
Thursday, August 19, 2021

Announcing the Hunters Red October 2021!

Good morning gamers,

It's that time again - Fall is upon us, so it must be time for The Hunters Red October 2021! The tournament will be held at Patrick Henry College on October 2, 2021. This year, we're doing something special where all participants will be bringing two armies (one Good, one Evil) and play matches with them in a Good vs. Evil format. Without further ado, here are (in my typical style) the Ten Commandments of the Tournament (Rules):

1) Thou Shalt Understand The Canon

The ruleset from the new Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual (MESBGRM) will be our baseline. The Armies of the Lord of the Rings supplement will govern the rules for armies from the Lord of the Rings, while the Armies of the Hobbit supplement will govern the rules for armies from the Hobbit. Legendary Legions and profiles from any of the GW supplements may be used, provided that the army building requirements for the Legendary Legion are followed. Any GW errata for these books will take precedent over the printed text of these documents.

2) Thou Shalt Honor Thy Alliance

This tournament follows the alliance "restrictions" provided in the Armies of the Lord of the Rings and Armies of the Hobbit supplements - players are allowed to have "pure" armies or Historical/Convenient/Impossible alliances. Legendary Legions from any of the Games Workshop supplements can be taken as well, but obviously cannot take allies nor be taken as allies.

3) Thou Shalt Honor Thy Lists And Alliances

All players will create TWO army lists (one Forces of Good, one Forces of Evil), each no more than 550 points. Players will receive +1 Tournament Point if the two armies (as built) fought each other in the movies/books (or reasonably could have for GW-invented characters) OR +2 Tournament Points if the two armies (as built) fought each other and at least one of them is a Legendary Legion. Both
 550-point lists must be submitted to the Tournament Director at by September 25th. 

Note on proxy/converted models: proxy models will be automatically accepted if the models are not available from the GW webstore. Other proxy models will be accepted if they 1) have the same equipment (weapons, armor, gear) as the model it's proxying, and 2) is clearly distinct from other models in the list. Please note any models that are being proxied in the email to the Tournament Director. Converted models should have the same gear as the model profile that they're substituting for and should also be distinct from any other models in the army.

4) Thou Shalt Know The Scenarios

Each round, players will be assigned to different tables - each table will play the same scenarios each round. The scenarios will be used in the following order:

  • Domination (Matched Play, p. 11)
  • Assassination (Matched Play, p. 29)
  • Command The Battlefield (Matched Play, p. 24)
  • Clash By Moonlight (Matched Play, p. 16)
Scoring for each game will follow the rules provided in each scenario. If one player scores at least 2 victory points and double his opponent's victory points, he will be awarded 10 Tournament Points (while his opponent is awarded 2 Tournament Points). If a player has more victory points than his opponent (but not double his points or more), he will be awarded 8 Tournament Points (while his opponent will be awarded 4 Tournament Points). Players who tie in victory points are awarded 6 Tournament Points.

5) Thou Shalt Break Ties Properly

In previous tournaments, players have received bonus tournament points for giving out "kudos" to each other (or fulfilling secret objectives). In this tournament, with everything else going on, we will not be doing this. Instead, ties will be broken by determining the sum of the Victory Points scored in each round. If there is still a tie, then the players that tie will be ordered by the earliest to latest submissions of army lists to the tournament director.

6) Thou Shalt Face Random Opponents

This tournament will consist of two randomly assigned rounds followed by two "power-matched" rounds. In the first two rounds, players will be assigned whether they are Good or Evil and will play with each side once. For rounds 3-4, players will be paired by their rankings (#1 vs. #2, #3 vs. #4, etc.) with the highest-ranking player either choosing the table or the side they wish to be (Good or Evil). The match between #1 and#2 will choose their table first, continuing on down the rankings, with the lowest ranked table rolling to determine who picks the side they want to be (since their table is chosen for them).

On the day of the tournament, "BYE" rounds (should they be needed) will be determined at random for all four rounds. The score received will be computed based on the average scores of the four players who received BYES (12 data points).

7) Thou Shalt Not Take All Day

Each match will be 75 minutes (1hr 15min). Time will be displayed visually for all games and will only be stopped in the event of a "red flag" being thrown. A red flag will be thrown when two players cannot agree on a rule (line of sight, special rules for a unit, etc.), in which case all fights will stop and the Tournament Director will mediate what the proper ruling is.

Should the time limit elapse without the victory conditions being met, the current round will be played and then the game will end. Any player found intentionally stalling the game to make time run out will be awarded 0 Victory Points for the round. Between rounds there will be 15 minutes to finish the round, determine the standings, move to the next table, and take necessary breaks.

8) Thou Shalt Fight In Middle-Earth

Players who have built terrain for a thematic board (48" x 48") are encouraged to bring their boards to be used in the tournament. Players intending to bring a board for the tournament should mention it in their army submission email. Players should use their best judgment when building their maps to ensure that armies are able to maneuver the map within the time constraints (e.g. having too many walls, doors that must be battered down, difficult terrain, etc. can make a game more tedious than interesting). If more boards are supplied than are needed for the tournament, priority will be given to those emailed first.

9) Thou Shalt Be Gentlemen

Players must be courteous to their opponents and play these games in the spirit of good fun. Should a player conduct himself in a manner which destroys the fun atmosphere of the tournament, a red flag will be thrown and depending on the severity of the infraction, the player may be issued a warning against future infraction, forfeit the game, or be dismissed from the tournament.

10) Thou Shalt Not Be Late

Players who are bringing terrain to the tournament must arrive by 9:15am to set up the tables and register their armies. All other players must arrive by 9:30am in order to get preliminary check-in requirements, set up their armies at their tables, and fellowship with other players. All armies need to have a sheet of paper that provides their complete army list for Good and Evil (with profiles), along with necessary unit-count information for Good and Evil (total units in the army, how many units are to be lost when the army is broken - and how many units the army must lose before it tests for Courage if the player is bringing certain Isengard armies - and how many units must be lost to be reduced to 25%). The tournament will follow this schedule:
  • 10:00am - 11:15am - ROUND 1
  • 11:30am - 12:45pm - ROUND 2
  • 12:45pm - 2:00pm - LUNCH
  • 2:00pm - 3:15pm - ROUND 3
  • 3:30pm - 4:45pm - ROUND 4
  • 4:45pm - 6:00pm - Tournament Score Summary and Clean-Up
Looking forward to see the armies that participate!


Updated 11/2/2021

Army Lists (550 points)

Centaur: The King's Guard of Arthedain (Arnor, 40 models) and Buhrdur's Horde (Angmar, 16 models)
  • Forces of Good: The King's Guard of Arthedain (Arnor, 40 models)
    • Arvedui, Last King of Arnor [ARMY LEADER]
      • 10 Warriors of Arnor
      • 1 Warrior of Arnor with banner
      • 3 Rangers of Arnor with spears
    • Malbeth the Seer
      • 6 Warriors of Arnor
      • 6 Rangers of Arnor with spears
    • Captain of Arnor
      • 6 Warriors of Arnor
      • 1 Warrior of Arnor with banner
      • 4 Hobbit Archers
  • Forces of Evil: Buhrdur's Horde (Angmar, 16 models)
    • Buhrdur, Troll Chieftain [ARMY LEADER]
      • 7 Angmar Orc Warriors with shields and spears
      • 1 Angmar Orc Warrior with shield, spear, and banner
      • 3 Angmar Warg Riders with shields and throwing spears
      • 4 Cave Trolls with hand-and-a-half hammers

Tiberius: The Moria Expedition (Kingdom of Moria, 28 models) and The Denizens of Moria (Depths of Moria LL, 22 models)
  • Forces of Good: The Moria Expedition (Kingdom of Moria, 28 models)
    • Balin the Dwarf, King of Moria [ARMY LEADER]
      • 1 Khazad Guard
      • 1 Khazad Guard with weapon-swapped two-handed mace (conversion)
      • 2 Dwarf Warriors with shields
      • 4 Dwarf Warriors with Dwarf bows
      • 1 Dwarf Ranger with throwing axes
    • King's Champion (conversion)
      • 2 Heralds (conversion)
      • 4 Iron Guard with weapon-swapped axes
      • 4 Dwarf Rangers with bows
    • Shieldbearer (conversion)
      • 4 Dwarf Warriors with shields
      • 2 Dwarf Rangers with throwing axes
  • Forces of Evil: The Denizens of Moria (The Depths of Moria LL, 22 models)
    • The Balrog [ARMY LEADER]
      • 4 Moria Goblin Warriors with shields
      • 4 Moria Goblin Warriors with spears
    • Moria Goblin Captain (conversion)
      • 3 Moria Goblin Warriors with shields
      • 3 Moria Goblin Warriors with spears
      • 4 Moria Goblin Warriors with Orc bows
      • Moria Goblin Drum (conversion)

