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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Announcing: Brawler Bash 2019

Good morning gamers!

It is my privilege to announce a new TMAT tournament: Brawler Bash 2019! This tournament, set to take place on Saturday, January 19, 2019 at Patrick Henry College, is a Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game tournament. The tournament will consist of 3 matches, all using variants on the To the Death scenario. This makes learning the rules simple (as the objectives are mostly the same for all three matches), and the ultimate objective for the tournament is simple: bash the other army!

Below is the information regarding how to register for the tournament and what to expect.

I.   Tournament Schedule

The tournament will consist of three (3) matches. The schedule is below:

     9:30 AM: Check-In and Army List Verification (see Part IV below)

     10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Round 1: Celebrity Crush

     12:00 PM: Lunch Break

     12:30 - 2:30 PM: Round 2: Living Wild

     2:45 - 4:45 PM: Round 3: King of the Hill

Each round will run for 120 minutes, or until one force reaches 25% of its starting force (as noted in the rules for the scenario). If there is less than two minutes remaining on the clock, players must both agree to start a new round. If one or more players do not agree to start the round, the game ends and scores are calculated.

The intervening time between rounds should be used for setting up the board, deployment, declaring the makeup and warbands of your army (including mentioning wargear choices if they are not ready visible or apparent on the model), and casual conversation as desired.

II.   Army Lists and Restrictions

Players shall create armies using the alliance rules from the Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game (Historical, Convenient, or Impossible alliances are allowed), to a maximum of 700 points.

Armies shall be submitted to the tournament director via email (counterplanfan@gmail.com) no later than 11:59:59 PM on January 17, 2019 (so as long as the timestamp on the email says, "January 17" you're fine). Players are free to post their lists as a comment on the blog (as is our custom at TMAT), but are not required to post their lists.

The tournament director will confirm the army list submission no later than 12:00:00 PM on January 18, 2019. Your confirmation will come in the form of an email detailing both your army list (to confirm accuracy) as well as the army lists of the other declared participants so far in the tournament. So for those who submit their army lists first, they will have more time to think through how to prepare for the other armies in the tournament.

We will be using the rules as written in the Middle Earth SBG Core Rulebook, Army Books tied to the Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game with two exceptions. First, inasmuch as there is an the official errata released by GamesWorkshop, the errata stands. Second, there will be scaled levels of victory for each match, as noted below:
  • Draw: A tied Victory Point score (e.g., 0-0, 2-2, etc.)
  • Minor Victory/Loss: One army has more Victory Points than the other, but not double or more than double the number of Victory Points of the other force (e.g., 5-4, 3-2, etc.)
  • Major Victory/Loss: One army has double or more than double the Victory Points than the other (e.g., 6-3, 3-1, etc.)
  • Total Victory/Loss: One army has 10+ Victory Points, and the other army has 0 Victory Points
Players will receive the following Battle Points to their final score for the tournament based on their performance in each round:
  • Total Loss: 1 Battle Point
  • Major Loss: 2 Battle Points
  • Minor Loss: 3 Battle Points
  • Draw: 4 Battle Points
  • Minor Victory: 5 Battle Points
  • Major Victory: 6 Battle Points
  • Total Victory: 7 Battle Points
So the minimum Battle Points a player could score if they fight all of their matches is 3 Battle Points and the highest score they can receive is 21 Battle Points. A player who does not fight his assigned match forfeits the round and scores 0 Battle Points, while his opponent attains a Total Victory. A round is forfeited if the player does not arrive within 5 minutes of the starting time, abandons the tournament early, or does not appear for check-in during the proper check-in time (see Part IV below).

Players may use models from the Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game created by GamesWorkshop, or proxy models from other distributors (or conversions of other models made by GamesWorkshop). If proxy models are used, they should be clearly delineated from other units in the army. Wargear purchased for the model does not need to be present on the physical model, but should be declared both on the army list submitted to the tournament director (see Part IV below) and to the opponent at the start of the match.

If players have questions, please contact Centaur at counterplanfan@gmail.com.

