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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Announcing: TMAT GT 2013!

Alright blogosphere, it's that time of year again!

Time to announce the opening of registration for the second annual Tell Me A Tale Grand Tournament! This tournament is a small 1-day independent tournament for the Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game and will be played on Saturday, March 09, 2012 in Purcellville, Virginia starting at 10am (players are asked to arrive 20-30 min early for check-in and setup). LOTR SBG players in the greater D.C. area and beyond are welcome to attend, but are asked to register NLT Feb 28. The tournament is free to play and the rules for the tournament are provided below.

This year's tournament rules are designed to encourage creativity (both strategic and artistic) over sheer (mere?) "my army can roll better than yours." So please read tournament rules carefully as there are numerous scoring opportunities (win records accounting for only about 60% of the total potential points).

1. Gameplay

(1.1) The ruleset from the One Rulebook (ORB) and warbands sourcebooks will preside over the tournament.  The new Hobbit ruleset will not be used; however the models may be used. It is the responsibility of the player using the new models to provide their full profiles on the day of the tournament (see Tournament Rules section for more info).
(1.2) All games will be played to a maximum of 90 min. At the end of 90 min, if the victory conditions have not already been met, players will be permitted to finish their current round and then points will be tallied.
(1.3) Once started, the time clock will only be stopped if two players have a significant disagreement on a particular rule (line of sight, special rules for a unit, etc.), in which case all games will stop and the other competitors will mediate what the proper ruling is. If a resolution is unable to be established in a short time period, a roll-off will be cast to determine the ruling for that game.
(1.4) There will be approximately 15 minutes between games for players to move to the next table, refresh themselves, turn in their scoring data, etc. and there will be a 60 min break for lunch.
(1.5) Unlike previous TMAT tournaments, TMAT GT 2013 will not have good vs evil restrictions. Upon registration the day of, players will draw a number and be assigned to randomized opponents.
(1.6) Scenarios will be a mix of Warband and LOME based scenarios with minor modifications. See below for scenario details.  Each round, a mix of secret objectives will be shuffled out to players for the chance to win extra victory points for that game.
(1.7) Battle Points are earned as follows: Major win: 10pts, Minor win: 8pts, Draw: 6pts, Minor loss: 4pts, Major loss: 2pts.
(1.8) Additional Battle points can be earned by: 1) Accomplishing various Oaths of Battle in-game with your Army leader (see 4.1); 2) Kudos points from your opponent (see 4.2); 3) Player-voted "best conversion" (see 4.3); 4) Player-voted "best themed army" (see 4.4).

2. Army building

(2.1) Army size will be 600pts (+0.5% grace with hard limit of 603pts), 75 model limit. Your army must contain a designated Army leader.
(2.2) Armies may be constructed either using the Warbands scheme or using a modified LOME scheme with at least 200 points (33% of total) spent on at least 2 heroes and all LOME list restrictions in effect.
(2.3) For the purposes of deployment, LOME armies will be broken into 3 detachments of at least 6 models (if your army contains fewer than 18 models, divide as evenly as possible). These detachments will be treated as warbands for the purposes of deployment and any scenario rules that refer to "warbands." These detachments must be designated prior to the tournament and will be submitted with your army roster. (Note: LOME detachments do not need to be all from the same sublist  - for example, you could deploy Mordor orcs in the same detachment as Easterlings). If you have insufficient heroes to provide a leader for each detachment, nominate a model to "lead" the deployment for any detachment without a hero. All models in a detachment will be deployed within 6" of the leader.
(2.4) For newer post-LOME models that do not show up on the old army lists, use common sense to determine which list they would fall under. Feel free to contact the tournament organizer if you have questions as to whether a new model is allowed in a certain LOME list. For the purposes of this tournament: 1) Thorin's Company and Thror's Army will be considered to have the same allies as the Durin's Folk LOME list and will also include the Durin's Folk and Khazad-Dum lists as allies; 2) Elrond's Household will be considered to be part of the Rivendell LOME list; 3) Goblin Town and Azog's Hunters armies will be permitted to ally with each other and with the following LOME lists: Moria, The Dwellers Below, Angmar, Dunland, Dol Guldur, Barad-Dur, Khandish Mercenaries, The Corsair Fleets, Monsters of Middle Earth, and The Nazgul.
(2.5) WYSIWYG - equip your models appropriately. Proxy models are permitted only if specially purchased/converted/clearly established for that role permanently. (e.g. no "counts as, but only for this tournament" substitutions. If you want to field a particular character, invest the time/$ to do so). Exception: generic Nazgul models may be used as named Nazgul as long as it is clear to your opponent.
(2.6) In addition to your normal army, you must bring 3 foreign emissaries (models on infantry bases). These models must clearly stand out from the rest of your force and at least 2/3 must be at least a comparable size to your main army (e.g. if you are fielding men, you cannot have 2 dwarf/hobbit/smaller-than-the-race-of-your-main-force emissaries. If you are fielding small units--dwarves, goblins, etc--you may field taller emissaries if you choose)

3. Scenarios

(3.1) For all scenarios, scoring rules regarding the opponent's army leader will be modified to the following as applicable: 0 Victory Points are scored for wounding the enemy leader. 2 Victory Points are scored for killing the enemy leader.
(3.2) Depending on the number of games being incorporated (which will be based on the number of participants - min of 3 games), the following scenarios will be used (in order of precedence)
(A) The Arkenstone: Played like To the Death from the Warbands sourcebooks with a few alterations. 1) Setup: after the terrain is placed, a small objective marker is placed in the center of the board to represent the Arkenstone. 2) Deployment: Warbands/Detachments are placed within 6" of the board edge on the roll of 1-3, and within 12" of the board edge on the roll of 4-6. 3) Scoring: An additional 2 VPs are awarded if the opponent has been driven to 25% of their starting force.
Special Rules: The Arkenstone: The two armies have taken the field in pursuit of a glorious artifact - the Arkenstone. The desire to acquire this priceless gem inspires beyond reason. At the beginning of the fight phase, the player that has the most models within 3" of the Arkenstone treats the Arkenstone as a 6" banner for that round. The other player treats the Arkenstone as a normal banner. 
(B) Domination: Scenario setup, play and scoring uses the rules from the Warband sourcebooks with the following exception for setup: Opponents select opposite corners of the board rather than board edges. All warbands/detachments are deployed within 18" of their corner.
(C) He Gathers All Armies: Played as reconnoiter from the Warband Sourcebooks with 1 key twist: Points are not scored by running your models off the opponent's board edge. Each army is accompanied by 3 foreign emissaries. Each emissary deploys with a different warband/ detachment (divided as evenly as possible). The goal is to escort your emissaries off the opponent's board edge. 5 VPs are scored for each emissary that escapes off your opponent's board edge. Game ends when one side reaches 25% of their force.
Special Rules: Get Word to our Allies: Emissaries can move (5" normally, 7" if there is an opponent within 2" at the start of their move), and be engaged like a normal model. Emissaries cannot themselves charge another model (although they have a control zone), are considered F3S3D5C7 with only 1 "attack" and armed only with a hand weapon. If they are wounded, they are not killed, but are knocked to the ground and do not gain their 7" move next turn (multiple wounds have no additional affect). When retreating from a fight, the emissary must back away in their rear 120° arc. They are considered "resistant to magic" insofar as a given spell affects them - however their resistance roll does not impact the effect of the spell on other models). Emissaries do not count as part of the army for the purposes of army model count.
(D) Where the Wild Things Are: Played like To the Death from the Warbands sourcebooks with a few alterations. 1) Setup: after the terrain is placed, 3-5 lairs are placed, One in the center, and the other 2-4 mirror each other diagonally at least 12" from any board edge. A variety of wild beasts (suggested: 1 cave troll for center and 2-3 wargs each for outliers) are placed in base contact with the lairs.  2) Deployment: Warbands/Detachments are placed within 6" of the board edge on the roll of 1-3, and within 12" of the board edge on the roll of 4-6. 3) Scoring: An additional 2 VPs are awarded if the opponent has been driven to 25% of their starting force. 
Special Rules: The Wilds: The wild beasts are hungry, and do not take kindly the intrusion of the outside world. Each turn, the player who loses priority controls the wild creatures and moves them before the normal move phase begins (but after any heroic moves). All wild creatures can move freely within 6" of their lair with the following exceptions: 1) if the wild creature's turn starts within charge distance of a player's models, the creature will always charge the nearest model(s) - even if it is the controlling player's models, 2) The wild creature will continue to charge nearby models on subsequent turns to a maximum of 12" from their lair. 3) If the wild creature has no models to charge within 12" of its lair, it must return to within 6" of its lair
Savage Ferocity: Fights involving wild creatures are resolved before the normal fight phase begins (but after any heroic combats). If a wild creature wins a fight, the player(s) being attacked roll a die for each of their models in the fight. On a 4+ they are knocked to the ground. Might may not be used to alter this roll.
Pack Animals: If a wild creature is killed, roll a die. On a 3+, a new wild creature is placed in base contact with the appropriate lair at the end of the round. On the roll of a 6, two wild creatures are placed instead (if there are enough models available). 
(E) Take and Hold: As played in the Warband Sourcebooks
(F) Ill Met by Moonlight: as played by LOME rules with the following exceptions: 1) Game end is at 25%, not when one side is completely destroyed. 2) Scoring: Scored as To the Death with an additional 2 VPs being awarded if the opponent has been driven to 25% of their starting force

4. Additional Scoring

(4.1) Oaths of Battle: For each game, after deployment select 1 Oath not previously sworn and announce it to your opponent. If both players achieve their oath: score 1 Battle Point, If neither player achieves their oath: score 0 Battle Points, Only one player achieves: that player scores 2 Battle Points. 3 bonus Battle Points are awarded if a player achieves all Oaths during the tournament OR (if there are fewer than 5 games) the player fulfills their oath each game:
Blood-sworn Enemy: Choose an enemy hero - he is your arch enemy and they must die before the end of the game
Future King: Your army leader must continue to lead his force at the end of the game, neither slain nor "heroically departed".
Chivalry in Battle: Your army leader must fight the enemy leader in close combat for at least one round and survive. Your army leader may not use the shielding rules in this effort.
Line in the Sand: Nominate a piece of terrain within 12" of your opponent's board edge (or place a marker if there is no suitable terrain). Your leader must end its move within 3" of it at least once during the game.
Battle Prowess: Your army leader must kill more models than your opponent's army leader.

(4.2) Kudos: At any point during your game, up to 3 categories may be awarded by your opponent once per game, worth 0.5 battle pts each (maximum of 1.5 battle points per game). Your opponent is not obligated to give the maximum kudos - or any kudos at all. They must be earned. However players should note that your opponent is more likely to grant kudos if you properly acknowledge their efforts as well.
Hope Rises: A non-named figure acts in a way that both players agree was awesome. (Example: Your captain just used a might point to shoot into a combat and kill his own troop - thus opening up a previously concealed Legolas to 6 xbow shots!)
Lead by Example: A named hero acts in a way that both players agree was awesome. (Example: Eomer just called 3 successive heroic combats to catapult himself to the rescue of your emissary!)
Master Plan: Perform a maneuver that causes your opponent to be impressed (for good or ill) by the strategy. (Your elf cavalry just rode around behind the opponent's line and dismounted in order to shield their opponents into difficult terrain - thus clearing a path to the objective!)
Fortune's Favor: Experience a very lucky streak of dice rolling that is acknowledged by both players (Example: your orc archer just passed 2 in the ways to wound a D7 unit!)
The Dice are trying to Kill Me: Experience a very unlucky streak of dice rolling that is acknowledged by both players (Example: your mounted Nazgul had its mount slain, was thrown to the ground, failed both fate rolls and broke its wraithish neck!)

