/ 1

Equipment: Dagger

Special Rule: Tactician: The scribe is familiar with the exploits of past kings, and brings this wisdom to the battlefield. The tactician may spend 1 Will Point whenever an allied hero within 3" calls a Heroic Move: the hero does not need to spend a Point of Might to call the heroic action.

We also present the following ideas for named rangers, much in-line with what Minas Tirith has for its ranger contingents. We won't be copying those special rules here, but it's the same concept: some lesser captains among the men who hold the line alongside Aragorn and Halbarad. I am borrowing names from Westron and from Lord of the Rings Online, because I love that game (as it was my second online RPG game I ever played). You should check it out if you have the time!

Dannassel, Ranger of Fornost (50 Points, Independent Hero)

Dannassel is a ranger stationed at Fornost Erain, one of the largest settlements in the region of Arthedain that was once sacked by the forces of Angmar. Dannassel patrols the northern reaches of the old kingdom and protects the Shire from danger. With nimble movement and unflagging speed she can cross hills, forests, and rivers with ease, and her slight frame makes her very hard to hit with missiles of various kinds.

Dannassel offers a "mobile threat" for your force, and while she may not be that survivable, she is surprisingly durable against attacks. Dannassel also counts as a "Dunedain" for the purposes of the Rangers army special rule.

Move F/S S D A W C M/W/F

   6”        5/3+ 4 4 2 1 5 2/1/ 1

Equipment: Hand-and-a-Half Sword, Bow

Upgrades: May take the following upgrades:

  • Spear: 1pt

Heroic Actions: Accuracy, Defense

Special RuleNimble: Dannassel treats all difficult terrain as open terrain. In addition, opponents suffer a -1 to their roll when rolling for In the Ways to target Dannassel.

Daerdan, Warden of Annuminas (85 Points, Hero of Fortitude)

One of the wardens of the sunken city of Annuminas, Daerdan guards the northwest reaches of Arnor from external threats. Skilled in the use of sword and shield in close combat, Daerdan has perfected the art of defense while still retaining the skilled archery training of his ancestors.

Daerdan offers a "bunker" that can hold down enemies for a good long while. Daerdan also counts as a "Ranger of the North" for the purposes of the Rangers army special rule.

Move F/S S D A W C M/W/F

   6”        5/3+ 4 6 2 2 5 3/ 1/ 1

Equipment: Hand-and-a-Half Sword, Bow, Armor, Shield

Upgrades: May take the following upgrades:

  • Horse: 10pts

Heroic Actions: Strike, Defense

Special Rule: Defender: Daerdan gains the +1 Defense from his shield, even while having a ranged weapon 

Special RuleWarden of the Ancient City: If Daerdan elects to shield in a duel and wins the duel roll, he may perform one strike at Strength 4 against a single target in the fight.

Amlan, Ranger of the Greenway Road (70 Points, Hero of Fortitude)

A skilled horseman used to watching over the old Greenway Road that runs through Bree toward Dunland, Amlan has spent many years riding up and down the road to keep it safe for tradesmen and travelers. A skilled horseman and brave in battle, Amlan hails from a long line of rangers that have been charged with the defense of the realm.

Amlan also counts as a "Ranger of the North" for the purposes of the Rangers army special rule.

Move F/S S D A W C M/W/F

   6”        5/3+ 4 5 2 2 5 2/ 2/ 2

Equipment: Hand-and-a-Half Sword, Bow, Armor

Upgrades: May take the following upgrades:

  • Horse: 10pts

Heroic Actions: Strike

Special Rules: Expert Rider

Special RuleGreenway Guardian: When mounted, Amlan is +1 Strength when on the charge.

Torchirion, Guardian of the North Downs (50 Points, Independent Hero)

An archer in his prime with a steady hand and a strong back, Torchirion sports a war bow with a powerful draw weight, Torchirion is an expert archer with deadly precision. While not as skilled in melee as many of his brothers and sisters, Torchirion is skilled at loosing arrows without letting anyone know he is present, protecting his brothers from afar.

Torchirion is your "sniper" option, specializing in taking out spears and pikes (ideally from a hidden vantage point). He is very fragile, so keep him away from trouble, but his impact on a fight could be huge, as he can remove 1-2 dice from a fight after moves have already been made. 

Torchirion also counts as a "Dunedain" for the purposes of the Rangers army special rule.

Move F/S S D A W C M/W/F

   6”        4/2+ 4 4 1 1 5 2/ 1/ 1

Equipment: Hand-and-a-Half Sword, Longbow

Upgrades: May take the following upgrades:

  • Spear: 1pt

Heroic Actions: Accuracy

Special Rules: Stalk Unseen

Special RuleDead Eye: Torchirion automatically passes In the Ways (and thus may fire through combats) when targeting a model supporting a combat.

Culang, Watchman of the Tower Hills (65 Points, Independent Hero)

Culang is not as accurate as some of his kin, but he has a quick hand for loosing arrows and drawing his sword. As a watchman of the crags and hill country northwest of the Shire toward the Blue Mountains, Culang is used to sudden terrors, and has trained accordingly.

