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First Impressions: The Kingdoms of Men, Part IV

Good morning gamers, Tiberius : Red Jacket is back with a review of his beloved Rohan heroes. There will be one point of cross-over with my ...

Sunday, December 18, 2011


So right now the battle reports for the Fellowship and Goblins are being put on hold, as a puzzle takes up my usual playing station...and my wife and I are merrily expecting our first child, to be born near the end of June 2012...

This means that there is hardly a viable place in our small dwelling for a 48" square board with lots of pieces and a consuming amount of time to put it together/tear it down. So what's there to do in the hobby when there isn't enough space to play a game?


Here we are batch-painting Goblins. I usually watch the Lord of the Rings movies while I batch-paint, as it really puts you in the mood (and for me, reminds me what I'm going for in my models and what I can do to make things interesting).
You'll notice here that I haven't finished painting this Goblin, as I'm planning on borrowing his hand for a different unit and replacing it with an axe-bearing hand from one of my Dwarves later. This is because there is a Goblin in the movies who wields an axe (he happens to cut through the door and show his axe before taking an Elven arrow to the neck or something)

Anyway, a few pictures to leave you with until the next game...and the jumping Goblins in the picture below are inspired by other hobbyists who have done greater and grander things than I.

All of the Goblins on rocky ground...
...hiding behind rocks...
...and on cliffs!

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