(4.3) "Best Conversion" Contest
Each participant will be permitted to make up to two entries to the contest. An entry consists of 1) a single hero, cavalry unit or monster; OR 2) up to 4 infantry models of the same type (e.g. Minas Tirith Vets, Orcs Warriors, or Uruk-hai Raiders). These entries are preferred to come from part of your tournament army, but are not required to be. All conversions must be the work of the player that submitted them and must be painted to a 3-color minimum. Prior to the start of the tournament games, the entries will be put on display for all players to view and cast votes for via secret ballot (players are not permitted to vote for their own entries).
Entries will be judged with the following priority: 1) creativity of implementation, 2) uniqueness of concept, and 3) quality of workmanship. Results will be announced at the end of the day and the winning entries will award their respective players with additional battle points as follows: 3pts for First place, 2pts for Second place, and 1pt for Third place. Each player is only eligible for one award.   

(4.4) "Best Themed" Contest:
Each player's entry will primarily consist of the background theme text provided at registration - which must be the sole work of that player. Players will have until the end of the lunch break to view all armies with their appropriate themes and to cast their votes by secret ballot for the best themed army.
Best themed will be judged with the following priority 1) The provided background for the army, 2) Creativity of theme implementation, including any theme specific painting work or conversions, 3) appropriateness of any allies 4) overall appearance of the army, including quality of painting. Results will be announced at the end of the day and the winning armies will award their respective players with additional battle points as follows: 3pts for First place, 2pts for Second place, and 1pt for Third place  

5. Registration: 

(5.1) Registration is done via the comments below. Post your army list and note your army leader and indicate how it is organized under the appropriate LOME or Warbands rules.
(5.2) Your army should be themed in some way with appropriate "background" text of at least a paragraph (100 words max) submitted with your army list before the tournament begins. Players are encouraged to use this to explain any alliances, unique color schemes, markings, etc. in the army.  Both the background text and appearance of the army will be used to select "Best Themed" army. Players that fail to submit background or go over the word count will not be considered for "Best Themed."
(5.3) On the day of the tournament you must provide a hard copy of your army roster with:  1) A complete army list organized by warband (or detachment for LOME armies); 2) The complete profile stats of all models in your army; 3) Total model count, army broken point and 25% level of your army (all fractions are rounded down - a 31 model army is broken when reduced to 15, 25% when reduced to 7 models; 4) A copy of the army's background "theme." Players who fail to provide their army roster as outlined will not be allowed to participate until they produce the required roster. If this should delay the first game, they will be credited with a major loss and their opponent will automatically be awarded a major win.

For any questions regarding the above, feel free to ask away in the comments below. We're looking forward to a fun and creative tournament. Let the games (and modeling/painting flurry) begin!

- Z


  1. while we are at it, I might as well claim first post!

    The Treasure Fleets of Abrakhân (LOME: The Serpent Horde + The Corsair Fleets)

    Abrakhân, jewel of the desert. This wealthy Haradrim realm is the heart of southron trade and the affluence of its master is renown across Middle Earth. The Golden King’s caravan journeys north, intending to expand their trade routes and open new markets for the treasures of his people and ancient relics of Kârna – by any means necessary.

    In charge of the transportation of this convoy is the famed fleetmaster Dalamyr, pillager of the Belegaer sea. Long has he served for the gold of Abrakhân and now, along with his most fanatical crewmen, the corsairs ready for plunder.

    Detachment 1
    The Golden King - Army Leader
    4 Serpent Guard
    4 Harad warriors w bow & Spear
    3 Abrakhân Guards
    3 Corsair Reavers
    1 Arbalester

    Detachment 2
    Dalamyr, Fleetmaster of Umbar
    4 Serpent Guard
    4 Harad warriors w bow & spear
    3 Abrakhân Guards
    3 Corsair Reavers
    1 Arbalester

    Detachment 3
    Bane, of the White Hand (Watcher of Kârna)
    2 Serpent Guard
    3 Watchers of Kârna
    3 Harad Warriors with bow & spear
    2 Abrakhân Guards
    2 Corsair Reavers
    2 Arbalesters

    Total: 47 models. 603 Points.

  2. The Fist of Isengard (LOME: The Legions of the White Hand + Isengard Raiders)

    The great wizard Saruman sees the weak lands of men in the West open for the taking. From his tower of Orthanc, he musters an army capable of moving with great speed in daylight and delivering a solid blow to any army that stands in his way.

    Within his ranks are both heavily-armored Uruk-Hai Warriors and fast-moving Uruk Marauders, led by a their relentless captain, Mauhur, a peerless warrior within the ranks of Isengard. Isengard has been unleashed!

    Detachment 1
    Saruman the Colorful - Army Leader
    8 Uruk-Hai Warriors with shields
    4 Uruk-Hai Warriors with pikes

    Detachment 2
    6 Uruk Marauders with shields
    3 Uruk-Hai Warriors with shields
    3 Uruk Marauders with Orc bows

    Detachment 3
    7 Uruk-Hai Warriors with shields
    3 Uruk-Hai Warriors with crossbows
    3 Uruk-Hai Warriors with pikes

    Total: 39 models, 603 points

  3. The Chill of Angmar (LOME: Angmar + Azog's Hunters)

    Following the departure of the Witchking of Angmar, the northern lands see darker and fouler days. In his absence, the Dwimmerlaik raises an army of both the living feral perversions of the Elves, and the dead of ancient wars, bent on defiling the world with the malice that only the deformed can bring.

    From the wastelands of Angmar, the Ghashfra of Nurz Ghashu have joined with their ancient allies, the savage orcs of the Misty Mountains, led by the dead-eye hunter, Narzug. Armed to the teeth and armored with an insatiable bloodlust, the chill of Angmar descends in their wake.

    Detachment 1
    -The Dwimmerlaik (Army Leader)
    -1 Barrow Wight (Taradan)
    -4 Orc Warriors with shields
    -4 Orc Warriors with shields/spears
    -6 Hunter Orcs
    -2 Hunter Orcs with 2H weapons
    -1 Orc Warrior with banner

    Detachment 2
    -1 Barrow Wight (Methernil)
    -4 Orc Warriors with shields
    -4 Orc Warriors with shields/spears
    -6 Hunter Orcs
    -2 Hunter Orcs with 2H weapons

    Detachment 3
    -4 Hunter Orcs with bows
    -6 Orc Trackers

    47 units, 602 points

  4. The Lord of Mordor has waited long for this war. He has spent a small fortune to secure the alliance of the Easterling warlords, but he doesn't trust them enough to leave them to their own devices.

    When the war broke out, the Easterlings honored their alliance and dispatched Amdur and his elete warbands to serve the Dark Lord. However, when the Dark Lord wants orders followed, he sends Shagrat. Shagrat has joined up with Amdur and assumed command as Mordor's general.

    Although trust is always in short supply among Sauron's minions, Amdur and Shagrat have discovered that they have something in common: taste for shiny loot.

    Detachment 1
    Shagrat, Warleader - Army leader
    5 Dragon Guard w shield
    5 Easterlings w shield & pike
    2 Easterlings w bow

    Detachment 2
    Amdur, Lord of Blades
    6 Dragon Guard w shield
    5 Easterlings w shield & pike
    2 Easterlings w bow

    Detachment 3
    Easterling Captain w shield
    5 Dragon Guard w shield
    5 Easterlings w shield & pike
    2 Easterlings w bow

    Total: 40 units, 603 points

  5. Dol Amroth to Gondor! (LOME: The Fiefdoms + The Tower of Ecthelion)

    The suave prince of Dol Amroth learns of an outbreak of violence and a coming surge of darkness, vile things, and everything unholy (see previous posted armies). Pillaging the helpless and murdering thousands, these evildoers must be put in their place. Prince Imrahil sets out with his elite knights and his allies from the White City to join in the fun... er... wait... wrong side... That is, to make a stand against evil and cleanse the land of wickedness. *cough*

    Detachment 1
    Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth - Army Leader
    4 Knights of Dol Amroth
    4 Knights of Dol Amroth with armored horse and lance
    4 Warriors of Minas Tirith with shield & spear
    3 Men-at-Arms of Dol Amroth