III.   Tournament Matches: To the Death Variants

All three matches of the tournament will be played using the scenario rules for To the Death as noted in the Middle Earth SBG rulebook on Page 140:
  • If you break the enemy army, gain 3 Victory Point. If you break the enemy army and are not broken, gain 5 Victory Points.
  • If you wound the enemy army leader, gain 1 Victory Point. If you kill the enemy army leader, gain 3 Victory Points.
  • Armies with at least 1 banner remaining at the end of the match gain 1 Victory Point. If an army has a banner remaining at the end of the match and the opponent does not have a banner at the end of the match, gain 2 Victory Points instead.
  • If you bring the enemy force to 25%, gain 2 Victory Points.
Each match will add additional ways to score points (and to keep our players from getting bored):
  • Match 1: Celebrity Crush: Crush the celebrity to get extra Victory Points (intentionally-misleading-title-to-get-your-attention for the win)! 
    • At the center of the board will be a token representing Nicholas Cage: if your army reduces Nicholas Cage to 0 Wounds, gain 2 Victory Points
    • When Nicholas Cage is defeated, flip the token to reveal Justin Bieber: if your army reduces Justin Bieber to 0 wounds, gain 1 Victory Point. The army that defeated Nicholas Cage may not attack Justin Bieber or harm him in any way. 
    • The celebrity moves at the start of the turn before armies move (but after Heroic actions are declared and resolved, the Set Ablaze special rule, etc.), may not charge, and is moved by the player who does not have priority
    • The celebrity may not move in a way that could cause him injury (including jumping rivers, running across lava, falling off a cliff, running from the paparazzi, tripping on a red carpet, etc.), but otherwise moves normally. 
    • The celebrity is considered to have a control zone.
Nicholas Cage has the following profile:

M  F/S  S  D  A  W  C  M/W/F
6"  3/-   3  5   1    2   6   0/3/1

Nicholas Cage also gains +1 Defense against ranged attacks (thanks to the glisten of sunlight on his forehead), and is considered to have a knife.

Justin Bieber has the following profile:

M  F/S  S  D  A  W  C  M/W/F
5"  2/-   3  3   1    1   2   0/0/0

Justin Bieber is considered to be armed with Pathetic Emotion (counts as unarmed), and has no special rules or special abilities save that he will not strike wounds if he wins a duel roll (because he is lame), though he may still sing to you - something like, "If I could just die in your arms / I wouldn't mind" or something.
  • Match 2: Living Wild: Similar to the Where the Wild Things Are scenario that has been present in past TMAT tournaments, this match will have 3 wild lairs across the map: 1 cave troll lair at the center of the map, and 2 Fell Warg lairs near two of the corners (placed opposite each other). 
    • Cave troll lairs possess one cave troll with a hand-and-a-half hammer. 
    • Fell warg lairs possess 2 fell wargs. 
    • If one of your units reduces the cave troll to 0 wounds, gain 2 Victory Points
    • If one of your units reduces a fell warg to 0 wounds, gain 1 Victory Point for each fell warg you slay in this way. 
    • Unlike the Where the Wild Things Are scenario, lairs do not spawn additional creatures.
And for our final match, a bit of good ol' fashioned push:
  • Match 3: King of the Hill: It's time to test your mettle and staying power by seeing if you are king of the hill!
    • Add 1 hill to the center of the map. The hill is steep and soggy from a recent rain (the actual terrain pieces are not steep to make it easier to put models on it, but in your mind's eye imagine a steep and soggy hill), counting as difficult terrain. Since the hills are not as steep as they actually are, models are not considered to have line of sight to models that are obscured from at least the knee down by the hill (to simulate the steeper nature of the hill).
    • Models that lose melee combat while on the hill are treated as stepping down stairs, and must make a Footing roll on the chart to see what happens to them as they back away.
    • The army with a model on the very top of the hill (which will be clearly marked) at the end of the game gains 2 Victory Points. The army with more models in base contact with that model at the end of the game gains 1 Victory Point.
    • Only one model may occupy the top of the hill (One king! No more!). If a model only partially occupies the space (either from choice or due to lacking sufficient movement remaining) it moves adjacent to the space and may move into it next turn if it is unoccupied. If a model has a base larger than the marker it may still occupy the space.
Of course, it is not necessary for a player to go after the special scoring rules (an all-cavalry army may not find it in their best interest to take the hill on King of the Hill, as they lose their extra attack and extensive movement, for example), but if you are looking for ways to add more Victory Points to your score, these should provide entertaining ways to do it.

IV.   Registration, Arrival, and Check-In

Players should arrive no later than 9:30 AM at Patrick Henry College for check-in. The tournament will take place in Red Hill Classroom 3, located in the basement of Red Hill. Parking can be found in the Founders Hall lower lot, or behind the Barbara Hodel Student Center.

