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First Impressions: The Kingdoms of Men, Part II

Good morning gamers, NOTE: there has been an update based on a comment made below - the change is in red . I have not yet seen the War of th...

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Thoughts on New Legendary Legions - Forces of Good

Hey Reader!

As Tiberius continues his march through the legendary legions, I thought I'd take a moment to share two ideas for legendary legions that we will probably not get in the future (as they are pretty closely tied to books we've already seen released), but that I think would be cool and provide new avenues for gameplay. Neither are particularly groundbreaking (and I don't think either are as good as other legions that are out there, consistent with my methodology for homebrewing stuff), but I think they provide unique options for gameplay.

We will walk through the first one, which is a Rohan legion (I know, I know, ANOTHER Rohan legion), and then into a Fellowship-centric legion.

I.  Eorl Comes Legendary Legion

This is the legendary legion that, I confess, I was surprised we did not get, as it would have given love to a longstanding Rohan hero, and would have given options for a new Gondor hero: Cirion. But perhaps that is also why they didn't do it, as there is already a Cirion in the Minas Tirith army list.

But the concept of the legion is straightforward: in response to the invasion of the Balchoth Easterlings from the East and a contingent of orcs from the Misty Mountains, Cirion the Steward of Gondor fought to keep the enemy from crossing the Anduin. He was pushed back, and faced them at the Battle of the Field of Celebrant, where he was joined unexpectedly by Eorl the Young and the Eothed.

While you can technically build a list like this using a King of Men and Eorl, that list leaves something to be desired, and that's where the legion comes in (much like how you can mix Lorien and Rohan normally, but a Helm's Deep legion works better).

Army Lists for the Legion

The army list borrows models from the Rohan and Minas Tirith army lists. You have access to Eorl the Young, Rohan Captains, Riders of Rohan, Rohan Royal Guards, and Sons of Eorl from the Rohan army list. 

You have access to Cirion, Steward of Gondor (a King of Men with +1 Attack, +1 Might, and +1 Wound, and costs +20 pts), Captain of Gondor, Knight of the White Tower, Warriors of Minas Tirith, Rangers of Gondor, Knights of Minas Tirith, Citadel Guard, Fountain Court Guard, Gondor Battlecry Trebuchet, and Gondor Avenger Bolt Thrower from the Minas Tirith army list. 

Cirion and all captain models have access to all upgrades on their respective profiles.

This provides you with a flexible cavalry squad that can skirmish or be built for heavy charges, and you can augment this with a reliable "anvil" and "fire support" squad of Gondorians. The list will be smaller than some other legions as you will have a decent cavalry force (and potentially siege weapons), but not that much smaller than a standard Rohan list.

Legendary Legion Special Rules

The legion has the following special rules:

Requirements: You must include Eorl the Young and Cirion, Steward of Gondor in your army list. Eorl is considered to be the army leader (as Cirion, Steward of Gondor is still a Hero of Valour).

Lord of the Eothed: Eorl counts as Theoden for the purposes of the Arise, Riders of Theoden special rule.

Fury of the Northmen: All Rohan Cavalry models gain +1 Strength on the charge.

The Wise Steward: Whenever a friendly model within 6" of Cirion, Steward of Gondor suffers a wound, roll a D6: on a 6, the wound is prevented exactly as if a Point of Fate was expended.

II.  The Three Hunters Legendary Legion

Do you know what I never expected the game to do? Give us a legendary legion tied to the Fellowship. But we got a cool one in the Quest for the Ringbearer book, and I love it (RIP Boromir though; I guess Galadriel was out of them fancy daggers, :P ).

But this got me thinking about the Three Hunters: a group that already kinda has a few legendary legions between the Return of the King, the Grey Company, and to some extent the Men of the West, but you don't get one of the three of them hounding the uruks across the plains of Rohan, tracking down their foes through the unbending will of their captain, Estel.

And as I thought about that, their meeting with Eomer, and then their reuniting with Gandalf the White (who cannot be taken with the Three Hunters in the vast majority of lists), and I had my inspiration. One quick watch through those scenes from The Two Towers, and this legion was born.

Army Lists for the Legion

The army list borrows models from the Fellowship and Minas Tirith army lists. You have access to Aragorn/Strider, Gimli Son of Gloin, and Legolas Greenleaf from the Fellowship army list. 

You have access to Gandalf the White from the Minas Tirith army list. 

