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First Impressions: The Kingdoms of Men, Part IV

Good morning gamers, Tiberius : Red Jacket is back with a review of his beloved Rohan heroes. There will be one point of cross-over with my ...

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

New Rules, Part IX: The Free Peoples, Part II

Good morning gamers,

We’ve finally made it through the Armies of the Lord of the Rings (after this post). In this post, we’ll be covering the unconventional lists from the Free Peoples books (aka, the hero lists and the monster lists). Most of these lists haven’t seen great changes since their armies were first published in Legions, but who you can ally them with (and whether that’s even a good idea) is what we’ll focus on here.

1) The New Lists: The Fellowship, The Misty Mountains, Fangorn, and the Wanderers in the Wild

As I just said, the lists haven’t changed very much – especially since Warbands. The biggest change from the Warband books is that the Misty Mountains and Fangorn (along with the Wildmen of Druadan that we covered a few weeks ago) used to be lumped in together in a catch-all list called the “Wanderers in the Wild." The others have remained basically unchanged (can't get Gandalf the White in the Fellowship list anymore).

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Terrain Tutorial: Simple Hills, Part 2

Hey Reader!

Welcome back to the TMAT blog! As we are two weeks out from Brawler Bash 2019, I spent some time this week completing the hills that we were building in our last post. We cut and spackled our hills, and now we are ready to turn them from functional hills into more...aesthetically pleasing elements on the tabletop.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Terrain Tutorial: Simple Hills, Part 1

Hey Reader!

I'm working on terrain for Brawler Bash 2019, so I decided to venture out from my usual posts to do a terrain tutorial. I'm not particularly good at terrain (I have my moments), but since I am working on this, I figured I'd show you a bit of what's going on in preparation for the tournament.

Brawler Bash 2019 requires several pieces of terrain: hills for the King of the Hill match in Round 3, as well as lairs for fell wargs and cave trolls in the Living Wild match in Round 2. This means that the next few weeks you'll find me making terrain, requisitioning terrain from the gaming group, and painting up the last model I need for my force (which I'll post on the 17th when registration closes).