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Thursday, December 21, 2023

MESBG Christmas List #10: Erebor Reclaimed

Good morning gamers,

Tiberius: Our Christmas list today is provided to you by my son, Gorgoroth. While preparing for our 1000-point siege THRO tournament, Gorgoroth tried MANY different lists, ranging from the Return of the King Legendary Legion (that list was scary) to an Azog's Legion spam list (featuring the big man himself, of course). After testing a lot of things, Gorgoroth decided that he wanted elite units (at least F4) and resilient units (preferably D8). So naturally, as I was converting up Warriors of Erebor to be Iron Hills Dwarves to support War of the Ring era Dain, my son was like, "Hey, those guys can be D8, right?" And I was like, " . . . yeah . . ." And he was like, "Well, can I try them out?" And I was like ". . . yeah . . ." And he basically never looked back. So . . . here's Gorgoroth to tell you all about his new favorite army.

Gorgoroth: First off, I'd like to point out that Dain (old) is an awesome dude and I love him. He has great hitting and staying power as far as I'm concerned, plus, he looks supercool. But he isn't the only guy I need to talk to you about. I also like Gloin the Dwarf, Champion of Erebor. Now, comparing him to Dwalin (champion version), he is not too much worse and costs a lot less, so I run him a lot more than Mr. Dwalin and he still kills everything

And now I have Bifur. He is used for heroic moves and for his 12 model capacity. Now everyone knows three heroes is not an army so I saw this and took 40 dudes in the army for numbers. and they killed everything (did you notice I love the Ctrl-B button?). Anyway, I had like 200 points left so I went "Huh this would look so darn awesome if only I had some speed . . . I took the armies of the hobbit book . . . page 30 . . . Huh! Goat Riders! So I took 6 riders (with war spears, obviously) plus a captain 'cause turns out they can totally have goats (which, in my book is labeled as awesomeness). So then I found myself at 1000 points and I said "yeah, let's do this!" And we did it!!!!!!

Here's my list:
  • Dain Ironfoot, King Under the Mountain [AL]
    • 8 Iron Hills Dwarves
    • 9 Iron Hills Dwarves with spears
  • Gloin the Dwarf, Champion of Erebor
    • 5 Iron Hills Dwarves
    • 6 Iron Hills Dwarves with spears
  • Iron Hills Captain on war goat
    • 4 Iron Hills Dwarves
    • 6 Iron Hills Goat Riders
  • Bifur the Dwarf, Champion of Erebor
    • 6 Iron Hills Dwarves
    • 6 Iron Hills Dwarves with spears
1000 points, 54 models, 1 thrown stone hitting on a 3+, 54 D6+ models, no fast models but 2 Might for Heroic March, 10 Might

Tiberius: I'm not sure that much else needs to be said - it was awesome. At THRO 2023, Gorgoroth's list was one of two undefeated lists, narrowly beating my Balrog list as the attacker in the burn-the-village scenario and keeping Dronak's spider spam list from burning a bunch of buildings as well (though he would have been good defending the walls too, since he would have just dropped his mounted contingent). Dwarves hurt and they're hard to kill - especially when there are fifty of them. We'll be back soon - until next time, happy hobbying!


  1. As team captain for Team Good at that tournament, I have to say - I was very pleased to have one durable, hard-to-punch-out list on our team. And in the hands of Gorgowrath (Gorgoroth? How do we spell his gang name!?!?), I knew it would be played with competence, which is good because I knew it would have to tango with some very fierce lists.

    And he played them very well - kept his eyes on the objectives, and in his game against Dronak I was VERY concerned at first, because there were a lot of enemies spreading out to the various village buildings, but he did a great job putting out fires and doing containment (which, I confess, I didn't expect). Loved this army - it was not particularly sophisticated, but it didn't have to be.

    1. Gorgoroth (like the place) played a lot of games and learned to hustle with his Dwarves. I was very pleased to lose to him at the last minute (and in plenty of practice games).

  2. Great to see the next generation is ready to continue the blog in the future! Also, I always love me an Iron Hills list and this one looks really solid. I'm a bit envious of everyone disciplined enough to convert some spearless dwarves, I just can't find the motivation.

    In hindsight, are there any changes you would like to make to the list?

    1. The only change I would have made was on the gear for the Iron Hills Dwarves - I think some crossbows are useful, but Gorgoroth wanted D8 everywhere. Similarly, I like having a few Iron Hills Dwarves with Mattocks spread through the ranks (and escorting each Infantry hero to give you a chance to Bash), but the D8 served him very well.