Players will need to verify their army lists with the tournament director at check-in no later than 9:50 AM. To verify your army list, you must present your army to the tournament director during the registration and verification period, noting the following things:
  • The Army Leader for your army, as this scores points for the scenarios
  • The warbands of your force, with units tied to their respective warband and warband leader
  • The total number of units in your army
  • The break point (how many casualties must be inflicted against your force to bring you below 50%) of your army
  • The end point (how many casualties must be inflicted against your force to bring you to or below 25% of your force) of your army
  • Any banners in the army, as all scenarios grant Victory Points for having a banner on the board at the end of the match. A unit that has a special rule allowing them to be "treated as a banner" does not count as a banner for the purposes of scoring.
Armies that are not verified within the timeframe set by the tournament director will only be allowed to compete in the tournament at the discretion of the tournament director.

V.   Final Notes

As tournament director, I welcome any questions you may have about the rules, requirements, or elements of the tournament. If you have questions, please send them our way! We look forward to hearing from you.

Watching the stars,



  1. Since Centaur is usually the first to post a list...I'll beat him to it this time around. Army was sent via email, but let's just say these guys have been begging to be brought out of the box and compete for a LONG TIME. More on that in a workbench update coming out this weekend. :)

  2. So I just started reading through the post, but when I got to the part about players having to both agree to play one more round if less than 2:00 remain on the clock I couldn't continue. I felt compelled to note that I believe that this gentlemanly solution this is a major squandered opportunity. Here is my proposed alternative:

    1. 1. Given that the theme of the tournament is bashing, if players disagree as to whether to continue a game where there is less than 2:00 remaining on the game clock, either disagreeing player may nominate one (1) surviving hero of the highest heroic tier in his or her army. If a player has more than one surviving hero in his or her highest heroic tier, the player chooses which model represents his or her interests.

      2. The selected model is instantly and magically teleported to a separate game board in the midst of the room (call it "Valhalla" or something) and challenges the opposing player to single combat for control of the decision.

      - The challenge must be issued in a loud voice, from a raised platform, with the contesting model being held high about the challenging player’s head. Failure to adequately perform this step nixes the challenge and the challenger is considered to default on his/her challenge.

      - If a challenger defaults, the challenged player immediately wins the dispute and play immediately resumes or ends as the challenged player originally wished. In addition, the player who defaulted on a challenge is barred from calling a subsequent challenge for the remainder of the tournament.

      - In the event that there is any doubt as to the adequacy of a player’s issuance of a challenge, it shall be settled by straw poll of the non-participating members of the challenge, as described in #5, below.

      - If the challenger wishes for the game to continue, he/she must also clearly identify one (and only one) objective which he/she reasonably believes he/she can accomplish if given one additional round of play. This objective must also be conveyed in a loud voice, from a raised platform, with the contesting model being held high about the challenging player’s head. A challenging player who wishes for the game to continue who fails to state his/her chosen objective in this way defaults on the issuance of the challenge as described above. If the challenger wishes for the game to immediately end, he/she does not need to identify any grounds for that wish.

    2. 3. Upon the issuance of the challenge, the challenged player may choose one (1) of the following responses:

      - The challenged player may refuse the challenge. If he does so, the challenging player immediately wins the dispute and play immediately resumes or ends as the challenging player originally wished. In addition, the player who refused the challenge must address or refer to the challenging player for the remainder of the tournament as “his/her mighty courageousness,” but suffers no additional ill effects.

      - The challenged player may accept the challenge. If he/she does this, he/she also nominates a model to represent his/her army, following the requirements set forth in #1, and must also accept the challenge in a loud voice, from a raised platform, with the contesting model being held high about the challenging player’s head. Failure to adequately perform this step nixes the challenge and the challenged player is considered to default. If a challenged player defaults in this manner, the challenging player immediately wins the dispute and play immediately resumes or ends as the challenging player originally wished. In addition, the player who inadequately accepted the challenge must still address or refer to the challenging player for the remainder of the tournament as “his/her mighty courageousness.”

      - If a challenged player accepts the challenge and wishes for the game to continue, he/she must also clearly identify one (and only one) objective which he/she reasonably believes he/she can accomplish if given one additional round of play. This objective must also be conveyed in a loud voice, from a raised platform, with the contesting model being held high about the challenged player’s head. A challenged player who wishes for the game to continue who fails to state his/her chosen objective in this way defaults on the acceptance of the challenge as described above. If the challenged player wishes for the game to immediately end, he/she does not need to identify any grounds for that wish.