Culang also counts as a "Ranger of the North" for the purposes of the Rangers army special rule.

Move F/S S D A W C M/W/F

   6”        5/3+ 4 5 2 2 5 2/ 1/ 2

Equipment: Hand-and-a-Half Sword, Bow, Armor

Upgrades: May take the following upgrades:

  • Horse: 10pts

Heroic Actions: Strike, March

Special RuleQuick Draw: When Culang is charged for the first time in any Move Phase, he may perform a single ranged attack against the charging attacker.

Gwonil, Sentinel of Amon Sul (50 Points, Independent Hero)

A young maiden who patrols the road from Amon Sul to the Hoarwell River, Gwonil is agile and reliable, hitting her target when it comes. She is used to having to fight on her own, and can handle herself in a fight against a handful of opponents. She is good at fending off threats from all sides, which happens with some frequency in the eastern reaches of the old kingdom.

Gwonil also counts as a "Dunedain" for the purposes of the Rangers army special rule.

Move F/S S D A W C M/W/F

   6”        4/3+ 4 4 2 2 5 2/ 1/ 1

Equipment: Hand-and-a-Half Sword, Bow

Upgrades: May take the following upgrades:

  • Spear: 1pt

Special Rules: Preternatural Agility

Special RuleSteady Hand: Gwonil may reroll any In the Way rolls she wishes.

Calenglad, Waywatcher of Bree (75 Points, Hero of Fortitude)

Among the bravest and valiant of his kin, Calenglad has spent many years roaming the old kingdom and keeping back the forces of darkness. Armed with an ancient blade made by the men of Numenor and a fearless heart in the face of danger, Calenglad stands tallest when challenging the greatest and mightiest of the foe.

Calenglad also counts as a "Ranger of the North" for the purposes of the Rangers army special rule.

Move F/S S D A W C M/W/F

   6”        5/3+ 4 5 2 2 5 3/ 1 /1

Equipment: Master-Forged Hand-and-a-Half Sword, Bow, Armor

Upgrades: May take the following upgrades:

  • Horse: 10pts

Heroic Actions: Challenge, Strike

Special RuleDour Heart: When performing Courage tests, Calenglad rolls three dice and uses the highest two. In addition, when issuing and fighting in a Heroic Challenge, Calenglad's Fight Value is increased to 7.

Dairion, Hunter of the South Downs (30 Points, Independent Hero)

Dairion is a young hunter yearning to prove himself to the clan. He hunts animals to feed his people, but trains for the day when he will officially enter the ranks of the Dunedain Rangers. A decent shot and a steady hand with a spear, Dairion is the fear of all that walk on four legs in the South Downs.

Dairion also counts as an "Arnorian Hunter," and receives the benefits from the Rangers army special rule, including an extra attack while on foot. 

Move F/S S D A W C M/W/F

   6”        3/3+ 4 4 1 1 4 1/ 1/ 1

Equipment: Dagger, Bow, Spear

Heroic Actions: Accuracy

Special Rule: Boar Spear: When using a spear, Dairion is +1 to wound rolls against targets that lack Heavy Armor (or better armor, such as Dwarf Armor).

Inzilneth, Herbalist of Fornost (40 Points, Independent Hero)

An old healer hailing from the fortress at Fornost Erain, Inzilneth gathers and uses herbs of various kinds to heal the wounds of war, keeping the young rangers in the fight. While her fighting days are mostly past her, Inzilneth is still capable of riding with the others to aid them in their work, thanks to her Numenorean ancestry.

Inzilneth benefits from the Woodland Creature special rule from the Rangers army special rule, but does not gain the extra attack while on foot.

Move F/S S D A W C M/W/F

   6”        2/4+ 3 4 1 2 5 1/ 1/ 5

Equipment: Dagger

Upgrades: May take the following upgrades:

  • Horse: 10pts

Heroic Actions: Defense

Special RulesResistant to Magic 

Special RuleHands of a Healer: When an ally within 3" (including the Herbalist) suffers a wound, the Herbalist may spend 1 Fate on behalf of the target as if the target had expended a Fate Point to prevent the wound.

Special Rule: Gather Herbs: While in a woodland terrain piece, if Inzilneth is not engaged in combat, she regains 1 Fate Point (to a maximum of 5).

Saphdan, Sage of Fornost (40 Points, Independent Hero)

A wise chronicler among the Dunedain, Saphdan has been aiding the Dunedain in orchestrating maneuvers to hold the forces of evil at bay for many years. Wizened and skilled in coordinating his brothers, Saphdan brings greater skill than most chroniclers due to his extensive experience in the field.

Saphdan benefits from the Woodland Creature special rule from the Rangers army special rule, but does not gain the extra attack while on foot. 

