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First Impressions: The Kingdoms of Men, Part IV

Good morning gamers, Tiberius : Red Jacket is back with a review of his beloved Rohan heroes. There will be one point of cross-over with my ...

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Announcing: TMAT GT 2015!

Time to announce the opening of registration for the fourth annual Tell Me A Tale Grand Tournament! This tournament is a small 1-day independent tournament for the Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game and will be played on Saturday, March 7, 2014 in Purcellville, Virginia starting at 10am (players are asked to arrive at least 20-30 min early for check-in and setup). LOTR SBG players in the greater D.C. area and beyond are welcome to attend, but are asked to register NLT Feb 28. The tournament is free to play and the rules for the tournament are provided below.

1. Gameplay

(1.1) The ruleset and FAQ/Errata from the One Rulebook (ORB) and warbands sourcebooks will preside over the tournament along with the TMAT House rules listed in the tab above. Apart from the rules adopted in the house rules, the Hobbit ruleset will not be used; however the armies and models may be used. It is the responsibility of the player using the new models to provide their full profiles on the day of the tournament.
(1.2) The tournament will consist of three games - each will have a time limit of 90 min. At the end of 90 min, players will be permitted to finish their current round and tally points.
(1.3) Once started, the time clock will only be stopped if two players have a significant disagreement on a particular rule (line of sight, special rules for a unit, etc.), in which case all games will stop and the other competitors will mediate/look up what the proper ruling is. If a resolution is unable to be established in a short time period, a roll-off will be cast to determine the ruling for that particular game.
(1.4) There will be approximately 15 minutes between games for players to move to the next table, refresh themselves, turn in their scoring data, etc. and there will be a 60 min break for lunch following Round 1.
(1.5) Upon check-in the day of, players will draw a number and be assigned to randomized opponents and boards. The boards you are assigned to will determine scenarios played.
(1.6) Scenarios will be a mix of Warband and LOME based scenarios with minor modifications. See Section 3 for scenario details.
(1.7) Battle Points are earned as follows: Major win: 10pts, Minor win: 8pts, Draw: 6pts, Minor loss: 4pts, Major loss: 2pts.
(1.8) Additional Battle points can be earned by: 1) Accomplishing various Oaths of Battle in-game with your Army leader (see 4.1); 2) Kudos points from your opponent (see 4.2) 3) Secret Objectives completed each round (see 4.3).

2. Army building

(2.1) Army size will be 600pts (+0.5% grace with hard limit of 603pts), 60 model limit. Your army must contain a clearly designated Army leader.
(2.2) Armies may be constructed either using the Warbands scheme or using a modified LOME scheme with at least 200 points (33% of total) spent on at least 2 heroes and all LOME alliance restrictions in effect.
(2.3) For the purposes of deployment, LOME armies will be broken into 3 detachments of at least 6 models (if your army contains fewer than 18 models, divide as evenly as possible). These detachments will be treated as warbands for the purposes of deployment and any scenario rules that refer to "warbands." These detachments must be designated prior to the tournament and will be submitted with your army roster. If you have insufficient heroes to provide a leader for each detachment, nominate a model to "lead" the deployment for any detachment without a hero. All models in a detachment will be deployed within 6" of the leader.
(2.4) For newer post-LOME models that do not show up on the old army lists, use common sense to determine which list they would fall under. Feel free to contact the tournament organizer if you have questions as to whether a new model is allowed in a certain LOME list. Please consult the House rules page for the adopted LOME alliance structure for the new Hobbit army lists.
(2.5) WYSIWYG - equip your models appropriately. Proxy models are permitted only if specially purchased/converted/clearly established for that role permanently. (e.g. no "counts as, but only for this tournament" substitutions. If you want to field a particular character, invest the time/$ to do so). Exception: generic Nazgul models may be used as named Nazgul as long as it is clear to your opponent what they represent.

3. Scenarios

(3.1) For all scenarios, scoring rules regarding the opponent's army leader will be modified to the following as applicable: 0 Victory Points are scored for wounding the enemy leader. 2 Victory Points are scored for killing the enemy leader.
(3.2) Depending on the number of participants, the following scenarios will be used (in order of precedence)
(A) Hold the Standard High: Wipe out your opponents and cut down their battle standards to win! Play continues to 25%.
1) Setup: before deployment, each player alternates placing 3 objective markers on their side of the board, within 6" of the center line, but at least 6" apart from each other. These represent the army's battle standards.
2) Deployment: Warbands/Detachments are placed on opposing board edges within 6" of the board edge on the roll of 1-3, and within 12" of the board edge on the roll of 4-6.
3) Scoring: 3 Points for breaking your enemy, or score 5 points if your opponent is broken and you are not. An additional 2 VPs are awarded if the opponent has been driven to 25% of their starting force. Score 2 points for killing the army leader. Score 2 points for having a banner in your army at the end of the game. Score 1 point for each of your opponent's wounded battle standards, or instead score 3 points for each destroyed standard.
Special Rules: Rally to me!: Each of the 3 army standards grants the benefit of a banner to your army (although they do not count as banners for the purposes of scoring). The standard may never be moved (considered to be Strength 7 for the purposes of hurl, sorcerous blast, etc), has a Defense of 7 with 3 Wounds and can only take damage from melee attacks. If your opponent should destroy one of your standards, all benefits from it are lost and it is removed from the board. Any model that moves into base contact with an enemy standard and is otherwise unengaged may attack it during the fight phase. They are considered to automatically win the fight against the standard, however they will never gain bonuses for "trapping" the standard.
(B) Domination: Scenario setup, play and scoring uses the rules from the Warband sourcebooks with the following exception for setup: Opponents select opposite corners of the board rather than board edges. All warbands/detachments are deployed within 18" of their corner.
(C) Hold Ground: Scenario setup, play and scoring uses the rules from the Warband sourcebooks with one exception: play continues to 25%.
(D) Storm the Camp: Advance into the enemy territory and claim it for your own! Game ends at 25%. Setup: Opponents select opposite corners of the board and all warbands/detachments are deployed within 18" of their corner.

Scoring: 1 point if the enemy is broken, or 3 points if they are broken and your army is not. Score 1 point per model within 24" of the opponent's corner at game end.

4. Additional Scoring

(4.1) Oaths of Battle: For each game, after deployment select 1 Oath not previously sworn and announce it to your opponent. If both players achieve their oath: score 1 Battle Point, If neither player achieves their oath: score 0 Battle Points, Only one player achieves: that player scores 2 Battle Points. 3 bonus Battle Points are awarded if a player fulfills their oath each game:
Blood-sworn Enemy: Choose an enemy hero - he is your arch enemy and they must die on the field of battle before the end of the game
Future King: Your army leader must continue to lead his force at the end of the game, neither slain nor "heroically departed".
Chivalry in Battle: Your army leader must fight the enemy leader in melee combat for at least one round and survive (die being rolled on each side). Your army leader may not use the shielding rules in this effort.
Line in the Sand: Nominate a piece of terrain within 12" of your opponent's board edge (or place a marker if there is no suitable terrain). Your leader must end its move in base contact with it at least once during the game.
Battle Prowess: Your army leader must kill more models than your opponent's army leader.

(4.2) Kudos: At any point during your game, up to 3 categories may be awarded by your opponent once per game, worth 0.5 battle pts each (maximum of 1.5 battle points per game). Your opponent is not obligated to give the maximum kudos - or any kudos at all. They must be earned.
Hope Rises: A non-named figure acts in a way that both players agree was awesome. (Example: Your uruk captain just used a might point to shoot into a combat and kill his own troop - thus opening up a previously concealed Legolas to 6 xbow shots!)
Lead by Example: A named hero acts in a way that both players agree was awesome. (Example: Eomer just called 3 successive heroic combats to catapult himself to the rescue of your banner!)
Master Plan: Perform a maneuver that causes your opponent to be impressed (for good or ill) by the strategy. (Your elf cavalry just rode around behind the opponent's line and dismounted in order to shield their opponents into difficult terrain - thus clearing a path to the objective!)
Fortune's Favor: Experience a very lucky streak of dice rolling that is acknowledged by both players (Example: your orc archer just passed 2 in the ways to wound a D7 unit!)
The Dice are trying to Kill Me: Experience a very unlucky streak of dice rolling that is acknowledged by both players (Example: your mounted Nazgul had its mount slain, was thrown to the ground, failed both fate rolls and broke its wraithish neck!)

