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Good morning gamers, Tiberius : Red Jacket is back with a review of his beloved Rohan heroes. There will be one point of cross-over with my ...

Saturday, May 29, 2021

TMAT Talks, Episode 13: The Grand Tournament 2021 (Part 2)

A global pandemic may have claimed TMAT's 2020 Grand Tournament, but those dark days are finally past, and a red sun is rising once more. The 2021 Grand Tournament is upon us--so of course, TMAT's resident armchair quarterbacks had to break it down!

In Part II, Tiberius, Centaur, and Rythbryt recap their escalation rounds (which featured a lot of elves, Rohirrim, and monsters). If you need a refresher on the lists, you can find them here: 


Now available on Spotify, Google Play, Apple Podcasts, and most places you get your podcasts!

Music: Happy Haunts by Aaron Kenny


Show Notes:

Intro (0:00)

Round 1: Uruks v. Monster Mash, Lothlorien v. Rohan, Mountain Rohan v. Gwaihir & Galad (2:20)

Round 2: Monster Mash v. Mounted Rohan, Uruks v. Rohan, Lothlorien v. 
Gwaihir & Galad (39:06)

Round 3: Rohan v. Mounted Rohan, Monster Mash v. Gwaihir & Galad, Lothlorien v. Uruks (1:36:07)

Final Placements and Parting Thoughts (2:51:44)


  1. Hi Guys! Great talk about your tournament. Really like the podcast format for those kind of high over battle reports, thanks for posting 'm!
