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Thursday, November 28, 2024

Quest of the Ringbearer: Model Collection Update, Part IX

Good morning gamers,

My goodness, it's been a while since I updated this thread! My last collection update was in June 2023 and thanks to Star Wars Legion, the new additions for Quest of the Ringbearer have been slim. Here's what we've been up to since then . . .

After the Winter Whirlwind tournament in February 2023, I picked up 12 Warriors of Rohan (5 shields, 3 shields and throwing spears, and 4 bows) from the prize station, which got me the last of the Warriors of Rohan I needed for the End of All Things (took me a while to get them touched up and stuff), along with all the bows I needed for my shooting-heavy Men of the West lists (still need more throwing spear guys - maybe a new starter set can help with that?):

Yes, it took me over a year to get these guys looking like my other Rohan guys . . .

This year, I bought Dernhelm (Eowyn and Merry) and have used them a few times (but not at a tournament - at least not until the THRO doubles event gets rescheduled):

Work gave me a thank you gift for working hard and I used it to get this big boy:

Yep - he's pretty great. On his back are all of Clan Water - here's Clan Earth to finish the set:

Finally, I ordered a bunch of Riders of Rohan from a guy in the UK through a Facebook buy/sell page - most of the horses and spears required some minor surgery after they arrived, but I got the last throwing spear Riders I needed!

Quest of the Ringbearer models remaining:
  • 6 Wargs (which will be Warg Riders)
  • 2 Rangers of Gondor with spears
  • The Mouth of Sauron on foot and mounted
Fantasy Fellowships
  • Grishnakh and Snaga
  • Legolas (and Gimli) on horse
  • Sharku on foot and mounted
  • 4 mounted Royal Guards
  • Deorwine on foot and mounted
  • Elfhelm on foot and mounted
  • 16 Warriors of the Dead (6 as dismounts for the Riders of the Dead)
  • 6 Riders of the Dead


That's it for this year - and things are moving along quite nicely! I'm hopeful that I can power through the Quest of the Ringbearer stuff next year (we'll see how that jives with the changes in the new edition). While there will be plenty of matched play content on the blog in 2025, scenario play remains a big part of what we do here, so you can expect to see more from us in the coming year (though it won't be Fantasy Fellowships - need some time to get more of these models before that happens). Until next time, happy hobbying!

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