    Detachment 2
    Captain of Minas Tirith with shield
    4 Knights of Dol Amroth
    4 Warriors of Minas Tirith with shield and spear
    3 Men-at-arms of Dol Amroth

    Detachment 3
    Captain of Minas Tirith with shield
    4 Warriors of Minas Tirith with shield and spear
    6 Warriors of Minas Tirith with bow

    Total: 39 models, 603 pts,

  6. Captain Glot submits the following force to be entered in the melee:

    Defenders of the Forest (LOME: Lothlorien)

    The Lorien scouts have been surveying the land as usual; they see a massive army incoming. The scouts, knowing their numbers prohibit them from engaging directly, conceal themselves and the scout leader calls for reinforcements. When the main troops arrive, they find the enemy regrouping, well bloodied by the scouts’ efficiently timed ambushes. The elves discern they must go out and face their opponent in the plains. Lord Celeborn knows this may be the end of his home, and he cannot sit idle whiles his forest burns. He and his most trusted captains ride to their doom or glory.

    Contingent one:
    Celeborn: Heavy armor; shield and Elven blade – Army Leader
    4 Galadhrim warriors with shield
    4 Galadhrim warriors with spear
    4 Wood elf warriors with spear

    Contingent two:
    Rumil, Warden of Caras Galadhon
    4 Galadhrim warriors with shield
    4 Galadhrim warriors with spear
    4 Wood elf warriors with spear

    Contingent three:
    Haldir, Defender of Helms deep
    2 wood elf warriors with Bow
    8 Galadhrim warriors with bow

    601 pts, 37 units

  7. Isengard's Outriders

    As Isengard's armies march further from their citadel, their supply lines have strained to the breaking point. Inaccurate maps, confused orders, and enemy ambushes have combined to cut off the forces of Evil from their precious food and equipment.

    Orthanc has recalled the shrewd warmaster Vrasku from the Rohan warfront and sent him to deal with the supplies. With equal measures of guile and violence, Vrasku has molded the chaotic mass of orcs into a rough supply train. Now he leads a probing force just beyond the caravans, blazing a trail for new convoys - and seizing whatever opportunities present themselves.

    Detachment 1
    6 Uruk-Hai Warriors with crossbows
    3 Uruk-Hai Warriors with pikes
    3 Berserkers

    Detachment 2
    Captain with heavy armor, shield
    4 Uruk-Hai Warriors with pikes
    6 Uruk-Hai Warriors with shields
    2 Berserkers

    Detachment 3
    Captain with heavy armor, shield
    4 Uruk-Hai Warriors with pikes
    2 Uruk-Hai Warriors with shields
    6 Berserkers

    Total: 39 models, 601 points

  8. The war drums of Middle Earth echo in the deep and the Dwarves of Erebor have answered the call to war.

    With evil host on every side with axes bright in arms we ride. Clad in mail of Dwarven might we march out forth the mountain height. With foes ahead, behind us dread, Beneath the sky shall be our bed, Until at last our toil be passed, Our journey done, our errand sped.

    We must away! We must away!
    We ride before the break of day!

    Warband 1
    Balin with Durin's Axe
    1 Dwarf Warrior with Banner
    5 Dwarf Warriors with Shields
    3 Dwarf Rangers with Throwing Axes

    Warband 2
    Múrin and Drár
    10 Dwarf Warriors with Dwarf Bows

    Warband 3
    5 Dwarf Warriors with Shields
    2 Dwarf Rangers with Throwing Axes
    4 Khazâd Guards

    Total: 39 models, 602 points

  9. Note: We are Dwarves, we always show up late...

    Blunt the knives and bend the forks! Smash the bottles and burn the corks! Chip the glasses and crack the plates! That's what Bilbo Baggins hates

    Cut the cloth and trail the fat! Leave the bones on the bedroom mat! Pour the milk on the pantry floor! Splash the wine on every door!

    Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl; Pound them up with a thumping pole; And when you've finished, if they are whole, Send them down the hall to roll!

    That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!
