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First Impressions: The Kingdoms of Men, Part IV

Good morning gamers, Tiberius : Red Jacket is back with a review of his beloved Rohan heroes. There will be one point of cross-over with my ...

Monday, December 23, 2013

Rohan Tactics Post, Part I: Heroes

Hey Reader!

Greetings again from the Forge!  I hope you all are enjoying your week leading up to the Christmas week!  Things are starting to wind down at work, which has left me a bit more time for hobbying (and hopefully sometime soon another game with Tiberius to close out the Dunharrow questing series we're working through).  In this post, similar to the posts I did for the Grey Company and the Shire, I'll be looking at the heroes available to Rohan, and thinking through the unique things each hero contributes to your army.  Like all of these posts, I'll lead off with my two caveats: some of this will not be new information, and the big caveat that smart gamers give to each other:

This is just my opinion; others may disagree, but this is what I think, blah-blah-blah...

Okay, now that that's over with, let's talk about Rohan, :)

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Rohan Month: Why You Don't Need To Take Eomer

Hello readers,

My good buddy and fellow admin Glenstorm made a post the other day which talked about why you should always take Eomer if you field Rohan. Please read his post before continuing - it's not only a great decomposition of the heroes in Rohan, but also a well-written piece from our team's longest-running Rohan player (my first convert to the game's first team he ran).

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Battle Report: Men of Dunharrow, Quest 4: Another Rohan Army!

Hey Reader!

Welcome to Quest 4 of the Dunharrow Campaign!  Tiberius and I were able to get together on Sunday for a few hours, and he decided to run a portion of the new Rohan army he is testing.  The lists we ran are below:

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Desolation of Smaug Review (10 sec version)

Seriously though... it was a fun movie, despite some of the story shenanigans. I know lots of people were complaining about Tauriel's stats and how "no way can she be better than Legolas" - watch the movie. Waaaay can she be more kick-a than Legolas. 


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Rohan Tactics Post: Why You Should Always Take Eomer

Dear Reader,

First and foremost, this post is not exactly a challenge to Tiberius, or Glot, or any other Rohan players I know.  Exactly, ;)  It is the beginning of a series of tactics posts on Rohan, and things that Warbands and LOME players should keep in mind when running a Rohan force.  I wanted to start with a post on Eomer, as he is one of the seminal (and most powerful) heroes available to Rohan, and also because he was the first hero I ever owned.  And, of all of the heroes I have ever used, I feel most comfortable with him.  So we'll start there, :)  In the future, I'll be doing a few more tactics posts on the heroes and warriors of Rohan, much like the series I did on the Shire and the Grey Company on this blog.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Battle Report: The Men of Dunharrow, Quest 3: The Denizens of Moria

Hey Reader!

This is Centaur with another battle report!  As I mentioned in my last post, I got together with Tiberius on Black Friday for a game against an Isengard list, which turned into a double header!  We kept the map the same (moved the terrain around a bit in the center for what we wanted to do, but otherwise the same), and changed the scenario to a Hold Ground scenario.  Against Moria, this may not have been the smartest move, but it wouldn't be my type of game without a bit of danger, :)  These were the lists in play:

Friday, December 6, 2013

Battle Report: Men of Dunharrow, Quest 2: Amon Hen Hunters

Hey Reader!

This is Centaur with another battle report!  On Black Friday my brother Tiberius asked me to come over for a game against my Dunharrow list, so I dropped by for a Lords of Battle game against him.  I should mention in passing that the email he sent me to extend the challenge was amazing - well done, Tiberius, :)  This will serve as Quest 2 for the Men of Dunharrow, who currently hold a Major Victory over an Easterling detachment for their record.  Walking into a Lords of Battle game against an uruk force is not an easy battle for a Rohan army, but coming off of a Major Victory and still getting a feel for the list, I was up for a challenge, :)  The lists being used in the game are below: