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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Introducing: TMAT Challenge

One of the perks of Tolkien fandom is that Middle-Earth offers our imaginations plenty of room to roam. Case-in-point: you're shooting the breeze with your mates one day, and somebody says out of the blue, "Hey, you know that Haldir guy? I'll bet he couldn't beat Shagrat in a fight straight-up." To which your mate says, "Dude, you're full of it." And then you debate (and smack-talk) for an hour about who'd beat who, and how, and have a great time (while your significant other looks on, worriedly). 

We have those conversations all the time. And then it dawned on us: we have a gaming system that let's us test these theories! What are we doing!

And so, TMAT Challenge was born.

List-building and tournament tactics are fine and all, but sometimes you just need to kick back and rediscover the fun of the Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game. How many monsters can Theodred kill before he dies? Who'd kill more Goblins: Thranduil and Dain, or the Witch-King and the Wild Warg Chieftain? And can 350 points of barrow-wights really kill 350 points of Balrog?

Find the answers to these burning questions you've never thought about (and more) on TMAT Challenge! 

Available exclusively on YouTube

(because if there's no internet video, it didn't happen)


  1. I really likke this idea. I would love to see more of this

    1. Thanks for the feedback--we have more coming!