Strider: The Last Alliance (Numenor + Rivendell, 7 models) and The Vile Depths of Moria (Moria, 13 models)
  • Forces of Good: The Last Alliance (Numenor + Rivendell Historical Alliance, 7 models)
    • Elendil, High King of Gondor and Arnor on horse with shield [ARMY LEADER]
    • Isildur on horse with shield
    • Glorfindel, Lord of the West on Asfaloth with the Armor of Gondolin
      • 4 High Elf Warriors with shields and spears
  • Forces of Evil: The Vile Depths of Moria (Moria, 13 models)
    • The Balrog [ARMY LEADER]
      • 2 Dwellers in the Dark
      • 5 Moria Goblin Warriors with shields
      • 5 Moria Goblin Warriors with spears

Dronak: Defenders of the Wood (Fangorn + Fellowship, 6 models) and Thunder of the South (Serpent Horde + Far Harad, 22 models)
  • Forces of Good: Defenders of the Wood (Fangorn + Fellowship Convenient Alliance, 6 models)
    • Treebeard with Merry and Pippin [ARMY LEADER]
      • 1 Ent
    • Legolas Greenleaf on horse with armor and Elven cloak
      • Gimli, Son of Gloin with Elven Cloak
  • Forces of Evil: Thunder of the South (Serpent Horde + Far Harad Historical Alliance, 22 models)
    • Suladan on armored horse with bow [ARMY LEADER]
      • 2 Haradrim Raiders with bows and war spears
      • 3 Haradrim Raiders with war spears
      • 2 Serpent Riders
    • Mahud King on war camel with war spear, shield, and blowpipe
      • 13 Mahud Raiders with shields, war spears, and blowpipes

Rythbryt: Unfurl the Standard (Grey Company LL, 7 models) and the Devilry of Mordor (Black Riders LL, 6 models)
  • Forces of Good: Unfurl the Standard (The Grey Company LL, 7 models)
    • Aragorn - Strider with armor, bow, and Anduril [ARMY LEADER]
      • Halbarad with the Banner of Arwen Evenstar
      • Elladan and Elrohir with heavy armor and Elf bows
      • 3 Rangers of the North
  • Forces of Evil: Devilry of Mordor (The Black Riders LL, 6 models)
    • The Witch-King on horse with 3M/11W/3F and Morgul Blade
      • {Khamul} Ringwraith on horse with 2M/7W/2F
      • {Dark Marshal} Ringwraith on horse with 2M/7W/2F
      • {Dwimmerlaik} Ringwraith on horse with 2M/7W/2F
      • {Tainted} Ringwraith on horse with 2M/7W/2F
      • Ringwraith on horse with 2M/7W/2F

Gorgorath: The Fighters of Erebor (Erebor Reclaimed, 6 models) and Azog's Army (Azog's Legion, 18 models)
  • Forces of Good: The Fighters of Erebor (Erebor Reclaimed, 6 models)
    • Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain on War Goat with Orcrist [ARMY LEADER]
    • Dwalin the Dwarf, Champion of Erebor
    • Ori the Dwarf, Champion of Erebor
    • Nori the Dwarf, Champion of Erebor
    • Dori the Dwarf, Champion of Erebor
    • Gloin the Dwarf, Champion of Erebor
  • Forces of Evil: Azog's Army (Azog's Legion, 18 models)
    • Azog on the White Warg with heavy armor and the Stone Flail
      • 1 Gundabad Troll with Crushing Club
      • 3 War Bats
    • Goblin Mercenary Captain
      • 12 Goblin Mercenaries

