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First Impressions: The Kingdoms of Men, Part IV

Good morning gamers, Tiberius : Red Jacket is back with a review of his beloved Rohan heroes. There will be one point of cross-over with my ...

Monday, October 19, 2015

Announcing the Glare And Hack Again Tournament of 2015

Good morning gamers,

It is my great pleasure to announce the fourth annual THRO tournament! The purpose of this tournament, like previous THROs, is to try new things and to bring fun armies (very little, if any, prestige attached). The tournament will be held at Patrick Henry College on November 21, 2015. This year's tournament, occurring in November, is going under a different name: the "Glare And Hack Again" Tournament (shorthand GAHA, a play off Bilbo Baggins' classic work, There and Back Again). Without further ado, here are (in my typical style) the Ten Commandments of the Tournament (Rules):

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Workbench Update: Orcs and Elves

At long last, we're back! October is going to be crazy, but finally got time to pull the camera out and showcase some of the stuff I've been working on.

Here's the full complement so far - plenty of Ringwraiths, a handful of Spectres (hoping to grow up to 10 of them), and plenty of Orcs. Army is all in dark hues and once I get the basing done, should have a menacing horde.