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First Impressions: The Kingdoms of Men, Part IV

Good morning gamers, Tiberius : Red Jacket is back with a review of his beloved Rohan heroes. There will be one point of cross-over with my ...

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Terrain Project: Weathertop, Pt 2

After long, long, LONG last, I finally have a post for the blog. Many thanks to Glenstorm for keeping the blog on life support - really appreciate the views!

While my wife and I wait for my daughter to arrive (due date is Thursday), I've been working on a ton of stuff - I've been GMing a fantasy roleplay series (product not yet released, but we'll keep you posted if it ever hits the online stores), painting some High Elves from Warhammer Fantasy (might get a picture update in when at least one set is kind of done), and been learning the art of broadsword fighting for support of a rather successful teen camp that was held in the area recently (themed by the Lord of the Rings).

But today is about Angmar - yes, this report comes in two parts: Weathertop painting and Ringwraith conversions.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Battle Report: Hold Ground: The Dragon Battalion v. The Chill of Angmar

Hey Reader!

Greetings again from all of us at TMAT!  As I get the final preparations done for a high school summer camp at my workplace in a few weeks (and probably won't be posting for the next few weeks because of that, fyi), I decided on Saturday night that I needed to unwind, so I got together with Donatello to get in a quick game with my new Angmar list.  This is the list I'm planning on bringing to the THRO October Tournament this fall (with some possible tweaks), so getting a handle for it is important to me.  As I mentioned in a previous post, this army is a "toolbox" army, doing all kinds of things in a 600-point list, with lots of different angles for attacks.

Don is rocking a modified version of my Host of Rhovanion list (Easterling Army), as he really likes Easterlings (and for new characters it is both very forgiving and gives a good introduction to most of the game mechanics that people will constantly use and face in a given tournament, so I like giving it to casual players), though he's planning on changing up the strategy and casting Fury with his War Priest this time (should help to charge all of those terror units he's got).  Also, he's opting not to take Khamul the Black Easterling, and is instead going with a Dragon Knight, 2 Easterling "Bunker" Captains, and a War Priest, and adding more archery to the list (something about fighting two trolls, a smattering of undead warriors, and a big block of orcs, I think, contributed to that decision, :) ).