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First Impressions: Isengard, Part II

Good morning gamers, We're back in Isengard today and we're going to cover the rest of the faction after covering the Uruk-Hai last ...

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Announcing the TMAT Grand Tournament 2019

Good morning gamers,

With two tournaments under our belts with the new rules, it's time for a Grand Tournament - our first initwo years! The tournament will be held at Patrick Henry College on May 11, 2019. For this year's tournament, we'll be running fairly small armies, allowing for a focus on the new rules and what they do. Without further ado, here are (in my typical style) the Ten Commandments of the Tournament (Rules):

1) Thou Shalt Understand The Canon

The ruleset from the new Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual (MESBGRM) will be our baseline. The Armies of the Lord of the Rings supplement will govern the rules for armies from the Lord of the Rings, while the Armies of the Hobbit supplement will govern the rules for armies from the Hobbit. Any player who has a copy of the Gondor at War supplement may use the Legendary Lists provided in it (and the profiles for the new models contained in it). Any GW errata for these books will take precedent over the printed text of these three documents.

2) Thou Shalt Honor Thy Alliance

This tournament follows the alliance "restrictions" provided in the Armies of the Lord of the Rings supplement - players are allowed to have mono-focused armies or Historical/Convenient/Impossible alliances. 

3) Thou Shalt Honor Thy Lists And Alliances

All armies shall be worth no more than 700 points
Once a list is submitted on this blog, it may not be edited based on the opponents it faces. The army brought to the tournament must reflect the army lists provided on this blog. Unlike many of our tournaments in the past, there is no model limit for lists submitted for this tournament (except as required by the Heroic Tiers of the heroes included in the force or special rules for certain army lists). Note on proxy/converted models: proxy models will be automatically accepted if they are 1) not available from the GW website, 2) has the same equipment (weapons, armor, gear) as the model it's proxying, and 3) is clearly distinct from other models in the list. Any model being proxied that is available from the GW website must still follow rules #2-3, but there must be a note that the model is a proxy on the post. Converted models should have the same gear as the model profile that they're substituting for and should also be distinct from its original profile.

4) Thou Shalt Know The Scenarios

Each round, players will be assigned to different tables - each table will have two scenarios on it. Instead of players rolling to see who gets to pick a side of the board, the winner of the roll will determine which scenario is being used, while the other player then gets to choose whether to be the first player or the second player. The scenarios will be used in the following priority order:

  • Domination (p. 139) OR Capture and Control (p. 147) - requires five objective markers
  • Hold Ground (p. 141) OR Seize the Prize (p. 145) - requires one objective marker
  • To the Death (p. 140) OR A Clash By Moonlight (p. 144)
  • Storm the Camp (p. 151) OR Reconnoitre (p. 143) - requires two "camps"
  • Lords of Battle (p. 142) OR Contest of Champions (p. 146)
Scoring for each game will follow the rules provided in each scenario. If one player scores at least double his opponent's battle points, he will be awarded 10 Tournament Points (while his opponent is awarded 2 Tournament Points). If a player has more battle points than his opponent (but not double his points or more), he will be awarded 8 Tournament Points (while his opponent will be awarded 4 Tournament Points). Players who tie in battle points are awarded 6 Tournament Points each.

5) Thou Shalt Be Able To Give Kudos

In each round, your opponent can award you up to 1.5 Tournament Points in "kudo points" based on three different categories (first three in the list, 0.5 Tournament Points each) and you can achieve 1.0 Tournament Points by successfully completing two feats (last two in the list, 0.5 Tournament Points each). Since these are Tournament Points (not Victory Points), they will contribute to the player's Tournament Score, not the scoring for the battle. The categories are:
  • My Dice Are Trying To Kill Me: it seems like the vast majority of your rolls go unnaturally poorly in a given round OR you fail to win Priority rolls ... like ... ever.
  • You Lucky Boy: you experience a ridiculously hot streak of good fortune in your rolls in a given round OR for a particular model over several rounds.
  • You Sneaky Guy You: you execute a maneuver during the battle that at first made absolutely no sense but later was seen as a stroke of brilliance.
  • You Lily-Livered Cowards: one of your heroes (or a warrior model that was scoring you battle points in some way) flees the field on a roll of "snake-eyes."
  • Bravery Beyond Belief: ten or more courage tests during the battle are passed by your models on a dice score of 10 or higher (aka you didn't need your Courage stat to pass the Courage test).
6) Thou Shalt Have A Grand Winner

Similar to our last THRO tournament, we will have two randomly-assigned preliminary rounds with the players paired off after that to fight based on their ranking after two rounds. Ties between players will be broken with the higher priority being given to the player who posts their army on the blog first.

7) Thou Shalt Not Take All Day

All games will have a maximum time cap of 120 minutes. Time will be displayed visually for all games and will only be stopped in the event of a "red flag" being thrown. A red flag will be thrown when two players cannot agree on a rule (line of sight, special rules for a unit, etc.), in which case all fights will stop and the other competitors will mediate what the proper ruling is. If a resolution is still not met due to an even number of players voting evenly on the issue, a dice will be cast by one of the competitors not playing in that particular game to determine what the rule is for that game.

Should the time limit elapse without the victory conditions being met, the current round will be played and then the game will end. Any player found intentionally stalling the game to make time run out will be awarded 0 Victory Points for the round. Between rounds there will be 15 minutes to finish the round, determine the standings, move to the next table, and take necessary breaks.

8) Thou Shalt Fight In Middle-Earth

Players who have built terrain for a thematic board (48" x 48") are encouraged to bring their boards to be used in the tournament. Players intending to bring a board for the tournament should mention it in their army post. Players should use their best judgment when building their maps to ensure that armies are able to maneuver the map within the time constraints (e.g. having too many walls, doors that must be battered down, difficult terrain, etc. can make a game more tedious than interesting). If more boards are supplied than are needed for the tournament, priority will be given to those posted first.

9) Thou Shalt Be Gentlemen

Players must be courteous to their opponents and play these games in the spirit of good fun. Should a player conduct himself in a manner which destroys the fun atmosphere of the tournament, a red flag will be thrown and depending on the severity of the infraction, the player may be issued a warning against future infraction, forfeit the game, or be dismissed from the tournament.

10) Thou Shalt Not Be Late

Players who are bringing terrain to the tournament must arrive by 9:15am to set up the tables and register their armies. All other players must arrive by 9:30am in order to get preliminary check-in requirements, set up their armies at their tables, and fellowship with other players. All armies need to have a sheet of paper that provides their complete army list (with profiles), along with necessary unit-count information (total units in the army, how many units are to be lost when the army is broken (and how many units the army must lose before it tests for Courage if the player is bringing an Isengard army), and how many units must be lost to be reduced to 25%). The tournament will follow this schedule:
  • 10:00am - 12:00pm - ROUND 1
  • 12:00pm - 1:00pm - Lunch
  • 1:15pm - 3:15pm - ROUND 2
  • 3:30pm - 5:30pm - OUTROUND
  • 5:30pm - 6:30pm - Tournament Score Summary and Clean-Up
Looking forward to see the armies that participate!



  1. I could have missed it, but did you intend to include a breakdown of how the TPs will work for this tourney? I assume it’s the standard (major, minor, draw, etc), but figured I’d check. :)

    Also, if we never got to Lords of Battle / Contest of Champions, I wouldn’t be heartbroken...

    (Also also, FIRST! :-P)

    1. Yeah, I knew something was missing - it's been added to Commandment #4. It's our normal 10-8-6-4-2 scale. Also, I find it highly unlikely that we get to Lord's of Battle/Contest of Champions...

  2. I can bring the first board (Domination/Capture and Control); looking forward to it!

    And the first to post an army! Brace yourselves, because I'm bringing back an army I haven't brought to a tournament in a while:

    Raise the White Hand (Isengard)

    Warband 1
    Ugluk (Army Leader)
    6 Uruk-Hai Scouts with shields
    4 Orc Warriors with spears/shields
    4 Feral Uruk-Hai
    1 Uruk-Hai Scout with banner

    Warband 2
    Uruk-Hai Scout Captain with two-handed weapon
    6 Uruk-Hai Scouts with shields
    3 Orc Warriors with spears/shields
    3 Feral Uruk-Hai

    Warband 3
    1 Orc Captain with shield
    6 Uruk-Hai Scouts with shields
    2 Orc Warriors with shields
    1 Orc Warrior with spear/shield

    Warband 4
    Uruk Shaman with armor
    6 Uruk-Hai Scouts with shields

    Warband 5
    1 Isengard Assault Ballista

    TOTAL: 699 pts, 49 models, 9 Might, broken after 25 casualties, 25% after 37 casualties

    Let the games begin! RAISE THE WHITE HAND!!!

    1. Quick edit (as I forgot to mention it): the banner has a shield, FYI, :P

  3. I have seen this army more recently. ;-)

    I'm assuming you start taking courage tests at 24 models remaining for the orcs, optional courage tests for the Uruk-Hai heroes at the same model count (if you want to hazard Stand Fasts! for orcs), and full break tests at 16 models remaining?

    1. According to the Designer commentary, that is correct. My thought - only ONE ballista?!?!?! ;)

    2. Lol yeah, I knew I needed an Orc Captain so I could call "Stand Fast!" once my force is broken, as the uruks don't test (and thus can't call "Stand Fast!"). The result, though, was either wasting like 9 points or dropping the second ballista. So I went with the additional warband with a weaker (but D6) captain.

      And one ballista will do plenty enough work, ;) :P

  4. Obviously he anticipates facing many Gandalfs...

  5. Le sigh, I've still got a few friends on campus who will be graduating that day, otherwise I'd be there. :(
    I would love to scrimmage with some folks leading up to it though! I'll be playing in the NOVA Open and need some practice. :)

    1. BTW, we only have one round before lunch, so if you wanted to participate, you could take a bye during the first round (and if we have an odd-number of players, someone will have to anyway).

    2. Oh, that might work!
      *wanders off to army building sheets*

  6. Committing to something...

    The Light of Lorien (Lothlorien)

    Warband 1
    Galadriel (Army Leader)
    6 Wood Elf Warriors with throwing daggers
    6 Wood Elf Warriors with Wood Elf spears
    6 Wood Elf Warriors with Elf bows

    Warband 2
    Haldir with Elf bow
    4 Wood Elf Warriors with throwing daggers
    4 Wood Elf Warriors with Wood Elf spears
    4 Wood Elf Warriors with Elf bows

    Warband 3
    1 Galadhrim Captain with Elf bow
    3 Wood Elf Warriors with throwing daggers
    5 Wood Elf Warriors with Wood Elf spears
    3 Wood Elf Warriors with Elf bows
    1 Wood Elf Sentinel

    TOTAL: 700 pts, 45 models, 8 Might, broken after 23 casualties, 25% after 34 casualties

    I'll be bringing a woodland board this year (kick my rear into gear to finish my woods), but promise not to have TOO many trees. ;)

    1. That...is a lot of elves, :P I look forward to seeing it on the table!

  7. I guess you were satisfied with your playtesting last night, then. ;-)

    Looks like the armies so far are skewing light on heroes, heavy on troops (as opposed to Brawler, which was heavy on heroes, sometimes extremely so). Will be interesting to see if that holds.

  8. Claiming the third entry...

    "The Gristly Fields of Erebor"
    The Battle of the Five Armies has been fully joined. Burglars have been returned. Insults have been exchanged. Arrows have been shredded. The war goats have thundered. Rock munchers have munched. Elves have hurtled dwarves. Orcs have killed hurtling elves. Ogres have overthrown chariots. The dwarves have rallied to their king.

    Then everyone ups and leaves.

    Bard has retreated to defend Lake Town. Thorin and his bodyguard are off to Raven Hill. Thranduil is sulkily withdrawing (faithless woodland sprite...). Tauriel is an outcast. Legolas is breaking the natural law. Gandalf is off doing Gandalf-things. And Bilbo has disappeared (literally). Even Bofur has broken ranks to commandeer a troll brute.