      4. Upon reaching Valahalla, each participating model is reinvigorated (all stats reset, including M/W/F). It is Valhalla after all. Note that the participating model’s stats are reset, not the model that started the game. So if the participating model has been dismounted, that model does not enter Valhalla mounted.

    3. 5. The other players who are at the tournament but not participating in Valhalla combat take a straw poll of which of the combatants they believe would win the fight. This straw poll is taken in public, one voter at a time, and voters are encouraged to state their positions as loud and verbosely and boisterously as possible. Bonus kudos are awarded for voters whose votes that are actually thinly-veiled insults, burns, include one or more waffling moments, and/or roast any of the models and/or their controlling players.

      6. Based on the results of the straw poll as specified in #5, above, the following adjustments are made to participating models in Valhalla:

      - The model predicted to lose the fight gains X "no one believes in me" points that can be added to one regular stat (not heroic stat) in his/her profile, where X equals the difference in votes between the losing model and the winning model. So if Aragorn is facing off against an Orc captain, and Aragorn wins the straw poll 4-0, the orc captain gains 4 points to add to his stat profile). No more than 1 "no one believes in me point" can be added to a single category (Fight, Attacks, Strength, Defense). Any points that cannot be allocated (i.e. the Balrog beats a Taskmaster in voting 12-0) are lost.

      - The model predicted to win gets his or her choice of activating first or second during the first turn in Valhala.

      - If no model is predicted to win or lose the fight (because the voting is split, the voters are overly boisterous, the voting devolves into chaos and anarchy and fisticuffs, etc), then the two participating players roll-off using a D20 and the player with the higher dice roll gets choice of first or second activation in the first round.

      7. Once the models are re-balanced as stated in #6 above, the non-playing players cast a second straw poll as to who they believe would win, following the rules and kudos for the first straw poll in #5, above.

      - If the model who was originally predicted to win the fight wins or ties this straw poll, proceed straight to #8, below.

      - If the model who was originally predicted to win the fight is now predicted to lose, that model gains 1 "fewer people believe in me" point that can be spent in the same way as "no one believes in me" points. If a model that was originally predicted to win the fight does not gain a single vote in this second straw poll, it instead gains 2 "no one believes in me now" points which, again, can be spent in the same manner as "no one believes in me" points as specified in #6, above. This model still retains the choice of activating first or second in the first round from the first straw poll, even though it has lost this second straw poll.

      - If no model is predicted to win or lose the fight (because the voting is split, the voters are overly boisterous, the voting devolves into chaos and anarchy and fisticuffs, etc), then the model who won the first straw poll still retains the choice of activating first or second in the first round of Valhalla.

    4. 8. Upon settling the models in conformity with #s 6 and 7 above, the player selected to go first in round 1 places his model anywhere within 8” of the center of Valhalla. The player selected to go second then places his model anywhere within 8” of the center of Valhalla, provided it is not in the control zone of the model deployed first within 8” of the center of Valhalla. Once deployed within 8” of the center of Valhalla, models may not voluntarily move (or be involuntarily moved) to any position that is more than 8” from the center of Valhalla.

      9. In Valhalla, models have access to all abilities and special rules as stated in their profile, as well as all army bonuses that they had at the time they entered Valhalla. In addition, the models gain the following additional abilities:

      - Avenger of Valhalla: The model controlled by the player who wanted the game to continue gains this ability. For the duration of the contest in Valhalla, this model may spend 1 point of Might, Will, or Fate each round to automatically win priority. In addition, on a turn in which this model charges, it gains +1F, +1S, and +1C.

      - Defender of Valhalla: The model controlled by the player who wanted the game to end gains this ability. For the duration of the contest in Valhalla, this model may spend any number of points of Might, Will, and/or Fate each round as if they were Fate. In addition, on a turn in which this model is charged, it gains +1F, +1D, and to-wound rolls against it cannot be rerolled for any reason (including re-rolling to-wound dice that were inadvertently cocked or rolled off Valhalla. Respect Valhalla, y’all and bring a dice tray...).

      10. Models in Valhalla are awarded a maximum of three rounds in which to execute their combats. If a model is slain before the conclusion of the third round, the remaining model wins the combat. If no model is slain before the conclusion of the third round, the model with the most remaining wounds wins the combat. If no model is slain before the conclusion of the third round, and both models have the same number of remaining wounds, the winner of the combat is decided by a straw poll of non-participating players as detailed in #5, above.