(4.3) Secret Objectives: Each round, a secret objective will be randomly shuffled out to players for the chance to win extra Battle Points that round. These objectives do not impact the outcome of your current game, but add to your overall tournament score. Your secret objective is not to be revealed to your opponent until game end. Each succesfully completed secret obective is worth 2 Battle Points.

5. Registration:

(5.1) Registration is done via the comments below. Post your army list and note your army leader and indicate how it is organized under the appropriate LOME or Warbands rules. Once a list is posted it may not be revised. If the posted list does not comply with the guidelines given, the Tournament Director reserves the right to make minor ad hoc corrections to facilitate compliance.
(5.2) On the day of the tournament you must provide a hard copy of your army roster with: 1) A complete army list organized by warband (or detachment for LOME armies) with the army leader designated; 2) The complete profile stats of all units in your army; 3) Total model count, army broken point and 25% level of your army (all fractions are rounded down - a 31 model army is broken when reduced to 15, 25% when reduced to 7 models)
Players who fail to provide their army roster on tournament day as outlined will not be allowed to participate until they produce the required roster. If this should delay the first game, they will be credited with a major loss and their opponent will automatically be awarded a major win.

For any questions regarding the above, feel free to ask away in the comments below. We're looking forward to yet another great tournament. Let the games (and modeling/painting flurry) begin!

- Z


  1. So I'll begin the flurry of army postings and call the PCTPTGTA early (as it isn't close):

    Isengard Unleashed: Isengard Warbands

    Background: Saruman has bred an army ready for war! He sends his fighting Uruk-Hai - some bred for speed, some decked in heavy armor - to search for the Ring. He accompanies his troops, along with his best captains, and conscripts (or enslaves) a few Orcs as he leaves Orthanc to bring a little more muscle to the battles to come. To his captains, he says, “You do not know pain, you do not know fear – you will eat man flesh! One of the halflings has something of great value – I want him alive and unspoiled. Kill the others!”

    Warband 1:
    Saruman the Colorful [Army Leader]
    7 Uruk-Hai Warriors with shields
    5 Orc Warriors with shields and spears

    Warband 2:
    4 Uruk Scouts with shields
    3 Orc Warriors with shields
    5 Uruk Marauders with Orc bows

    Warband 3:
    4 Uruk Scouts with shields
    3 Orc Warriors with shields
    5 Uruk Marauders with Orc bows

    39 units, broken after losing 20, game after losing 30

    Looking forward to a good fight everyone! Bring the pain!

  2. Background: The sounds of war have echoed through the pastoral landscape of Eriador. "Awake! Fear! Fire! Foes! Awake!" can be heard throughout the Shire, as the Bounders marshal to defend their homes, led by the Thain of Tuckborough. They are joined by their neighbors from the north, a detachment of dwarves led by Dwalin of the Blue Mountains, accompanied by his brother, Balin. Together their forces prepare to take on the Big Folk who threaten their hearths, their homes, their lives.

    As the battle lines are drawn, one can hear the deadening warcy even now: "Kuz Belkur! For the Shire!"

    The Defenders of Eriador (Warbands, Shire + Thorin's Company + Durin's Folk)

    Warband 1
    -Bandobras "Bullroarer" Took: 40 pts
    -6 Hobbit Shirriffs: 24 pts
    -6 Battlin' Brandybucks: 24 pts

    Warband 2
    -Merry, Captain of the Shire with shield: 35 pts
    -6 Hobbit Shirriffs: 24 pts
    -6 Battlin' Brandybucks: 24 pts

    Warband 3
    -Pippin, Captain of the Shire: 30 pts
    -12 Hobbit Archers: 48 pts

    Warband 4
    -Farmer Maggot with Grip, Fang, and Wolf: 50 pts

    Warband 5
    -Dwalin: 95 pts

    Warband 6
    -Balin, Son of Fundin with Axe of Durin: 95 pts
    -1 Dwarf Warrior with banner: 33 pts
    -9 Dwarf Warriors with shields: 81 pts

    TOTAL: 603 pts, 55 models, 28 casualties to break point, 42 casualties to game

    Looking forward to it, guys! I've been waiting to bring the Waistcoat Brigade out to tournament for a while, and really excited to finally get a tournament in with them!


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Slight mistake - two updates:

      1) Balin is the Army Leader, and
      2) Balin only costs 85 pts (silly me), so make that 10 Dwarf Warriors with shields, for 56 models. Everything else stays the same in the list above, :)

  3. bah. Centaur stole my Dwalin thunder...

    The Glory of Erebor (Warbands)

    Warband 1 - Durin's Folk
    Balin, Son of Fundin w Durin's Axe - Army Leader
    4 Dwarf Warriors w bow
    1 Dwarf Warrior w shield
    3 Iron Guard
    3 Khazad Guard

    Warband 2 - Durin's Folk
    3 Dwarf Warriors w bow
    1 Dwarf Warrior w shield
    3 Iron Guard
    3 Khazad Guard

    Warband 3 - Army of Thror
    4 Grimhammers
    8 Erebor Warriors with Shield and Spear

    Total: 601pts 36 Units

    1. What you get for waiting to post your list, ;) jk! :D Nice list - looking forward to seeing it at the tournament!

  4. Captain Glot will be running the following army:

    Background: The men of Rohan hold fast but fear is present. Eomer, leader of this regiment has devised a plan to defeat the approaching armies. He is confident that his plan, if executed properly, will insure victory for his king.

    The men of Rohan are in formation, waiting silently and praying they will survive. Then there was a call, not a rally call, no, but a call that would determine the fate of Middle-Earth...forever:

    "Leeeeerooooyyyy Jenkins!!!!!"

    And with that, a lone soldier rushes off toward the enemy legions with his leaders watching in astonishment. One of them mutters, "So it begins."

    Dead Men Walking (Theoden's Host, LOME)

    Detachment 1
    Eomer, Knight of the Pelennor Fields with Armored Horse: (Army Leader)
    6 Rohan Outriders
    1 Rohan Royal Guard (Leroy Jenkins)

    Contingent 2
    4 Rohan Royal Guards with throwing spears
    1 Rohan Royal Guard
    5 Helmingas with shields/throwing spears
    1 Rohan Warrior with banner

    Contingent 3
    9 Helmingas with shields/throwing spears
    9 Helmingas with shields

    TOTAL: 39 units, Break Point at 19 units remaining, 25% at 9 units remaining

  5. Warband 1
    Éomer, Marshal of the Riddermark with Horse; Shield; Throwing spears;
    8 Riders of Rohan with Throwing spears;
    Warband 2
    Eorl the Young
    5 Riders of Rohan with Throwing spears;
    3 Sons of Eorl
    Warband 3
    Captain of Rohan with Horse; Shield; Throwing spears;
    6 Rider of Rohan with Throwing spears;

    TOTAL: 601 points, 25 unites, 13 to break, all mounted

  6. Red Jacket will be bringing the following:

    Harrowers of the Riddermark (Warbands, Isengard)

    Warband 1
    Vrasku: Army Leader
    7 Uruk Warriors with shields
    4 Uruk Warriors with Pikes

    Warband 2
    Uruk Drummer
    7 Uruk Warriors with shields
    4 Uruk Warriors with Pikes

    Warband 3
    Uruk Shield Captain
    1 Feral Uruks
    2 Berserker
    3 Uruk Warriors with Shields
    3 Uruk Warriors with Pikes

    1. gah. bad copy past job. missed Warband 4

      Warband 4
      6 Marauders with Shields

      Total: 41 units, Breaks at 20 units remaining, 25% at 10 units remaining.