    Deprived of most of their principal scene-stealing heroes (and their various degrees of plot-armor), the struggle to hold the critical field below Erebor’s gates falls to Dain, Lord of the Iron Hills, and the remnants of his army which soldiers on supported by a handful of militia allies. Forgotten by screenwriters and audiences alike, they stand shield-to-shield, ready to engage all comers upon the field of battle. There they will remain, locked in gristly combat, churning the earth beneath their steadfast feet, until the eagles arrive, hurtling bear-men to the ground in a glorious deus ex machina. They are surprisingly comfortable there...

    Warband #1 [19/19, 433/700]
    Dain Ironfoot, Lord of the Iron Hills on War Boar (3/3/3) [160] {Army Leader}
    x9 Iron Hills Warriors with Swords and Shields (99)
    x5 Iron Hills Warriors with Swords, Spears, and Shields (60)
    x2 Iron Hills Warriors with Swords, Spears, Shields, and Banners (74)
    x2 Iron Hills Warriors on War Goats with Swords and War Spears (40)

    Warband #2 [9/13, 99/700]
    Lake-Town Militia Captain with Armor, Pick, Spear, and Shield (2/1/1) [45]
    x6 Lake-town Militia with Armor, Axe, Spear, and Shield [42]
    x2 Lake-town Militia with Armor, Axe, and Bow [12]

    Warband #3 [8/13, 78/700]
    Hilda-Bianca with Spear (1/1/1) [30]
    x6 Lake-town Militia with Armor, Axe, Spear, and Shield [42]
    x1 Lake-town Militia with Armor, Axe, and Bow [6]

    Warband #4 [4/6, 90/700]
    Iron Hills Siege Veteran with Heavy Armor and Sword (1/1/1)
    x3 Iron-Hills Siege Crew with Swords
    x1 Iron Hills Ballista

    Iron Hills-Lake-Town Survivors (Historical Alliance)
    700/700, 40 Models
    Breaks at: 21 Casualties (19 remaining)
    Quartered at: 30 Casualties (10 remaining)

    1. I am also hoping to have a board finished in time. *fingers crossed* Should be usable for any of the remaining scenarios.

    2. Also forgot to add, I will have proxy models for the Lake-Town contingent (Captain, Hilda, and militia), modeled with appropriate wargear. (I think I’m all caught up now...)

    3. Dwarves! Men! Let Them Come!

      Also, since you made so many edits, technically warband 4 is at 4/7...not 4/6... ;)

    4. Can confirm table is finished... or at least finished enough. :-P

  9. Whenabouts do we need to submit the army list by? I have an order coming in that might change what I take...

    1. No date set in the post - technically, you can submit it during check-in, but remember ties are broken based on the order you get your list posted.

  10. It's gonna be a late night of painting... but I'm committing to bring them.

    The Greenleaf Bowman

    Army Leader: Legolas Greenleaf, Prince of Mirkwood (Proxied by Legolas, Pelennor fields sculpt)
    with Elven Cloak and Orcrist

    12 Rangers of Mirkwood

    With elf bow
    8 Rangers of Mirkwood

    Mirkwood Ranger Captain (Proxies by Haldir, Unarmored with bow sculpt.)
    10 Rangers of Mirkwood

    Total: 700 pts. 33 Models, 8 Might.
    Broken after 17 casualties, 25% after 25 casualties.

    1. Very nasty list. I see you went with the bow on Tauriel, which I think will be good value. The armor on Legloas is good when he's in combat, but given that no one so far is bringing any fight value higher than F6 and Legolas is very effective at range (and has a cloak), I think the bow on Tauriel is probably a better use of the points (plus bows backed up by Might are always nice to have).

    2. Legolas Greenleaf, Prince of Mirkwood, begins with armor...

    3. Right... I thought I was off by something :-P

  11. *coin flip*

    looks like the time of the elves has come...

    The Last Homely House

    Warband 1
    Elrond Master of Rivendell with heavy armor (Leader)
    8 Elf Warriors with shield
    3 Elf Warriors with Spear and shield
    6 Elf Warriors with bows
    1 Elf warrior with banner and shield

    Warband 2
    Elladan & Elrohir with Heavy Armor, Elf bows and Horses
    4 Elf Warriors with Shield
    2 Elf warriors with Spear and shield
    4 Elf Warriors with Bow

    31 units @ 700pts

    1. I am beginning to think I did not bring enough Fight 6...