    5. 11. Once the victor in Valhalla is declared, any surviving models are re-teleported back to their game board and resume their prior exact position on it. If less than 2 minutes have elapsed from the time the challenge was declared, then the game either ends or continues depending on the original wish of the player who’s model prevailed in combat.

      12. If more than two minutes have elapsed from the time the challenge was declared, then the following clean-up steps are performed:

      - If the prevailing player wished for the game to immediately end, the game immediately ends and victory points are tallied as normal, with the exception that the prevailing player gains any additional applicable victory points for wounding or killing the army’s leader if the prevailing player successfully wounded or killed the opposing player’s champion in Valhalla.

      - If the prevailing player wished for the game to continue, a straw poll is held in conformity with #5, above, to determine if the prevailing player is afforded one abbreviated round in which it may attempt to accomplish the objective (and only the objective) identified earlier.

      - If a majority of the straw poll determines that accomplishment of the objective was likely, the prevailing player may be awarded, by consensus of the straw poll, one of the following: (a) a single (1) abbreviated round in which the prevailing player may attempt to accomplish his/her chosen objective, moving only those models which are able to contribute to the accomplishment of that objective; or (b) X bonus victory points in compensation to the prevailing player, with X being equal to the number of wounds dealt by the prevailing player’s model to its opponent in Valhalla.

      - If a majority of the straw poll determines that accomplishment of the objective is unlikely, the game immediately ends and victory points are scored as normal, with the exception that the prevailing player gains any additional applicable victory points for wounding or killing the army’s leader if the prevailing player successfully wounded or killed the opposing player’s champion in Valhalla.

      - If no majority consensus exists in the straw poll, each voter rolls a D20. On a roll of 1-10, the prevailing player’s objective is considered unlikely. On a roll of 11-15, the prevailing player’s objective is considered likely and the prevailing player is awarded X bonus victory points as stated above. On a roll of 16-20, the prevailing player’s objective is considered likely and the prevailing player is awarded a single (1) abbreviated turn to accomplish that objective (and only that objective).

    6. 13. In the event that more than one dispute arises among players on more than one table as to whether more than one game should continue with 2:00 or less remaining on the game clock, each and every player retains the right to issue a challenge to his/her opponent as described in #s 1 and 2 above.

      - In the event that more than one challenge is issued and accepted, all nominated models are immediately and magically teleported to Valhalla as described in #s 2, 3, and 4 above.

      - All models who are immediately and magically teleported to Valhalla immediately and magically gain the Avenger of Valhalla or Defender of Valhalla ability, depending on their player’s position at the time the challenge was issued.

      - All Avengers of Valhalla are treated as allied with all other Avengers of Valhalla, and all Defenders of Valhalla are treated as allied with all other Defenders of Valhalla. Models who are allied in this way are considered to be friendly towards each other (and themselves) regardless of their faction, good vs. evil, or the alliance matrix (this is Valhalla after all… equal opportunity for all warlike personages). Note that this may result in a situation where a challenging model from one table is allied with a challenged model from another table, and that it may result in a situation where there are more models on one team than the other (if one or more challengers are refused or one or more participants default).

      14. Straw polling for a multiple match as described in #13 above is resolved in the same as traditional straw polling in #5 above, with the following additions:

      - Straw poll votes are now cast for each alliance, not each individual model.

      - If any “No one believes in me” points, “fewer people believe in me” points, and/or “no one believes in me now” points are awarded by the straw poll, the total pool of points awarded is split evenly among all the models in the alliance. In the event that there are not sufficient points to be equally distributed among all models in an alliance, models with a lower total points cost gain precedence over models with a higher points cost, unless the members of the alliance agree unanimously to distribute them in some other way.

      15. Finally, if at any point all participating players at the tournament are involved in challenges of the sort described above so as to have no non-involved players available to cast votes in a straw poll, any straw polls described above shall be conducted by a committee of the whole body of tournament participants.


      I really think this will both theme up and streamline disputes at the end of the game. Plus it will be really awesome. Andy Dwyer would totally do it, and he's famous now. And ripped.


      [ ;-) ]

    7. So, I just saw this...and wow. Just wow. This would be really fun. I may consider adding this, though again, we are on a tight schedule, so I don't want to trespass on the players' time by adding too many extra things.

      That being said, this is Brawler Bash, and I love the idea of the matches being geared around fighting and killing things. So I may update the post to update how this should be decided. :)
