Dear Reader,
Happy Wednesday! As we crest over the top of Hump Day, I hope you find this report exciting and energizing for your day. As I mentioned in my
previous post, the tournament was tied at the end of Round 1 with 2 Major Victories, 2 Draws, and 2 Major Losses, meaning that the tournament was still anyone's game. As we headed into Round 2, things got more interesting, as surprises came out and strategies were forced to change. Of all of the pairings, this set had the most frustration, as each team faced something it was not well-prepared to play against. In Round 2, the pairings were:
-Rohan v. Grey Company on Domination
-Angmoria v. Ringwraiths on Arkenstone
-Isengard v. Easterlings on Ill Met by Moonlight
Each team faced something it preferred not to fight. On Table One, the Grey Company started in the cornered section of the Domination map, keeping me from volleying for the first few turns. Rohan had restricted deployment which made maneuvering horsemen difficult.
On Table Two, Tiberius's army of five models was up against one of the largest armies in the tournament, and since the only points available for both teams required breaking an enemy army or killing the army leader, this was a lot of weight for the nazgul. On the other hand, the primarily Courage 2 army of Angmoria was facing an entire army of terror-causing casters - perfect for sniping shamans that cause a low-courage army to stay in the field.
On Table Three, Zorro's uruk-hai were up against a solid phalanx of F4 D6 warriors who could sustain a beating at the hands of an uruk force, and the Duke of Milan was squaring up against S4 crossbows with a +1 to wound, coupled with the fastest moving team in the tournament. Frustration was present everywhere in this round, and from it only a strategist could emerge.