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Thursday, November 18, 2021

Quest of the Ringbearer: Model Collection Update, Part III

Good morning gamers,

We're back for another update on my Quest of the Ringbearer collection and while I don't have the 12 Wargs I need for Part II, we're looking at the Amon Hen sequence for Part III today!

Part III: Lothlorien to Emyn Muil

There are four scenarios covered here - three chain-linked scenarios and one "big scenario" with everyone in it. Depending on whether you're playing Fantasy Fellowships or the normal campaign determines which one you'll be doing, so let's look at the participants.

Purchase #18: Lurtz and Ugluk

Two pretty good mid-tier heroes . . .

These are two great heroes and I have enjoyed using them in the Lurtz's Scouts LL. I got both for cheap off eBay and Ugluk got a skinnier sword than the original metal model has thanks to being damaged before I got him.

Purchase #19: Uruk-Hai Captain with 2h

You can get this guy now in the Scout command pack, but I did a conversion off a Scout - those poses are really dynamic and some of my favorite poses in the game.

Purchase #20: 24 Uruk-Hai Scouts

You need a box of Scouts for the scenarios, but if you plan on running the Lurtz's Scouts LL or the Ugluk's Scouts LL, you probably want more. Here are my 24 favorite ones in all their glory:

You want as many of these guys as you can in two Legendary Legions . . .

Crowd favorites - fast with average Defense and above-average Fight/Strength

Usually not run without shields, but I find you can get a few more numbers out of these guys if you leave some shields at home . . .

Bonus pic - I converted an Uruk-Hai Drummer up as well (and three Uruk-Hai Scouts with Uruk-Hai bows and banners for the Lurtz's Scouts LL). I've actually shown these guys on the blog before, but I think they deserve some billings here on their own:


Here's how the standings look:

  • Current Model count: 
    • Part I: 42/42 (100%)
    • Part II: 43/55 (~78%)
    • Part III: 27/27 (100%)
    • TOTAL: 112/124 (~90%)
  • Estimated cost remaining: ~$80

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