Red Jacket: Rohan (27 models) and the Assault Upon Helm's Deep LL (25 models)
  • Forces of Good: (Rohan, 27 models)
    • Eomer, Marshal of the Riddermark on armored horse with throwing spears and shield
      • 3 Warriors of Rohan with shields
      • 9 Warriors of Rohan with shields and throwing spears
      • 1 Warrior of Rohan with shield, throwing spears, and banner
      • 2 Rohan Royal Guards on horses with throwing spears
    • Erkenbrand, Captain of Rohan on horse
      • 5 Rohan Royal Guards on horses with throwing spears
      • 5 Westfold Redshields with throwing spears
  • Forces of Evil: (Assault Upon Helm's Deep LL, 25 models)
    • Uruk-Hai Uber Captain with shield
      • 1 Uruk-Hai Berserker
      • 2 Uruk-Hai Warriors with shields
      • 3 Uruk-Hai Warriors with pikes
      • 1 Uruk-Hai Warrior with banner and pike
      • 3 Uruk-Hai Warriors with crossbows
      • 2 Demolition Teams, each with 1 extra flaming brand
    • Uruk-Hai Captain with two-handed axe
      • 2 Uruk-Hai Berserkers
    • Uruk-Hai Shaman with armor
      • 2 Uruk-Hai Warriors with shields
      • 2 Uruk-Hai Warriors with pikes

The Black Prince: Rivendell (9 models) and Barad-Dur (17 models)
  • Forces of Good: (Rivendell, 9 Models)
    • Elrond, Master of Rivendell on horse with heavy armor
    • 2 Rivendell Knights with shields
    • Elladan and Elrohir on horses with heavy armor and Elf bows
    • 2 Rivendell Knights with shields
    • 1 Rivendell Knight with shield and banner
  • Forces of Evil: (Barad-Dur, 17 models?)
    • The Dark Lord Sauron [ARMY LEADER]
      • 5 Orc Warriors with shields
      • 5 Orc Warriors with shields and spears
    • Orc Captain on warg with shield
      • 5 Orc Warriors with shields

M.: Riders of Theoden LL (15 models) and Ugluk's Scouts LL (39 models) [Withdrawn]
  • Forces of Good: (Riders of Theoden LL, 15 models)
    • Theoden, King of Rohan on armored horse with heavy armor and shield [ARMY LEADER]
      • 3 Rohan Royal Guards on horses with throwing spears
      • 1 Rohan Royal Guard on horse with banner
    • Dernhelm with throwing spears
      • 2 Rohan Royal Guards on horses with throwing spears
    • Elfhelm, Captain of Rohan on horse
      • 2 Rohan Royal Guards on horses with throwing spears
    • Deorwine, Chief of the King's Knights on horse
      • 3 Rohan Royal Guards on horses with throwing spears
  • Forces of Evil: (Ugluk's Scouts LL, 39 models)
    • Ugluk [ARMY LEADER]
      • 5 Uruk-Hai Marauders with shields
      • 6 Uruk-Hai Marauders with Uruk-Hai bows
      • 1 Uruk-Hai Marauders with shield and banner
    • Mauhur
      • 5 Uruk-Hai Marauders with shields
      • 6 Uruk-Hai Marauders with Uruk-Hai bows
    • Grishnakh, Orc Captain
      • 6 Orc Warriors with shields and spears
      • 4 Orc Warriors with shields
      • 2 Orc Warriors with spears
    • Uruk-Hai Captain with shield

C: Minas Tirith (38 models) and Isengard (31 models) [Withdrawn]
  • Forces of Good: (Minas Tirith, 38 models)
    • Faramir, Captain of Gondor with heavy armor [ARMY LEADER]
      • 7 Warriors of Minas Tirith with shields
      • 7 Guards of the Fountain Court with shields
      • 1 Knight of Minas Tirith with shield
    • Cirion, Lieutenant of Amon Barad
      • 6 Warriors of Minas Tirith with shields
      • 6 Rangers of Gondor with spears
    • Siege Veteran with Gondor Avenger Bolt Thrower with Rapid Reload
      • 4 crew
    • Siege Veteran with Gondor Avenger Bolt Thrower with Rapid Reload
      • 3 crew
  • Forces of Evil: (Isengard, 31 models)
    • Saruman [ARMY LEADER]
      • 5 Uruk-Hai Warriors with shields
      • 5 Uruk-Hai Warriors with pikes
      • 6 Uruk-Hai Warriors with crossbows
      • 2 Warg Riders with shields
    • Vrasku
      • 3 Uruk-Hai Warriors with shields
      • 4 Uruk-Hai Warriors with pikes
      • 4 Uruk-Hai Warriors with crossbows


  1. Will the viewing public (i.e. us readers) get to see the complete army lists at some point?

    1. Absolutely! I'll post them here after the deadline and we'll probably do a podcast episode on it if you want the audio version. :)
