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The Stuff of Legends: The Wolf Pack of Angmar

Good morning gamers, AAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Yep, today we're tackling the Wolf Pack of Angmar Legenda...

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Operation Tuckborough Update

Hey Reader!

Wow, it's been a busy last couple weeks!  The Forge has been extremely busy rolling out projects, and I hope to have a few posts up on those in April.  In preparation for the upcoming TMAT GT, I've been working on a number of terrain pieces for a Shire map to round out Operation Tuckborough.  I wanted to quickly post on the new pieces and the overall board as we head into the GT this weekend (Woot! Woot!).

1.  Barrels and Crates

I ordered a set of crates and barrels from Slave to Painting, which has a number of terrain pieces for various games across eras in addition to miniature models.  Reasonable prices, good quality resin on the pieces I purchased, so I also recommend them.  I first discovered them when directed by a friend of mine to Scott's Wargaming Blog; Scott is a follower on this site, and if you haven't seen his stuff yet, you really should.  He's an LOTR gamer who also does a few other 28mm games, and his paint jobs are fantastic.  So you should check his site out.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Terrain Project: Weathertop

With most of my prep for the upcoming GT already done, today's post is going to be a project that I hope to have done before this summer - Weathertop. Our dedicated readership will recall that at the last Hunter's Red October tournament, I took an army of Ringwraiths. Our dedicated readers will also recall that my first army for Good was the Fellowship of the Ring, and so Weathertop has a special place in my LOTR-nerd heart.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Domination: Tunnel Fighting!

With the TMAT GT rapidly approaching, it took me a little while to decide which army to take: my Dwarves have been in the box since the first GT back in 2012, my Wood Elves are desperate for a shot at redemption after having a terrible time at the first Hunter's Red October tournament, and my Goblins have never been to any tournament at all. The other day, I decided I'd be taking my Dwarves, but I wanted to play them against my Goblins (just in case I changed my mind). Therefore, I called my friend Gaius to control my Goblins and play a quick game. Here are the forces:

The Host of Erebor, my dear bearded fellows and the army I'm taking to the 2014 TMAT GT.