Featured Post

First Impressions: The Kingdoms of Men, Part IV

Good morning gamers, Tiberius : Red Jacket is back with a review of his beloved Rohan heroes. There will be one point of cross-over with my ...

Monday, April 28, 2014

Forge Update: The Horde of Angmar (aka, "The Halloween Army")

Hey Reader!

Welcome back to TMAT!  First of all, I owe you all an apology: I said I'd get this up on Friday, but after arriving home after 11:00 and heading into a busy weekend, I decided to go to bed instead.  So I apologize, :)  So instead, here's a pick-up post for you Monday, :)

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Battle Report: The High Ground: Goblins vs. Wood Elves

Hey Reader!

Greetings again from all of us here at TMAT!  Things have been a bear over here for all of us, and I was extremely excited to get together with Tiberius over the Easter weekend to get a game in with him.  Because he has been working on a Weathertop map and we haven't done a High Ground scenario in ages, we elected to do a High Ground mission.  I wanted to test out his goblins (as I've never run goblins, I like a good challenge, and there's a small side of me that just wants to see how they run firsthand), and he brought out his wood elves (which he hasn't used in ages).  Here are the forces: