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Saturday, February 8, 2020

Introducing... TMAT Talks, Episode 1: Top-10 Monsters

Image result for sauron vs. balrog
Photo Credit: Charliebitsme

Ever wondered how a TMAT write-up would sound if read in the author's own voice? No? Well great news--you get to find out anyway!

In true Benjamin-Button fashion, we wrote before we learned to talk, but now we're talking and we're very excited about it. It's TMAT Talks: all TMAT, all the time (as long as you're playing it).

In our inaugural episode, Centaur, Tiberius, and Rythbryt take a look at the top-10(ish) Monster models for good and evil, breaking down what makes some of them great, why others suck, and where they rank against each other, filled with plenty of our own user-biases along the way. Are eagles better than ents? Is Shelob even viable? And who ya got: Beorn or Gwaihir? Sauron or Smaug? (Spoiler Alert: One of us would take neither... twice...)

So grab some paint brushes, dust off that monstrous mumak model that's been sitting in your to-do pile for years, and join us for TMAT Talks.

Now available on Soundcloud!

And also available on YouTube!

TMAT Articles Tiberius References In The Podcast: 


  1. It's strange - I both associate GW with the UK as I live here near Nottingham, but also I know you lot are in the States. But until I heard you I still half expected a small group of ex-pats playing LotR , sipping tea, and waving union jacks. Hehe.

    1. I wish I had the accent. As it turns out, we are ex-pats, just from Hawaii instead of the UK. This is the time of the year we tend to miss it.

    2. Ryth, you're going to make him think Hawaii isn't part of the States. :) Yes, we do miss it this time of year (though honestly monsoon season is about to start, so home will be dull, gray, and rainy in a month or so - kinda like England all year).

  2. I've travelled extensively in the states, and have family in South Dakota, Nebraska, Washington state, Oregon, California, and Nevada.

    I've heard the UK weather described as six months of winter, then six months of ***t.

    Are you all from Hawaii then, and if so how did you all meet and get into LotR?

    1. We may or may not look very, very similar... :)

    2. Tiberius means we're related. Makes it easier to stay in touch as you move across the country when you're family.

      I have no memories growing up of being "unpleasant" during monsoon season. In any event, it certainly was not cold, and you can still swim at the beach when it is raining...

  3. Good stuff guys! Kinda weird to hear ya'll talking and not being able to counter argue. ;)

    My only gripe (other than the lists themselves, haha), is the volume was a little quiet, and I had to crank everything up to max to have a chance to hear properly. But then, maybe I'm just getting old...

    1. Not just you—we didn’t catch the audio levels until after we finished recording. Will definitely fix that next time around.

      We miss your contributions to the group! It’s weird not fighting armored dwarves all the time. ;)
