This is our sixth Scouring scenario and we've taken the same four Hobbit smials from the last scenario and rearranged them a bit for the Death of Lotho. The participants are similar to what we had last time, but we've scaled down the number of warriors (nine Ruffians, three have whips; eight Hobbit Militia) and really downgraded the heroes (Lotho Sackville Baggins and Worm). There's no way to fix botched rolls (especially if Lotho uses his Might point to call a heroic action instead of boosting a roll), so every roll matters - let's see if the Ruffians can catch and kill Lotho!
The Death of Lotho
This scenario starts similarly to the previous one, with Lotho and his Hobbit Militia bodyguards starting within 3" of the center of the board. This time, however, Lotho can try to escape off any board edge instead of one in particular. The Ruffians deploy outside of 6" of a Hobbit model, so once again, I can't charge on the first turn. The Hobbits win if Lotho escapes off any board edge, while the Ruffians win if Worm kills Lotho. If any other Ruffian model kills Lotho, it's a draw.
Worm doesn't start on the board and his official location is unknown at the start. Four objective markers are placed at the center of each map tile (represented here by three sheep and a pig) and each of these can move 6" each turn. When any of these move into base contact with Lotho, a die is rolled and on a 5+, it's Worm! If the first three come up as duds, the fourth one is immediately Lotho. This does mean that the Ruffians begin with one fewer model than the Hobbits and have to guard more overall area - we'll see if they can pull it off!