We've only got two more posts left in this series - and today we have some really fun spells: Bladewrath, Enchanted Blades, and Enrage Beast. These three spells are held by only five models - three with Enchanted Blades and two special models who alone have Bladewrath and Enrage Beast. While we've looked at spells that do damage (either as a blast, in an area, or to a single model), restore stats/resources, remove stats/resources, protect friendly models from magic, breaking items, neutralizing enemy combatants, scattering models, and provide auric benefits (either by enhancing nearby models/the caster OR by scattering models), today's spells are the only ones that make you more lethal in combat (though I guess a channelled Shroud of Shadows counts as well).
"...we put the thought of all that we love into all that we make." ~Wood Elf Leader, The Fellowship of the Ring
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First Impressions: The Kingdoms of Men, Part IV
Good morning gamers, Tiberius : Red Jacket is back with a review of his beloved Rohan heroes. There will be one point of cross-over with my ...
Monday, October 26, 2020
Mastering Magic: Augmenting Damage Spells
We've only got two more posts left in this series - and today we have some really fun spells: Bladewrath, Enchanted Blades, and Enrage Beast. These three spells are held by only five models - three with Enchanted Blades and two special models who alone have Bladewrath and Enrage Beast. While we've looked at spells that do damage (either as a blast, in an area, or to a single model), restore stats/resources, remove stats/resources, protect friendly models from magic, breaking items, neutralizing enemy combatants, scattering models, and provide auric benefits (either by enhancing nearby models/the caster OR by scattering models), today's spells are the only ones that make you more lethal in combat (though I guess a channelled Shroud of Shadows counts as well).
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Introducing: TMAT Challenge
One of the perks of Tolkien fandom is that Middle-Earth offers our imaginations plenty of room to roam. Case-in-point: you're shooting the breeze with your mates one day, and somebody says out of the blue, "Hey, you know that Haldir guy? I'll bet he couldn't beat Shagrat in a fight straight-up." To which your mate says, "Dude, you're full of it." And then you debate (and smack-talk) for an hour about who'd beat who, and how, and have a great time (while your significant other looks on, worriedly).
We have those conversations all the time. And then it dawned on us: we have a gaming system that let's us test these theories! What are we doing!
And so, TMAT Challenge was born.
List-building and tournament tactics are fine and all, but sometimes you just need to kick back and rediscover the fun of the Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game. How many monsters can Theodred kill before he dies? Who'd kill more Goblins: Thranduil and Dain, or the Witch-King and the Wild Warg Chieftain? And can 350 points of barrow-wights really kill 350 points of Balrog?
Find the answers to these burning questions you've never thought about (and more) on TMAT Challenge!
Available exclusively on YouTube
(because if there's no internet video, it didn't happen)
Monday, October 19, 2020
Mastering Magic: Call Winds and Instill Fear
Well, we've been plowing through magical spells for a while now, but we come today to the last spell in the arsenal of MANY evil spell-casters (causing us to wrap up a LOT of models today). While Ringwraiths (and other evil casters) have neutralizing spells in the form of Transfix/Compel, a precision damage spell in Black Dart, and the ability to reduce enemy resources/stats via Sap Will and Drain Courage (the Witch-King also has access to Your Staff is Broken), Ringwaiths have a very iconic spell in the game that can scatter enemy models: Instill Fear.
Nazgul: "I'm casting Instill Fear - SCREEEEEEEEECH (or is that Transfix now? oh well, whatever!)!" |
Monday, October 12, 2020
Mastering Magic: Debuff Spells
Today we're covering four spells that will knock down your opponent's stats or heroic resources. Like our post on Restoration spells, the value of these spells is based on denying your opponent the ability to use heroic resources effectively (or reduce important stats - like Strength or Courage). Most of the characters we'll be viewing today are spooky and wraith-like, but you get some weird other characters showing up too. Today's post features such nasty spells as Curse (blows away Fate), Sap Will (blows away Will), Wither (reduces Strength), and one of my favorite spells in the game (and an often underrated spell), Drain Courage (reduces Courage).
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Armies of Middle-Earth SBG: Angmar in the Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game
Yes, we're back from hibernation with another Armies of Middle-Earth write-up! The Fall semester is usually pretty full for me (because life), so I wouldn't get your hopes up for more of these in the near-future. But I thought I'd make an exception for everyone's favorite faction to play against (just kidding): Angmar.
Those of you who have been following this series probably noticed that we skipped over Angmar when we did our cadre of evil army reviews last year. That was intentional, because my own experience in Angmar was... basically non-existent. And while there's a lot of stuff in Angmar that looks good on-paper, I had a suspicion that to truly appreciate what it can do, you had to experience it. So that's what I did, over the course of this summer, as I got ready for TMAT's THRO tournament (where I took an Angmar army). Now that the tourney is over--and armed with all the things I learned--I finally feel like I can do Angmar justice.Spoiler alert: this army is crazy good, and I'm hardly the first person to say that. You'll find our standard list of recommended resources in the back, but I'll flag a few that I particularly liked--and used a lot when preparing my own Angmar force for THRO--here at the outset. Taylor over at The Nazgul Times has a great break-down of all the profile choices in the army. My take is slightly different than his on some things (mostly the Dwimmerlaik and Warg Riders), but his insights are fantastic. For a panoply of list-building ideas, check out Mik's Fog of War post on Angmar with Dave Nolan (Dave's instincts are more in-line with mine--WK and barrow-wight spam--while Mik loves the trolls, wargs, and especially Gulavhar that can make Angmar particularly scary). Tiberius posted his own thoughts on balanced Angmar lists last Spring in his Bare Necessities Series. Lastly, if you have painting projects and are looking for something to play in the background, I would highly recommend the Green Dragon Podcast's recap of Ardacon 2019's Masters Tournament (featuring Kylie's Angmar army), supplemented if you like by video coverage of three of her rounds courtesy of STF Wargaming Studio (though I don't know that you'll get much painting done if you have that on in the background). Tiberius, Centaur, and I also talked about Angmar quite a bit in our lengthy recap of the THRO tournament (complete with some battle reports), in the highly unlikely event you want to hear anything more from me. Edit: And, as a special treat, you can now listen to the Green Dragon's full faction break-down of Angmar. Plus a whole bunch of other links to other community resources at the end!
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
TMAT Talks: Episode 7 - The Hunters Red October (THRO) 2020
If your tournament scene is quiet (or you're looking for batreps involving Barad-Dur, Hunter Orcs, Angmar, all-mounted Rohan, or Easterlings (with Shagrat)), Tiberius, Centaur, and Rythbryt are back to give you some before-action predictions and post-action breakdowns from our recent 700 point tournament. It's a time-travel miracle! **
Now available wherever you find your podcasts (mostly):
* Okay, fine... generously, that's a very rough paraphrase.
** Patent pending.
Monday, October 5, 2020
Mastering Magic: Shatter and Your Staff is Broken
So we come to it at last - the last post that will involved Gandalf the White (eight posts required to cover all his spells - clearly, he is a beast)! Gandalf does a lot - he can cast Sorcerous Blast if he wants to do damage to one or more models, he can cast Immobilize/Command if he needs to neutralize one particular model, he can cast Terrifying Aura and Blinding Light as augments to himself and those nearby him, he can give Will points to friendly models (including himself) with Strengthen Will, he can protect models with Fortify Spirit, and he can do precision damage against Spirit models with Banishment.
No fair - I was totally going to ruin your day with that! |