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First Impressions: The Kingdoms of Men, Part II

Good morning gamers, NOTE: there has been an update based on a comment made below - the change is in red . I have not yet seen the War of th...

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Workbench Update: Wood Elves

Good morning gamers,

With THRO 2017 around the bend (and as the planner of that tournament), I was faced with a glaring question: What army do I take? Do I run those Dwarves I love so much? How about Uruk-Hai? Buckets of Goblins? My Spectre-Orc army I've been dying to run? The answer to all of these (though begrudgingly for Dwarves and Goblins) is...

We're going back to Wood Elves.

For those who've followed this blog from the beginning, Wood Elves were the first army I developed: back in the LOME days, where Legolas and Gandalf (later replaced by Galadriel) were all you needed to make a powerful army of light troops work, Wood Elves were my jam (even over those bearded fellows I love so much). In this post, we'll be talking about a few different lists I've been considering and why to take them (particularly with a 150-point limit in mind).

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Announcing TMAT's THRO 2017: A Red Sun Rises!

After nearly a year-long hiatus, good morning gamers,

It is my great pleasure to announce the sixth annual THRO tournament! The purpose of this tournament, like previous THROs, is to try new things and this year we will be doing something radically different from previous touranments. The tournament will be held at Patrick Henry College on November 11, 2017. For this year's tournament, we're experimenting with tiny lists, one scenario type, and basically no hero options. Without further ado, here are (in my typical style) the Ten Commandments of the Tournament (Rules):