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Thursday, July 13, 2023

Top 4 "Girl Items" for Wargamers!

Hey Reader!

So a bit of an unconventional post today, but I wanted to highlight four items (I really did try to get the list up to five, guys, but I couldn't think of another one, so if you think of one that I missed, please let me know in the comments below so I can edit and update the post with a shout-out to you, because the number four is just bothering me) that male wargamers generally don't buy (and female wargamers, inasmuch as they do buy them, probably don't use for the hobby) that are actually extremely useful and will help you immensely in the craft/hobby side of the hobby.

All of these are objects that I have either directly used or someone in my gaming group and immediate sphere of influence has used, so I've been able to verify the work, and boy howdy has it changed the way I see the world around me. So with no further ado, here's four items you probably don't use for the hobby that you really should.

#4: Hanging Shoe Rack

I like flannel, okay?
I don't own very many shoes; a pair of dress shoes for formal occasions, my work boots, a pair of sneakers for active wear (that I just threw away, because frankly it was past their time), and a pair of slippers (which you non-Hawaii people would call "flip-flops"). And even my wife doesn't own very many shoes, so it's actually a bit surprising that we had this object in our house.

But she used to use it for jean storage, and when she got a new dresser to store clothes in, she asked me if I wanted it.

And I had some rivers and trenches that needed storing, so I took it.

The two things I love about this is 1) it optimized space that I wasn't using, and 2) it is so easy to access. I don't need to unstack boxes, open drawers - I just grab and go. And if you're worried that it's too flimsy, you can add carboard (or MDF board) inserts as the "floor" of each section, increasing its rigidity and structure. Super convenient, easy to use, relatively portable, and cheap - I highly recommend it.

#3: Hair Dryer

Sometimes when modeling a miniature or shaping terrain you need to apply variable heat to an area, and for that hair dryers are super useful. They are easy to use, intuitive to those of us who frankly don't have enough hair to justify a hair dryer and thus have no experience with them, and also (relatively) compact and easy to store.

Now, it should be noted that, like orc leader heroes, not all hair dryers are created equal. Some of them do not produce enough heat to reliably melt foam, so be sure to check the strength of the hair dryer before making a purchase. I am not going to pretend to know enough about hair dryers to tell you what that is, so I recommend asking someone else.

Not a lot to say here, but if you're looking for a new hobby tool, here's an option for you!

#2: Nail Polish

Oh, and it comes in so many colors!
We all need to seal our minis to avoid chipping, and do you know what seals things, protects against chipping, and comes with a BUILT-IN BRUSH?!?! Nail polish!

Not only does it prevent chipping, but if you get the sparkly kind it will make your dragon look like he's still got some gold from his horde on him. Fantastic effect, and super easy to use. I've done this on a few of my dragons (as my wife actually doesn't like nail polish, so I've semi-inherited a bunch of hers), and I love the effect. It's hard to capture in the picture, but I tried my best to show it to you there: it literally glistens, and it looks like there are diamonds or gold or something trapped in his hide thanks to years of lying against it all day. So that removes 1 additional dry brushing step from the process.

Oh, and do you know what else I love about nail polish? It's made as a resilient application to prevent CHIPPING! So it's a sealant for the mini as well, protecting it from the natural wear and tear of the gaming table. So it's both aesthetically pleasing, achieving a difficult visual effect, while also being functional, removing yet another step from the process! Huge plus, OP, highly recommend.

#1: Blush Brush

$1.49 USD on Temu, in case you need one!
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the blush brush (and actually quite a few makeup brushes) make fantastic highlighting tools. They are designed to grab and lightly apply product to the top surface of the target, and it does that really well because...that's its purpose.

I'm terrified of highlights: I'm so afraid it's going to go on too thick and I'm going to BOTCH the paint job I've already done (not that I'm a very good painter to start with, but hey if I'm already at this point why regress), and my pile of shame is going to laugh at me for taking EVEN LONGER on a project than I ALREADY AM, so I get paralyzed by it. But blush brushes help (not a guarantee, but help) to mitigate this, as they are designed to only pick up residual amount of product and apply it gently yet evenly to the non-recessed parts of the the target. And that is precisely what we're looking for.

So be a man, walk down the very well-lit and colorful makeup aisle, and grab a blush brush.


Now what do you do if you feel a bit self-conscious picking things out? As an introvert, I get this. First, you can start by just owning the fact that you're in the aisle getting something that's going to help your hobbying immensely and just not sweat it, because you're going to make your life a lot easier by spending 2 minutes in the aisle. 

Second, you can always order online (which is what this introvert prefers to do). The advantage of in-person shopping is that you can visibly see the variance in color/shade for the nail polish, plus you get the product immediately is if you're in a crunch scenario to finish terrain and need a hair dryer pronto, you have it. But if it can wait a few days, buying online is also an option.

Whatever you choose to do, definitely consider adding these to your toolbox. They're worth the (relatively small amount of) money you'll spend. And if you have an idea for what Item #5 should have been, drop it in the comments below!

Watching the stars,


"Will they follow me?" ~ High King Peter
"To the death." ~ Oreius

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