Move F/S S D A W C M/W/F

   6”        3/4+ 3 4 1 2 4 0/ 4/ 1

Equipment: Dagger, Armor

Special RuleTactician: Saphdan is familiar with the exploits of past kings, and brings this wisdom to the battlefield. The tactician may spend 1 Will Point whenever an allied hero within 3" calls a Heroic Move or Heroic March: the hero does not need to spend a Point of Might to call the heroic action.

Special Rule: Chronicler: Whenever Saphdan or an ally within 3" slays an enemy hero or monster, Saphdan may recover 1 Will Point previously spent.

III.  List Building for the Rangers

So, to start off with, yes, you are still going to struggle with numbers. You will be able to do better on sheer numbers of guys (and shots in the Shoot Phase) with the addition of the hunters, but you are far more susceptible in melee as you are only F3 and only D3. But if you want a slightly larger force, you can get it with hunters.

The second thing you get are herbalists, offering more survivability for your force if you are willing to give up a bow shot each turn (as the herbalist costs points roughly equal to a hunter or Dunedain), but hey - 5 Fate that you can spread around to keep your boys in the fight? Might save your life. There will be little to no damage coming out of this person, but hey, not everyone has to in this army if you can keep your power pieces up. And since the herbalist can take a horse, you can keep up with mounted heroes if you want to run a detachment of those.

And the final option is the scribe, allowing you to get in Heroic Moves without burning the Might you will need for Heroic Combats and, on your named heroes, Heroic Strike. The scribe is yet another "Give up a shot each turn to get this bonus" sort of person, but being able to move earlier might be worth it. So if you feel like this is a necessity, take a look at him.


The army still feels very much like a small band standing against an army, but at least now you get a few more support options and a chance for some variety in hero choices. What do you think - do you like these additions? Let us know in the comments below!

Watching the stars,


"Numbers do not win a battle." ~ Oreius the Centaur
"No...but I bet they help." ~ High King Peter


  1. I really like the named characters, not sure how I feel about the fornost scribes. thats basically 20 points for an extra might for a heroic move, maybe if they were as good in combat as a ranger, and maybe increase the points by 2 - 5. Because an extra ranger might be better because it not like you need more might. You cna already get a ton

    1. The Scribes can use their 4 Will points to grant free Heroic Moves, so you're basically paying 20pts for +4 Might . . . seems like a pseudo-Alfrid thing that would be worth it if you can keep the scribe alive.

  2. Some of those characters are brilliant. I love the "overwatch" special rule, and the ignore in the way to snipe supports!

    Some others I don't like as much, but these are for friendly games so I'll just pick and choose ;)

  3. The Rangers are my favourite army atm, but they always feel like a tier 2-3 faction when I play them. I feel the biggest issues limiting The Rangers as an 'army' are easily fixed. The extra profiles proposed are an excellent way to do it and add some more character to the force, but I think it could equally be done with some tweaks and an extra profile.

    Firstly the costs of Dunedain and Rangers of the North need to be fixed. They're both overpriced for what they bring to the table, especially as they have no warriors to lead. I also don't see why they can't just be represented by a single profile with some more flexibility in their wargear. Given their background as a sort of militia force, or irregular army, I think it's appropriate theme-wise to have some variability in their options:

    Ranger of the North: Man, Infantry, Hero - Independent Hero - 20pts
    Mv F S D A W C M W F
    6 4/3+ 4 4 1 1 4 1 1 1

    Wargear: Sword

    Heroic Actions: Accuracy

    Armour +4pts
    Replace sword with Hand-and-Half Sword +2pts
    Spear +2pts
    Bow +3pts
    Banner +25pts (Have a rule where this can be passed to other RotN)
    Horse +5pts

    This profile combines the Dunedain and Rangers of the North into a single profile. They can be run in a variety of builds depending on what you want them to do, and how many points you want them to cost. The point costs also mean no wargear option is auto-take, or completely useless. They all serve a purpose, and you'd have a sprinkling of each in a pure Ranger force. Having a generic banner option also stops Halbarad from being an auto-include (although I still think he's excellent).

    They could also use a generic captain-level hero with Heroic March. This would make Aragorn less of an auto-include for mobility. I like Arathorn as a cheaper leader, but the army always feels sluggish whenever I bring him instead of Aragorn. Something like this would be perfect:

    Veteran Ranger: Man, Infantry, Hero - Hero of Fortitude - 50pts
    Mv F S D A W C M W F
    6 5/3+ 4 4 2 2 5 2 1 1

    Wargear: Hand-and-Half Sword

    Heroic Actions: Accuracy, March

    Armour +5pts
    Bow +5pts
    Horse +10pts
    Chieftain's Guard (gain bodyguard, and Heroic Strike) +10pts

    Special Rules: Woodland Creature (this would come from the army bonus, but without the +1 attack the minor heroes gain)

    Finally The Rangers list should be able to include Elladan and Elrohir as heroes of fortitude, who gain the same bonuses as Arathorn, Aragorn, and Halbarad. This makes thematic sense, and give the list access to some extra Heroic Strike.

    These changes would IMO make The Rangers an interesting and more complete faction.
