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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Videoblog Battle Report: Chill of Angmar v. Fist of Isengard

Dear Reader.

For the first time on this space, we are going to attempt a new format for battle reports - not because we don't like the old way of doing them (we actually really enjoy those, :D ), but because we like experimenting with other mediums of dialogue with you all, our faithful readership, :)  So, in today's match between Tiberius's Fist of Isengard force and my Chill of Angmar force, we will be giving you video commentary on the match!  Here's to good speakers, proper buffering, and a good game!

Here are the lists for this scenario:

Chill of Angmar: 602 points
The Dwimmerlaik (Army Leader) - 120 points
Barrow Wight - 50 points
4 Orc Warriors with shields - 24 points
4 Orc Warriors with shields/spears - 28 points
1 Orc Warrior with banner - 30 points
6 Hunter Orcs - 48 points
2 Hunter Orcs with 2H weapons - 18 points

Barrow Wight (Methernil) - 50 points

4 Orc Warriors with shields - 24 points
4 Orc Warriors with shields/spears - 28 points
6 Hunter Orcs - 48 points
2 Hunter Orcs with 2H weapons - 18 points

Narzug - 50 points
6 Orc Trackers - 30 points
4 Hunter Orcs with bows - 36 points

47 units, 11 bows, 4 heroes, 3 Might

Fist of Isengard: 603 points
Sarmuan the Colorful (Army Leader) - 150 points
8 Uruk Warriors with shields - 80 points
4 Uruk Warriors with pikes- 40 points

7 Uruk Warriors with shields- 70 points
3 Uruk Warriors with pikes- 30 points
3 Uruk Warriors with crossbows- 33 points

Mauhur - 60 points
6 Uruk Marauders with shields- 60 points
3 Uruk Warriors with shields- 30 points
3 Uruk Marauders with bows - 30 points

39 units, 3 bows + 3 crossbows, 2 heroes, 5 Might

The scenario we will be playing is an "Ill Met by Moonlight" game on a board that is 48" x 48".  The video is currently private, so it is only accessible through this space.  We hope to have a TMAT channel in the future, in which case this video will be moved to that channel at that time.  We hope you enjoy it!

1 comment:

  1. Hehe, we sound so similar...thanks for organizing this, Centaur!