Aragorn has access to all upgrades on his profile except the Armor upgrade and the elven cloak upgrade. Legolas has access to all upgrades on his profile except the Armor upgrade and the elven cloak upgrade. Gimli has access to all upgrades on his profile except the elven cloak upgrade. Gandalf the White has access to Shadowfax.

If you are going with "Movie Aragorn," we recommend you do not purchase the Anduril upgrade. If you are going with "Book Aragorn," we have left Anduril in the upgrades section for him so that you can purchase it for him. We leave that up to you, because we are a huge fan of letting people live out the book or movie versions of the characters.

Legendary Legion Special Rules

The legion has the following special rules:

Requirements: Your army must include Aragorn/Strider, Gimli Son of Gloin, and Legolas Greenleaf. Aragorn/Strider is always considered to be the army leader, and the legion may be deployed as a single warband with Aragorn as its captain.

Eomer Comes: If desired, you may purchase Hasufel (Legolas's horse) and Arod (Aragorn's horse) for 10pts each. If you purchase Hasufel, Gimli may start the game mounted on Hasufel as a passenger, disembarking by performing a Jump test.

Gifts of Lorien: Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli start with elven cloaks for free.

Three Days and Nights Pursuit: At the start of your Move Phase, Aragorn/Strider may call "Hurry!" and rolls a D6: on a 6, all friendly models within 6" may regain up to 1 expended Might Point. Aragorn/Strider may use Might to increase this roll.

No Food, No Rest: Aragorn/Strider may call Heroic Marches without expending Might Points.

Elf Eyes: Models within 24" of Legolas do not gain the benefits of the Stalk Unseen special rule.

Natural Sprinter: When selecting targets to charge and when charging, Gimli's move distance is increased to 6" instead of 5" (note that this is only for performing charges: it does not apply to moves, Heroic Moves, Heroic Marches, etc.).


Neither of these are particularly game breaking, but I think they offer new ways to play with fun characters (and, in the case of Eorl, just shows the man a bit more love). If you enjoy them, feel free to let us know!

Watching the stars,


"(Your teacher) is a human...and is therefore blinkered and fettered by the limitations of your kind." ~ Firenze, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


  1. I don't know about Good, but here's an evil one I thought up representing a scene from AUJ:
    Yazneg's pack LL

    Yazneg on warg with lance
    Fimbul on warg
    Hunter captain on warg (options pick, bow)
    Hunter orcs on warg (options pick, bow, horn, banner)
    Fell wargs
    Special Rules:
    -Yazneg's mission
    Yazneg is upgraded to a hero of Valour in this list. Additionally, whilst he is within 12" of the enemy leader and has line of sight, Yazneg may call a free Heroic Combat every turn, given that, if successful, he must move as close to the enemy leader as possible.
    -The Master's Wrath
    When broken, all orcs in this list gain a +1 to their courage value.
    -Finally I would add the same bonus as the normal army list. Maybe even give all models in this LL Hatred (dwarf).
    What do you think? It's definitely more of a fluffy LL than a competitive one, given that Yazneg would make a pathetic leader and being all mounted decreases numbers and removes the Many blades rule. Still, fun to think about!

    1. I think it's an interesting idea - their bows might make them better against Terror armies than the Wolves of Isengard LL, which is built very similarly (even though that Legion has a Shaman). I expect this Legion would be better at lower points levels though.

    2. It's a cool idea - Azog's Hunters (my favorite Hobbit era army) have limited access to Heroic Strike (3-4 models, all named), and this list would have even less, so it would likely perform best at 500pts or less, as you wouldn't have as many heavy heroes. That being said, you'd get a lot of charges with knockdown, so that would help immensely, and assuming you keep the rule about improving your Shoot Value to 4+ you'd have a decent skirmishing force.

      Of course, one of my general critiques for Hobbit era armies is their lack of shamans, so I'd also love to see a Hunter Orc Shaman (and a Gundabad Shaman, for that matter) model released, and then added to both the standard list and the legendary legion, as I think it helps to cover a multitude of sins for this army (having fought against an Angmar army many times in practice for our last tournament, oh that one model would have been useful, :P ).

  2. I really like the 3 hunters idea wouldn't be able to compete in large point games but that is kinda the same with other only hero lists.

    "we dwarves are natural sprinter, very dangerous at a short distance

    1. Agreed - the list I think would play pretty well at 500 or less, as you could get the Three Hunters very well kitted out, you'd have two bows (firing four shots) to pick off stragglers in a Reconnoiter game or a similar one where movement really matters), and you can still take the Beatstick of Destiny on Aragorn, so you'd be fine in combat. But yeah - like most all hero armies, it's maxed at four models, so short of To the Death you'd be hard pressed to win at anything higher than 500pts.

