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First Impressions: The Kingdoms of Men, Part IV

Good morning gamers, Tiberius : Red Jacket is back with a review of his beloved Rohan heroes. There will be one point of cross-over with my ...

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Battle Report: Axes of Erebor v. Angmoria

Hey Reader!

This is Centaur with another battle report!  For the past week I've been out of town with no internet connection, riding horses, roping cows, throwing tomahawks, shooting bows, and all kinds of other things that (apparently) cowboys do at Latigo Ranch, the #1 Dude Ranch in Colorado (and the world, in this blogger's humble opinion).  If you need a getaway and don't mind being in the middle of nowhere in Colorado, you should seriously go sometime.  It's an excellent summer getaway, hosting guests from all over the world.

Earlier this month I promised you all a battle report from my bout with Tavros at a game night we had, and after getting the feedback on the game from Tavros, I'm really excited to write up my first attempt, and we decided to play a 600-pt To the Death scenario.  I decided to try my hand at my first ever Dwarf army build, and Tavros decided to experiment with a new approach to Moria.  While most Moria players rely on trolls and possibly a Wild Warg Chieftain, Tavros wanted to try two new units as crux members of the army: wild wargs, and a Dweller in the Dark.  The lists looked like this:

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Personalizing your collection: Dwarf Army (Nearly) Completed

Readership, I'm not dead. :)
Thanks to Glenstorm for keeping the blog alive the last few weeks - I've been painting a Blood Bowl army on commission for a friend of mine and have finally gotten back to the summer project of finishing terrain pieces for my underground table (in prep for the next tournament) and finishing the details on the Dwarf and Goblin armies. Today, I'd like to give you a glimpse (though not a close look) at some terrain work I've been doing and focus today's discussion on the army of Dwarves that are now (almost) completed. You can see the army here (51 models) and also can see that the walls of the Dwarf Hold have received their grey base coat (more on these pieces in the coming weeks).

Monday, July 8, 2013

Battle Report: Host of Rhovanion v. The Might of Rohan

Dear Reader,

Greetings again from the Forge!  My travels have taken me all across the country, and now that I am finally back for the foreseeable future (probably), I'm excited to be getting some games in again.  I've also been painting up a number of Fantasy, 40k, and Blood Bowl miniatures, so the Forge has been very busy, :)

I took some time on Thursday to get together with Donatello for some gaming, as I wanted to test out my new Easterling force that I've been hinting at for quite a while, but haven't shown you all yet on the blog.  When I was first looking at LOTR SBG, I knew that someday I wanted to have a Rohan and Grey Company force.  For my army of Evil, I was immediately torn between an Uruk Scout force and the Easterlings, as both provided things I prized.  I wasn't able to acquire my Easterling army until recently, and now that they are painted and ready for use, fielding them in an army feels like a dream come true in many ways.  We'll see how they work, :)