  3. The Death Of Isildur

    LL must include isildur and troops from the numenor list, but not his father.

    LL bonuses - captains of numenor become S5. The whole army gains bodyguard (isildur).

    The opponent gains control of isildur while he wears the ring on a roll or a 1,2 or 3.

    Additionally up to 1/4 of warriors may be mounted. Mounted numenorians may have Lance's but not bows.

    1. YESSS!!!!! I wondered why Captains of Numenor weren't S5 already (though it's in keeping with Iron Hills Captains, I guess). Allowing for some mounted Numenoreans would be nice - hopefully we'll get a Second Age book someday and see more Numenorean warriors.

    2. If only there was a battle report of the battle of gladden fields where isildur faced a horde of orcs......

  4. Loving the ideas..

    For the eorl LL i may offer some touch ups?
    I'd say that instead of the clutch arise+Strength bonus,
    Riders within 12" of Eorl alwqys count as charging. Even if they are charged. In tzrns where the really charge, in 12" from Eorl, they gain +1FV. Also, Eorl counts as 6" banner for VP, but only for Friendly Rohan Models.
    Apply the same 6" banner to "Cirion".
    The 6" SaveFate reroll looks good but is very situational. Also, leave the Fountainguards at home.

    1. All of this looks pretty good; I've yet to test it (as we're just starting to meet up again for playtesting once 1/31 passes), but the "always count as charging, but you also get an extra bump when you actually charge" is interesting. Since Sons of Eorl are already getting that 2nd attack I could see it being pretty broken that they always count as charging (automatic 3 attacks with knockdown if fighting infantry for less than 25pts is a lot), but we'll see.

      And yeah - the 6" Fate Save is very situational; it's mostly thematic as Cirion and his men basically turtled up and held out until the Eothed arrived, so that's what I had in mind. Still going back and forth on whether to include Fountain Court Guard, Citadel Guard, or siege weapons, but the Gondor side gets pretty thin if they don't have some variety.

  5. A LL for any of the armies in the hobbit book would be nice, like a battle of the 5 armies LL where you can have erebor reclaimed, survivor's of lake-town and thranduils halls in one army without needing to to allie them so you don't need named characters that are heroes of valour.

    1. Those three armies are actually Historical Allies, so any Fortitude allies would work. The Iron Hills/Thranduil's Halls/Survivors of Laketown are also historical allies, but Erebor Reclaimed and the Iron Hills are only Convenient allies (probably because the Iron Hills guys who were left are in the Erebor Reclaimed list), so that would be the thing that would need to be bridged by the Legendary Legion.

      What will probably happen when the Five Armies Legion is provided is that the Thranduil's Halls list will get purged (Legolas, Tauriel, Rangers will probably be missing) and Thorin will probably not have access to Orcrist. Hopefully they'll do synergies between the different groups to encourage them to fight together.

    2. Yeah they are historical allies but you have to have a hero of valour or legend to allie now so youd have to take big pointed heroes to do it. Thranduils halls has legolas at 95pts erebor reclaimed has balin at 60pts and then bard at 140pts being the cheapest in the armies. My thoughts was
      erebor reclaimed thranduils halls and survivors of lake-town LL with removal of the rangers and not sure what else to remove but maybe they also need extra new units?
      The synergies are what i was thinking of to encourage people to use them together.

    3. The errata says you only need Valor/Legend when Convenient alliances are in play - historical allies can still do the Fortitude thing.

    4. Well then i missed that bit, thats made me happy!! I miss read it and thought it was to all. Id still like a LL to get special synergies to replace the army bonuses or some of them at least, although im not sure what you could give them?

  6. 'natural sprinter' is the best worst special rule since you could throw Gimli in the War of the Ring ruleset XD

    1. Clearly you didn't see my prediction for the Three Locks of Hair from Galadriel in the Breaking of the Fellowship LL (https://tellmeatalegreatorsmall.blogspot.com/2020/09/quest-for-ringbearer-what-i-really-want.html). :)

    2. Not gonna lie - I was thinking of something for Gimli and I was basically like, "...you know, I know this isn't nearly as good as the others, but gosh darn it if he's getting the potential to get a Might back at the start of the turn thanks to Aragorn rolling well, the only thing he really needs is a good charge distance, so why not," :P But yeah - not a game breaker, but I felt like it was thematic for him, :P
